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jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
$Id: history.txt,v 1.312 2005/11/01 19:35:21 jrandom Exp $

2005-11-03  zzz
    * Added a new error page to the eepproxy to differentiate the full 60
      second timeout from the immediate "I don't know this base64" failure.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-01  jrandom
    * Added a few more css elements (thanks identiguy!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-31  jrandom
    * Fix for some syndie reply scenarios (thanks identiguy and CofE!)
    * Removed a potentially infinitely recursive call (oops)
dust's avatar
dust committed

2005-10-30  dust
    * Merge sucker into syndie with a rssimport.jsp page.
    * Add getContentType() to EepGet.
    * Make chunked transfer work (better) with EepGet.
    * Do replaceAll("<","&lt;") for logs.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2005-10-29 released
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-29  jrandom
    * Improved the bandwidth throtting on tunnel participation, especially for
      low bandwidth peers.
    * Improved failure handling in SSU with proactive reestablishment of
      failing idle peers, and rather than shitlisting a peer who failed too
      much, drop the SSU session and allow a new attempt (which, if it fails,
      will cause a shitlisting)
    * Clarify the cause of the shitlist on the profiles page, and include
      bandwidth limiter info at the bottom of the peers page.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-26  jrandom
    * In Syndie, propogate the subject and tags in a reply, and show the parent
      post on the edit page for easy quoting.  (thanks identiguy and CofE!)
    * Streamline some netDb query handling to run outside the jobqueue -
      which means they'll run on the particular SSU thread that handles the
      message.  This should help out heavily loaded netDb peers.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-25  jrandom
    * Defer netDb searches for newly referenced peers until we actually want
    * Ignore netDb references to peers on our shitlist
    * Set the timeout for end to end client messages to the max delay after
      finding the leaseSet, so we don't have as many expired messages floating
    * Add a floor to the streaming lib window size
    * When we need to send a streaming lib ACK, try to retransmit one of the
      unacked packets instead (with updated ACK/NACK fields, of course).  The
      bandwidth cost of an unnecessary retransmission should be minor as
      compared to both an ACK packet (rounded up to 1KB in the tunnels) and
      the probability of a necessary retransmission.
    * Adjust the streaming lib cwin algorithm to allow growth after a full
      cwin messages if the rtt is trending downwards.  If it is not, use the
      existing algorithm.
    * Increased the maximum rto size in the streaming lib.
    * Load balancing bugfix on end to end messages to distribute across
      tunnels more evenly.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-22  jrandom
    * Integrated GNU-Crypto's Fortuna PRNG, seeding it off /dev/urandom and
      ./prngseed.rnd (if they exist), and reseeding it with data out of
      various crypto operations (unused bits in a DH exchange, intermediary
      bits in a DSA signature generation, extra bits in an ElGamal decrypt).
      The Fortuna implementation under gnu.crypto.prng has been modified to
      use BouncyCastle's SHA256 and Cryptix's AES (since those are the ones
      I2P uses), and the resulting gnu.crypto.prng.* are therefor available
      under GPL+Classpath's linking exception (~= LGPL).  I2P's SecureRandom
      wrapper around it is, of course, public domain.
dust's avatar
dust committed

2005-10-20  dust
    * Fix bug in ircclient that prevented it to use its own dest (i.e. was
      always shared. (thx for info Ragnarok)
    * Fix crash in Sucker with some bad html.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-20  jrandom
    * Workaround a bug in GCJ's Calendar implementation
    * Propery throw an exception in the streaming lib if we try to write to a
      closed stream.  This will hopefully help clear some I2Phex bugs (thanks
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-19  jrandom
    * Ported the snark bittorrent client to I2P such that it is compatible
      with i2p-bt and azneti2p.  For usage information, grab an update and run
      "java -jar lib/i2psnark.jar".  It isn't currently multitorrent capable,
      but adding in support would be fairly easy (see PeerAcceptor.java:49)
    * Don't allow leaseSets expiring too far in the future (thanks postman)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-19  jrandom
    * Bugfix for the auto-update code to handle different usage patterns
    * Decreased the addressbook recheck frequency to once every 12 hours
      instead of hourly.
    * Handle dynamically changing the HMAC size (again, unless your nym is
      toad or jrandom, ignore this ;)
    * Cleaned up some synchronization/locking code
dust's avatar
dust committed

