2012-10-02 zzz
* I2CP: Delay after sending disconnect message to
help it get through
* i2psnark: Fix delete download message
* i2ptunnel: Fix log message
* NTCP: Only set keepalive if firewalled
* OOMListener: Dump threads on OOM
* PRNG, LogWriter: Use I2PThread to catch OOM
* SimpleByteCache: Fix ABQ/LBQ selection
* SSU:
- Fix memory leak in _peersByRemoteHost map caused by not
removing peers that change IP or port
- Send keepalives if firewalled
- Handle peers that change ports on an established session
- Synchronize adds and drops
- Don't use peers with high RTTs in clock skew calculation
- Reduce initial RTT/RTO
2012-09-28 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Fix bugs in rarest-first tracking
- Fix requesting of partial piece when there are multiple seeds
- Synch fix in BitField
* i2ptunnel: Fix wrong server IP in log message
* peers.jsp: Remove SSU "Dev" column
* SessionKeyManager: Store original tagset size for debugging
* Streaming: Don't send RST on globally-blackisted conns
* Addresses: Reject numeric IPs of the form n, n.n, and n.n.n
* Console, i2ptunnel: More validation of address and port in forms
* ConvertToHash:
- Add support for b64hash.i2p
- Cleanup and use cache
* i2psnark: Enable DHT by default
* RFC822Date: Synchronization fix
* Streaming:
- Implement changing connection limits on a running session
- Implement global blacklist
2012-09-25 zzz
* Context: Make files final
* EventLog: Fix IAE on portable
* Jetty: Add non-NIO selector option (ticket #715)
* OutboundEstablishState: Cleanup (ticket #671)
* SimpleByteCache: Concurrent fix
* UPnP: Cleanup & final
2012-09-21 zzz
* BuildHandler: Use CoDel for inbound queue
* ByteCache:
- Prevent release of wrong size
- Move all 16/32 byte users to SimpleByteCache
- Increase SimpleByteCache default size.
* ClientConnectionRunner:
- Run HandleJob and MessageReceivedJob inline for speed
- Remove payload from message map if availability announce fails
- Cleanups
* ClientManager:
- Concurrent client map for faster lookup
- Add by-hash client map for faster lookup by hash
* ClientWriterRunner: Limit queue size
* Clock: Synchronization, log large shifts to event log
* Console: Mark all restarts on graphs using the event log.
* FortunaRandomSource:
- Fix bug that wasted entropy in nextInt()
- Improved synchronization
* GarlicMessage:
- Add notes about GarlicMessageHandler and HandleGarlicMessageJob
being unused in practice
* I2CP:
- Limit router/client queue sizes and queue wait times
- Buffer output streams
* i2psnark:
- Implement blacklist for unreachable DHT peers
- Reduce threshold for unreachable
- Use ByteCache for chunks in/out
* IP Lookup:
- Add caching in RouterAddress with secondary caching
in Addresses; use caches to speed up transport bids,
blocklist checks, geoip lookups, and profile organizer
checks (ticket #707)
- Limit IP cache size in TransportImpl
- Clear caches at shutdown
* JobQueue: Reduce lock contention
* LHMCache: New util, replacing several private versions
* LogWriter:
- Duplicate log message removal
- Increase buffer time
* NTCP: Move NTCPConnection outbound queue to CoDelPriority
* OutNetMessage:
- Centralize priority definitions
- Raise netdb store and reply priority
* Router:
- Boost priority of shutdown thread
- Replace ident log with new, general-purpose event log;
use for stops, starts, and updates, and others.
- New AQM CoDel queue utilities
- Startup/shutdown synchronization fixes
* RouterAddress: Remove unused expiration field to save space
* SimpleTimer (ticket #653):
- Move all remaining uses to SimpleTimer2
- Deprecate
* SSU:
- Move MessageReceiver, UDPSender and UDPReceiver queues to CoDel
- Separate PeerState outbound message list into a queue for unsent messages
and a list for sent messages awaiting ack
- Implement PeerState outbound queue as CoDelPriority
- Implement backlogged indication like in NTCP
- Increase initial and max RTO
- Don't count ack-only packets in bandwidth allocation
* Streaming: Don't send a RST to an hour/day limited peer,
or blacklisted, or non-whitelisted, to not waste outbound bandwidth
* SystemVersion: New util, to consolidate duplicate code,
and determine Java version on Android
* TunnelGateway:
- Refactor TunnelGateway.Pending to its own file PendingGatewayMesasge
- Move OBGW queue to CoDelPriority
- Move IBGW queue to CoDel
- Limit queue sizes
- Add stat for overflow
- Remove some stats
- Change pumper to LinkedHashSet for efficiency
(like NTCP Reader/Writer)
- Limit messages pumped per cycle to increase
round-robin fairness
- Implement pushback from a backlogged transport
queue to the pre-fragmentation queue
- Comment out some unused code
2012-09-15 zzz
* Build: Fix unpack problem on Java 5: http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?t=7334
2012-09-14 zzz
* SSU: Fix shutdown NPE (ticket #709)
2012-09-13 kytv
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2012-09-05
2012-09-10 meeh
* Added fix for startup issues on newer versions of launchd (osx startup scripts)
2012-09-05 meeh
* Added startup scripts for osx
2012-09-04 zzz
* I2PTunnelServer: Clean shutdown after session exception
* OutNetMessage: Speedup after profiling (ticket #707 - thx dg, kytv, zab)
* SSU: Fix some issues with queueing outbound establishments
2012-08-31 zzz
* i2psnark: Remove * from magnet and download names
* Router: Lengthen shutdown spinner life
* Startup: Don't complain about clients.config missing on Android
* ClientManager: Cleanups
* i2psnark:
- Fix NPE on destroy() if init() failed
- Add new flood-resistant KBucket trim policy
- Limit received MsgID size
* NTCP: Reduce lock contention (ticket #697)
* RandomIterator: Workaround for Android bug (ticket #703)
* i2psnark:
- Notify threads awaiting DHT replies at shutdown
- Fix cases where we weren't using the session for b32 lookup
* Reseed: Remove
* Streaming: Limit amount of slow-start exponential growth
* SSU:
- Limit UDPSender queue size
- Increase UDPSender max packet lifetime
- Clear UDPSender queue before sending destroys to all
- Increase PeerState queue size so large streaming windows
don't get dropped right away, especially at slow start
- Various improvements on iterating over pending outbound
messages in PeerState
* Wrapper: Update armv7 to 3.5.15
2012-08-27 kytv
* Update Java Service Wrapper to v3.5.15.
- Windows: Self-compiled with VS2010 in Windows 7. The icon has been
changed from Tanuki's default to Itoopie.
- FreeBSD: Self-compiled in FreeBSD 7.4 to eliminate the dependency on the
compat6x port.
- Linux ARMv5, Linux PPC32: Self-compiled in Debian Squeeze
- Linux x86, Linux x64, MacOSX & Solaris: Binares are from the "community
edition" deltapack offered by Tanuki. The x86 and x64 binaries for Linux
have been stripped.
2012-08-26 zzz
* DataHelper: Trim trailing whitespace when loading properties
* NetDB: Increase floodfills, decrease flood redundancy
* SendMessageOptions: Increase tag fields to 4 bits and use
table lookup for more flexibility
* Streaming: Use packet type and current window size to adjust
number of tags sent and tag threshold, to improve
efficiency and reliability
2012-08-25 kytv
* Dutch and German translation updates from Transifex
* Router console typo fixes (#701)
2012-08-25 zzz
* SDSCache: Reduce min and increase max size
* SimpleByteCache: Change from LBQ to ABQ to reduce object churn
* Other object churn cleanups (ticket #699)
2012-08-24 zzz
* I2CP:
- Add methods for sending a message with extended options
- Fix cases where the efficient sendNoEffort() wasn't being used
* i2psnark:
- Use extended I2CP options for datagrams
- Fix timeout for sent datagrams
- Add link for local torrent file on details page
- Show totals line even if only one torrent
- Reduce token timeout
- Check token age before use
- Limit incoming token size
- Implement per-message overrides for tag threshold,
tags to send, and bundle leaseset
- Fix bug adjusting timeouts
- Warn on client expiration time bugs
2012-08-23 zzz
* Crypto: Rename bouncycastle HMAC libs so they don't conflict
with older Android versions which bundle them
* SSU:
- Don't relay or introduce to/from privileged ports
- Various spoof detections
2012-08-22 zzz
* NetDB: Add hash collision detection
* SimpleTimer2: Synchronization improvements (ticket #653)
* SSU:
- Fail establishment immediately on SessionCreated
validation fail
- Defer outbound DH generation until required
- Validate address/port in RelayIntro messages
- Throttle hole punches
- Workaround for Android ICS bug
- More cleanups
2012-08-21 zzz
* NetDB: Decrease stat publish probability
* SSU:
- Use external, not internal port to sign SessionCreated message.