2005-10-17  dust
    * Exchange the remaining URL with EepGet in Sucker.
    * Allow /TOPIC irc command.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-17  jrandom
    * Allow an env prop to configure whether we want to use the backwards
      compatible (but not standards compliant) HMAC-MD5, or whether we want
      to use the not-backwards compatible (but standards compliant) one.  No
      one should touch this setting, unless your name is toad or jrandom ;)
    * Added some new dummy facades
    * Be more aggressive on loading up the router.config before building the
      router context
    * Added new hooks for apps to deal with previously undefined I2NP message
      types without having to modify any code.
    * Demo code for using a castrated router for SSU comm (SSUDemo.java)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-14  jrandom
    * More explicit filter for linux/PPC building (thanks anon!)
    * Fixed Syndie's Sucker to not explicitly reference something only found
      in sun's JVM (thanks cervantes!)
    * Don't filter IRC "MAP" messages (not critical, but it doesn't hurt)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2005-10-14 released

2005-10-14  jrandom
    * Added a key explaining peers.jsp a bit (thanks tethra!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-13  dust
    * Bundled dust's Sucker for pulling RSS/Atom content into SML, which can
      then be injected into Syndie with the Syndie CLI.
    * Bundled ROME and JDOM (BSD and Apache licensed, respectively) for
      RSS/Atom parsing.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-13  jrandom
    * SSU retransmission choke bugfix (== != !=)
    * Include initial transmissions in the retransmission choke, so that
      if we are already retransmitting a message, we won't send anything
      to that peer other than that message (or ACKs, if necessary)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-12  jrandom
    * Choke SSU retransmissions to a peer while there is already a
      retransmission in flight to them.  This currently lets other initial
      transmissions through, since packet loss is often sporadic, but maybe
      this should block initial transmissions as well?
    * Display the retransmission bytes stat on peers.jsp (thanks bar!)
    * Filter QUIT messages in the I2PTunnelIRCClient proxy
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-11  jrandom
    * Piggyback the SSU partial ACKs with data packets.  This is backwards
    * Syndie RSS renderer bugfix, plus now include the full entry instead of
      just the blurb before the cut.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-11  jrandom
    * Piggyback the SSU explicit ACKs with data packets (partial ACKs aren't
      yet piggybacked).  This is backwards compatible.
    * SML parser cleanup in Syndie
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-10  dust
    * Implemented a new I2PTunnelIRCClient which locally filters inbound and
      outbound IRC commands for anonymity and security purposes, removing all
      CTCP messages except ACTION, as well as stripping the hostname from the
      USER message (while leaving the nick and 'full name').  The IRC proxy
      doesn't use this by default, but you can enable it by creating a new 
      "IRC proxy" tunnel on the web interface, or by changing the tunnel type
      to "ircclient" in i2ptunnel.config.

2005-10-10  jrandom
    * I2PTunnel http client config cleanup and stats
    * Minor SSU congestion tweaks and stats
    * Reduced netDb exploration period
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-09  jrandom
    * Syndie CLI cleanup for simpler CLI posting.  Usage shown with
      java -jar lib/syndie.jar
    * Beginnings of the Syndie logging cleanup
    * Delete corrupt Syndie posts
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-09  jrandom
    * Now that the streaming lib works reasonably, set the default inactivity 
      event to send a 0 byte keepalive payload, rather than disconnecting the
      stream.  This should cut the irc netsplits and help out with other long
      lived streams.  The default timeout is now less than the old timeout as
      well, so the keepalive will be sent before earlier builds fire their
      fatal timeouts.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-08  jrandom
    * Use the OS clock for stat timing, since it doesn't jump around (though
      still use the NTP'ed clock for display)
    * Added new DH stats
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2005-10-07 released

2005-10-07  jrandom
    * Include the 1 second bandwidth usage on the console rather than the 
      1 minute rate, as the 1 second value doesn't have the 1m/5m quantization
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-07  jrandom
    * Allow the I2PTunnelHTTPServer to send back the first few packets of an
      HTTP response quicker, and initialize the streaming lib's cwin more 
    * Added a small web UI to the new Syndie scheduled updater.  If you log in
      as a user authorized to use the remote archive funtionality, you can
      request remote archives in your address book to be automatically pulled
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