Together with previous fix to allow external port change, this
should fix session establish fails when NAT changes our port
- Track outbound establishments by both Hash and IP/port,
to improve lookups of establishments in progress
- Fix expiration of outbound establishments
- Validate address/port in RelayResponse messages
- Change RemoteHostID to store Hash instead of byte[] for the peer hash
- Log tweaks
2012-08-20 zzz
* I2CP: MessageStatus cleanup
* i2psnark: Add minimum tracker and DHT announce intervals
* I2PTunnelRunner: Remove unnecessary lock (ticket #690)
* SSU: Allow port change if firewalled
* Streaming: Increase max connection timeout
* UPnP:
- Prep for UPnP returning different external port
- Better logging of errors
2012-08-18 kytv
* Fix hang during uninstallation experienced by some users in Windows
2012-08-17 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Adjust DHT timeouts
- Add max peers per-torrent in tracker
- Remove duplicate clean task for nodes
- Fix another DHT warning message
* SSU:
- Use remote MTU when published (ticket #682)
- Queue outbound msgs during inbound establish
- IntroManager cleanups
- More synchronization
2012-08-17 sponge
* BOB: just some cleanup of old, dead meaningless commentedout code
and a little reformatting.
2012-08-16 zzz
* Utils: Drop unused BufferedRandomSource, PooledRandomSource,
EepGetScheduler, EepPost and HTTPSendData, moved to i2p.scripts
2012-08-15 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Fix bug preventing completion announcement, broken in 0.9.1
- Fix setting short retry time after initial announce failure
- Fix DHT announce and getPeers
- Fix DHT warning message
2012-08-13 zzz
* SSU EstablishmentManager:
- Remove use of outbound timers in EstablishmentManager; drive all events in Establisher thread
- Don't change nonces when retransmitting intro packets
- More synchronization in EstablishmentManager
- Increase establishment timeouts and implement timeouts for individual phases (ticket #669)
- Fix bug where InboundEstablishState.createdPacketSent() wasn't being called,
so SessionCreated packets weren't retransmitted
- Increase retransmission timeout for SessionCreated and implement backoff
- Send destroy if establishment times out in the middle
- Fix code that pulls outbound states off a deferred queue
- Improve UDPPacket.toString() for debugging
- More logging of packets dropped in EstablishmentManager
- Change establish states to enums
2012-08-12 zzz
* Jetty: Don't use direct byte buffers that may be leaking (ticket #679)
* PeerManager: Fix NPE on Android (ticket #687)
* SSU:
- Reject some packet types if they came in via fallback introKey
- Increase retransmission timeout for SessionRequest, SessionConfirm,
and RelayRequest; implement backoff
- Move UDPFlooder to test
- More volatiles, finals, cleanups, stat removals, log tweaks
2012-08-11 zzz
* DataHelper: toString(byte[]) cleanup
* i2psnark:
- Fix DHT nodes not being saved at shutdown
* RouterContext: Make the contexts list concurrent
* SSLEepGet: Don't throw UOE in TrustManager
* SSU MTU (ticket #682):
- Use local MTU detection
- i2np.udp.mtu now sets max MTU, not initial MTU
- Put local MTU in netDb
- Fix receive MTU calculations
- Track remote MTU based on actual received packet size
- Display local MTU on peers page
2012-08-10 kytv
* German and Greek translation updates from Transifex
2012-08-09 zzz
* Datagrams: Remove static logs
* i2psnark:
- Remove static SnarkManager instance
- Allow DHT-only torrents
- DHT debugging
* NTCP: Stat cleanup
* SAM:
- Don't use direct byte buffers that may be leaking (ticket #679)
- Volatiles and finals
* SSU:
- Don't send a packet that exceeds the MTU
- Stub out local MTU detection (ticket #682)
- More cleanups
2012-08-07 str4d
* Console:
- Theme updates from dr|z3d
- Changed universal theming key so it is not mistaken as a theme
name by the routerconsole
* i2psnark:
- Theme updates from dr|z3d
- If universal theming is set and routerconsole theme is classic,
use light theme explicitly
* susidns: new midnight theme from dr|z3d
2012-08-06 zzz
* Clone System properties before iterating to avoid
ConcurrentModificationException (ticket #680)
* Console: Fix flag links on /console to return to same page
* i2psnark: Add support for DHT (disabled by default)
* jbigi: Add ARMv6 for Raspberry Pi
2012-08-05 zzz
* I2PSessionImpl: One more volatile (ticket #659)
* i2ptunnel, I2CP, EepGet: Buffer socket input streams (ticket #666)
* UDP:
- Limit PacketHandler threads to 1 (ticket #660)
- Limit queue sizes between UDPReceiver and PacketHandler,
and between PacketHandler and MessageReceiver, to prevent OOMs
and/or excessive queue delays
- Increase UDPPacket cache size based on max mem
- Remove more stats
2012-08-03 zzz
* build.xml: Add buildI2PTunnelJar target for Android
* i2psnark: Finish migration to I2P logging to reduce object churn (ticket #673)
* LogManager: Add logger.logBufferSize and logger.dropOnOverflow options (ticket #662)
* JobQueue: Synch fix (ticket #670)
* OutNetMessage: Fix NPE when log level = INFO (ticket #676)
* SimpleScheduler, SimpleTimer2: Replace getInstance() calls
* UDP:
- Catch some cases where UDPPackets were not returned to the cache (ticket #675)
- Fix inverted logging logic (ticket #663)
- Remove check in UDPPacket.getLifetime() (ticket #664)
- RemoteHostID cleanup, cache hashcode
- Remove udp.fetchRemoteSlow stat
- Remove some time stamping in UDPPacket
- Other cleanups - see http://zzz.i2p/topics/1198
2012-08-03 str4d
* Console: universal theming support - packaged apps will try and use the routerconsole
theme if universal theming is enabled there and the same theme exists for the app.
2012-07-31 str4d
* core, router:
- Existing JUnit test framework fixed up and running.
- Code coverage tools (Clover and Cobertura) integrated into unit test targets.
- Implemented new test-related targets to provide a ScalaTest test framework.
2012-07-30 zzz
* build.xml: Move more default properties to
* DecayingBloomFilter, DecayingHashSet, xlattice filters:
- Move from core to router
- Comment out tests
* ElGamal/AES/SessionTag:
- Increase TX expire from 10 to 12 min, while keeping RX expire at 15 min.
3 minutes should be plenty of clock skew + delay.
- Move tags-to-send and low-threshold values to be per-SKM
- New session config options crypto.tagsToSend and crypto.lowTagThreshold
- Prep for per-packet override of tags and thresholds
- Cleanups and Javadocs
* GarlicMessageBuilder:
- Put data clove last to speed acks and leaseset store on far end
* I2PTunnel: Add some defaults for the new session config options
- Don't bundle LeaseSet just because we're requesting an ACK
- Changed session config option shouldBundleReplyInfo to default to true
and be used to disable bundling altogether when set to false.
Was previously an undocumented option to force bundling with a certain probability.
- Don't send tags unless we've already generated a reply token (race)
- Cleanups and Javadocs
* RoutingKeyGenerator: Cleanups (ticket #672)
2012-07-28 str4d
* Console: theme fixes
2012-07-26 kytv
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2012-07-04
* Finnish, French, German, Spanish and Swedish translation updates from TX
* BOB Fix static references to Log
2012-07-24 sponge
* BOB reset spin flag to enable restart from zap command
* Summary bar: disable fallback iframe in summary.jsi (so when JS is disabled
the summary bar will not refresh at all)
* Home page:
- Replaced 16x16 icons with 32x32 ones
- Updated icon for git.repo.i2p
2012-07-24 zzz
* LookaheadInputStream: Fix bug causing gunzip fails, esp. on Android
* Router: Don't create file on Android
2012-07-21 zzz
* i2psnark: Remove dark theme
* SSU: Remove exception creation (ticket #665)
2012-07-21 str4d
* Home page: unlinked the iframed pages for i2psnark and susimail (the pages
/webmail and /torrents still exist, but the console links to the apps
directly instead for now)
2012-07-19 str4d
* Home page: replaced itoopie with an eepsite icon (c/o dr|z3d) for eepsites
with no icon of their own.
* i2psnark:
- New light theme (c/o dr|z3d) which integrates with console light theme
- Moved table heading text into tooltips to reduce visual clutter
2012-07-18 str4d
* Home page: Added id3nt.i2p and git.repo.i2p
2012-07-18 zzz
* Home page: Add colombo-bt.i2p, remove keys.i2p
* i2psnark: Clear rate stats when restarting torrent
2012-07-16 str4d
* console: work towards better integration
- Wrapped the bundled apps in iFrames (with a link in the page header to
open the app in a new tab):
- i2ptunnel
- i2psnark
- susimail
- susidns
- Theme improvements
- Added theme support to susimail and susidns
- "susimail.theme=foo" in susimail.config
- "theme=foo" on susidns config page
- Extensive work on dark console theme (dr|z3d)
- Improved integration of i2ptunnel in iframe
- General improvements
- New dark themes for i2psnark, susimail and susidns which integrate well
with dark console theme (dr|z3d)
- Tweaks to other themes (console and i2psnark) to work with the various
structural changes (dr|z3d)
- Added per-theme favicons
- Updated IE shim to fix some issues
- Summary bar improvements
- Updated every console page to use Ajax for the summary bar
- Falls back to iFrame if JS disabled
- Ajax refresh time is adjustable
- The summary bar is now customizable; sections can be added, removed and
reordered as desired
- Added/updated tooltips
- Added a new summary bar section to show news headings when the main news
display is hidden
- Changes to structure of /home to bring it in line with rest of console
* i2psnark
- Reworked the torrent info/file manager page to improve the layout
2012-07-15 zzz
* XORComparator: Reduce object churn (Ticket #658)
2012-07-12 kytv
* Translations from Transifex:
- Add new Greek translation
- Dutch translation update
2012-07-01 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Don't send a keepalive to a peer we are going to disconnect
- Disconnect peer when idle a long time
- PeerCheckerTask cleanup
- Static ref cleanup
- Don't show a downloaded torrent file as "seeding"
- Better torrent file download icon
2012-06-29 zzz
* HTTP Proxy: Change the error code for unknown host from 404 to 500
* SimpleTimer: Fix logging
* Streaming:
- Allow at least 3 packets and up to half the window to be active resends
instead of just 1, to reduce stall time after a packet drop
- Increase fast retransmit threshold back to 3 to reduce retransmissions
- Don't fast retransmit if we recently retransmitted it already
- Allow double the window as long as gaps are less than the window
- Don't set the MSS in a resent packet (saves 2 bytes)
- Remove redundant calls to updateAcks()
- Update activity timer when resending a packet
- Reset unackedPacketsReceived counter at all places where acks are sent
so it isn't wrong
- Fix some places where the activeResends count could become wrong
- Prevent storm of CLOSE packets
- Never resend the whole packet in ackImmediately(), just send an ack
- Cancel flusher timer in MessageOutputStream when closed
- Move some createRateStats to ConnectionManager to reduce repeated calls
- Cleanups, javadocs, logging, volatile, finals
* Update: Increase eepget timeouts
* ElGamalAESEngine: Fix bad size estimate when tags are included,
resulting in trailing zeros after the padding
in the unencrypted data
* i2psnark: Don't create a new PeerCoordinator after restart, as the
TrackerClient holds on to the old one and that causes it
to not get peers. Possibly fixes ticket #563.
* I2PTunnel: Fix NPE on shared client creation, thx kytv
* Transport: Add Ethiopia to hidden mode list
2012-06-21 zzz
* I2CP: Make separate message ID counters per-destination, use atomic,
increase max (could have caused "local loopback" problems)
* IRC Client: Don't flush output unless out of input, so the
streaming messages don't get split up unnecessarily
* OCMOSJ, ElG, Streaming: log tweaks
* TunnelInfo: Change msg counter from long to int
* TunnelPeerSelectors: Minor refactoring to store context
* TunnelPool: Fix bug where a tunnel was marked as reused when it wasn't
* TunnelPoolManager: Use one ClientPeerSelector for all pools
2012-06-20 zzz
* I2PSession:
- Greatly simplify the VerifyUsage timers
- Constructor cleanup
2012-06-19 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Hide buttons while stopping all
* Socks: Pass remote port through
* Streaming:
- Listen only on local port if set
- Listen only for streaming protocol if configured (new option)
- Javadocs re: ports
2012-06-18 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Improve torrent shutdown handling to maximize chance of
announces getting to tracker
- Thread task to open tunnel and improve UI feedback while open is pending
- Clean up delete-torrent messages
- Remove redundant shutdown hook
- Avoid NPE in PEX message handling
- Log tweaks
2012-06-15 zzz
* I2PSocketEepGet: Use specified port
* I2PTunnel:
- Don't strip port from an I2P URL
- More client options cleanups
- Options changes now propagate to running
socket managers and sessions, and through to the router
- Better parsing of jump server URLs
* NetDB: Only publish stats every so often, to improve
anonymity while preserving the ability to monitor
the network (effective next release)
* SocketManager:
- Simplify factory, use 4-arg constructor,
make fields final, deprecate 0-arg constructor
- Improve how options are updated
- Javadocs
2012-06-13 zzz
* I2PSocketEepGet: Set port to 80
* I2PTunnel:
- Pass port through HTTP client proxy
- HTTP server proxy sets host header to
the value of "spoofedhost.xx" option for port xx
- Set client options more efficiently
* i2psnark: Possible fix for piece-after-choke
* Streaming:
- Channel cleanups and comments
- New I2PSocketAddress
2012-06-11 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Display torrent file downloads in torrent area
- Sort magnets and downloads first
- Fix sorting problem when torrent dir is a symlink
- Reduce max file idle time
- Reduce TrackerClient threads
- Reduce delay between peer adds for faster startup
- Thread the announces and reduce timeout when stopping
* NativeBigInteger: Workaround for Raspberry Pi to load the correct lib
* Router: Don't let shutdown tasks hang the shutdown (tickets #564, #566)
2012-06-08 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Move private tracker config from create box to torrent config
- Refactor private and open tracker configuration
- Add private indication on details page
* netdb.jsp: Don't show our info on summary page
2012-06-04 zzz
* i2psnark: Take tracker out of opentracker list when removed
* Translation updates:
- Add Hungarian language from Transifex (thanks AdminLMH!)
- Italian language updates from Transifex (thanks ColumboBT)
2012-06-02 zzz
* i2psnark: Improve opentracker configuration
* Job Queue: Add failsafe check
2012-06-01 zzz
* Console: Tab the netdb and profile pages
* i2psnark: Fix partially-complete torrent not announcing
* NetDB: Reduce flood redundancy from 8x to 6x
2012-05-31 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Add per-hour conn limit
- Blacklist peer after two bad handshakes
- Reduce connect timeout
- Close connection immediately if bad protocol
- Stop adding peers when we hit the limit
- Lower limit for outbound connections so we give
new peers a better chance in large swarms
2012-05-30 zzz
* Graphs: Reduce log EOF error to warn
* i2psnark:
- Increase max upload (ticket #645)
- Increase per-minute conn limit from 6 to 8
- Improve rarest-first behavior
- Handle URI encoding, UTF-8, and multiple trackers in magnet links
* Timestamper:
- Move from core to router, leave stub in core
so it doesn't break compatibility. This removes a
thread in app context and prevents any app context from
running NTP; external clients must use the time
received from the router.
- Increase query interval
* i2prouter: Add support so that 'i2prouter install' will work in ArchLinux
* jbigi/jcpuid scripts: Improve support for ArchLinux
* German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish translation updates from Transifex
2012-05-23 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Fixes when complete except for skipped files
(ticket #447) status in UI, don't connect outbound,
disconnect seeds when done
- More classes pkg private
* jobs.jsp: Add more queue diagnostics
2012-05-22 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Refactor tracker map
- Prevent torrent shutdown when changing file priority to skip
- Fix deadlock when changing file priorities
2012-05-20 zzz
* Console: Add full file path to thread dump message
* i2psnark:
- Create sparse files at torrent creation and delay
"ballooning" until first write (ticket #641, #447)
- Redo clear messages button
- Concurrent message queue
* Profiles: reduce same-country bonus
* RoutingKeyModifier: Several changes to ensure the routing key
is correctly changed just after midnight.
2012-05-19 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Store received chunks in temp files
- Don't allocate from heap for unneeded chunks
- Remove peer count restriction for torrents with large pieces
- Use priorities and rarest calculations to sort partials
- Preserve p parameter in clear messages link
2012-05-13 zzz
* Console: Add X-Frame-Options to headers,
disable with routerconsole.disableXFrame=true
2012-04-26 kytv
* German, Spanish, and Swedish Translation updates
from Transifex
2012-04-20 zzz
* Remove search box
* Fix i2psnark dir when started from Windows no-wrapper
(ticket #627)
2012-04-14 kytv
* Update wrapper to v3.5.14
* Update geoip.txt from Maxmind's April 2012 database
2012-04-12 kytv
* German, Spanish, and Swedish translation updates from Transifex
2012-04-12 zzz
* Console:
- Try again to fix console on Windows w/o IPv6
by starting connectors individually
- Fix whitespace issues on several pages
- Prevent rare early NPE
- Non-default theme cleanups
- Theme and translate home page logo
2012-03-28 zzz
* RouterInfo: Fix fatal NPE in last checkin
2012-03-27 zzz
* FloodfillVerify:
- Fix verifies stuck on one peer by blamimg the verify peer on failure
- Follow DSRM in response to RI verifies
- Increase floodfill verify timeout
* Home page: Delay router down message until two consecutive fails
* RouterInfo: Add method to validate sig during read-in for speed
2012-03-27 sponge
* A hopeful fix to allow SHOUTcast/icecast to work over the http proxy.
* A little more code clean up
2012-03-26 zzz
* Code cleanups:
- Remove unused imports
- Remove unused local variables
- Remove unused private fields
- Remove unnecessary casts
* Console:
- Move oldconsole rendering from Router to OldConsoleHelper
2012-03-24 zzz
* GarlicConfig: Remove more unused methods
* i2psnark:
- Fix dup torrent msg with magnets (tickets #433 and #504)
- Fix state when storage dies during transition out of magnet mode
- Fix NPE in magnet mode
- Error logging improvements
- Support add-torrent with infohash alone
- CSS tweaks
2012-03-22 zzz
* Home page: CSS tweaks
* Reseeder: Get rid of static instance, root in netDB,
don't use system properties for status
* RetransmissionTimer: Instantiate per-destination
* Router: When removing a config setting, remove from context also
* SimpleScheduler, SimpleTimer, SimpleTimer2: Replace static instances
with I2PAppContext-rooted references
2012-03-20 zzz
* i2psnark: Message area tweaks and clear link
* NetDB:
- Don't reread RI if netdb date is recent
- Prevent LS/RI overwrites
- Disallow hash mismatches in RI files
- Reseed won't fetch our own RI
- Reseed won't overwrite recent RIs
* Router: Make runRouter() public
2012-03-19 sponge
* Plugins: Less confusing message, fix CNFE by catch and ignore on delete.
Order and reverse order plugin names for start/stop all cases.
2012-03-17 zzz
* BuildHandler: Implement restart and shutdown to stop the thread
* Jetty: Don't extract wars
* FileUtil: Better logging of weird unpack200 errors
* I2PTunnel: Make CLI-only methods private, and static where possible
* Streaming: Scheduler cleanup
2012-03-16 zzz
* FragmentHandler: Zero-copy read of unfragmented messages
for speed and to reduce object churn
* Home page: Tag tooltip; CSS tweaks; news tweak
* HTTP Proxy: Jump and addresshelper page tweaks
* Jetty: Add I2P mime types to default eepsite config
* OCMOSJ: Refactor cache to its own class, make non-static
* TransportManager: Fix fatal exception on soft restart caused by DHSKB refactoring
* TrustedUpdate: Preserve default key names even when keys are set
in advanced config
2012-03-15 sponge
* Plugins:
- String.isEmpty() [ java 6 ] -> (String.length() == 0) [ java 5 ]
- for a file: URL, use "Attempting to copy plugin from" message
- s/{0}// on non-translated string
- grammar: "File copy failed {0}" -> "Failed to copy file from {0}"
- use the context provided to get startup time
- getCanonicalPath() -> getAbsolutePath()
- install != update. Don't change the user's settings, and don't restart
it on an update if "dont-start-at-install". This gives the same
functionality as before.
2012-03-14 zzz
* Blockfile, i2psnark: Remove static logs
* DHSessionKeyBuilder:
- Move from core to router/transport
- Make non-static, instantiate in TransportManager
- Generate keypair in constructor and make final
to move more processing to the precalc thread
and eliminate races
- Synchronize getSessionKey() to eliminate races
- Comment out unused methods
* Jetty:
- Set default cache-control for webapps and eepsite
- Disable dir listing for console webapps
* UDPTransport:
- Make key builder final in InboundEstablishState to
eliminate rare NPE (ticket #406)
- Remove unused static instance
* YKGenerator: Make non-static, instantiate in ElGamalEngine
2012-03-13 sponge
* Add sponge.i2p :-D bump version.
2012-03-13 sponge
* Plugins:
- Fix a bug in the updater. It was not comparing the correct name.
- Plugin updates can now be deferred if router-restart-required is set.
The update happens at the next router restart.
- Handle 'file://' URLs for installation and updates (ticket #429).
You must specify the entire path, e.g.
- This works for updates too!
- Only tested on Linux, needs to be tested on Windows.
2012-03-12 zzz
* Console:
- Better IPv6 test, hopefully will work on Windows
- Hide home page flags once language is selected
- Home page shrinkage and other CSS tweaks
2012-03-11 sponge
* Slackware package script updates
2012-03-11 zzz
* Build:
- Include old commons logging classes in commons-logging.jar
- Preserve manifests in Jetty/Tomcat jars
* Jetty Logger: Promote warns to errors when a Throwable is the second arg
2012-03-11 sponge
* fix broken comment in jetty.xml
2012-03-10 zzz
* Build: Add new jetty jars to router.jar classpath so it works
on very old installs with individual jars specified in the
wrapper.config classpath
* configloggging: Fix clearing log overrides
* Console: Test if IPv6 addresses will work before instantiating
connectors, so Jetty will still start without them
* HTTP Proxy: Fix generation of jump links (ticket #616),
broken by refactoring in -1
* Jetty Logger: Put a note in wrapper log saying where the logs went
* Update default eepsite base context to use DefaultServlet
instead of ResourceHandler, to provide resume, directory
indexes, caching, etc.
* Simplify default eepsite base and CGI contexts to use a Context
instead of a ContextHolder, ServletHandler, and ServletHolder
* GarlicConfig: Remove unused reply block methods
* SessionKeyManager:
- Don't use unacked tagsets after consecutive ack failures
and revert to full ElGamal if necessary (ticket #574)
- Synchronize creation of new sessions to prevent dups
- Don't remove an unacked session until it's really out of tags
- Failsafe removal of old unacked tagsets
- Cleanups, final, comments, log tweaks, debug.jsp tweaks, synchronization tweaks
2012-03-06 kytv
* German and Spanish translation updates from Transifex
2012-03-06 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix NPE on magnet link addition
* Jetty logger: Fix stack trace logging
* viewstat.jsp: Properly close the ImageOutputStream to fix
NPEs in the finalizer, probably was the root cause of
what we blamed on Jetty
* Webapp class loader: Fix dup classes in classpath
caused by last checkin (symptom: i2psnark in wrong directory)
2012-03-05 zzz
* Build: Make windows and non-windows installers for release
* configclients: Tweaks
* Graphs: Add time interval to legend
* NetDB: Increase min ff to 250
* Plugins: Fix setting webapp classpath on Jetty 6
* UDP: Log tweaks
* viewstat.jsp: Set Connection: Close to work around Jetty bug
2012-03-04 zzz
* Jetty: Upgrade to Jetty 6.1.26, Tomcat 6.0.35, and JSTL 1.2.
- Supports Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1 standards
- Jetty and Tomcat jars are checked in, no more need to
download Jetty in the build process.
- Bundle Jetty 6 rewrite handler and JMX
- Bundle sample Jetty config files for rewrite, JMX, and SSL
- Use ant's ant.jar instead of the one from Jetty
- Port router console, i2psnark, and I2PRequestLog code to Jetty 6
- Remove all old Jetty 5 patches and the custom Server() constructor,
this will break Seedless use of the custom constructor
- Fix up all .jsps to JSP 2.1 standards
- Include automatic migration of clients.config,
and of jetty.xml files for an eepsite at port 7658.
New config includes files in eepsite/contexts and eepsite/etc
Any other Jetty-hosted eepsites,
or an eepsite not at port 7658 or with custom
modifications of the jetty.xml file, will require
manual editing of the new Jetty config files.
This includes modifications for the seedless server in jetty.xml.
- The following plugins are not compatible with Jetty 6
and will be disabled until updates are available:
i2pcontrol, pebble, and zzzot
- Users updating must use the updaterWithJetty build target once,
to get the new Jetty and Tomcat.
- Put I2PRequestLog in its own jetty-i2p.jar
- Jetty logging moved from wrapper to I2P log using the new I2PLogger class,
also in jetty-i2p.jar
* Console: Start all wars after the main console war,