2015-09-20 dg
* /configreseed: Add 'Reset URL list' button for revert to default hosts (ticket #1554, thanks
2015-09-19 zzz
* i2psnark: Add recheck/start/stop buttons to details page (ticket #372)
2015-09-18 zzz
* EepGet:
- Send Accept-Encoding: gzip even when proxied
- Fix man page (ticket #1631)
* i2psnark:
- Don't display "Tracker Error" if torrent is stopped (ticket #1654)
- Improve directory listing efficiency (ticket #1079)
* i2ptunnel:
- Pass Accept-Encoding header through HTTP client and server proxies,
to allow end-to-end compression
- Don't do transparent response compression if response
Content-Encoding indicates it is already compressed
* Streaming: Move remaining timers from the context to streaming's SimpleTimer2
2015-09-17 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Store magnet parameters across restart (ticket #1485)
- Don't delete torrent config file after error on initial startup (tickets #1575, #1658)
2015-09-16 zzz
* Build:
- Include geoip in update files for next release
- Add created-by string to release torrents
* i2psnark:
- Store torrent added and completed times in config files, display on details page
- Add metainfo creation command line support for created-by string
* Profiles: Bias slightly away from floodfills
2015-09-15 zzz
* Console:
- Store news feed items separately on disk in XML, like a real feed reader
- Limit display to 2 news items in summary bar, /home and /console
- New /news page to show all news (ticket #1425)
2015-09-11 kytv
* Updates to geoip.txt and geoipv6.dat.gz based on Maxmind GeoLite Country
database from 2015-09-02.
* Translation updates pulled from Transifex
2015-09-04 zzz
* UPnP: Fix "content not allowed in trailing section"
(tickets #481, #1653)
2015-08-31 zzz
* Data: Cache P256 and Ed255i9 key certificates
* i2psnark: Change default sig type to Ed25519
2015-08-29 zzz
* Router:
- Change default RI sig type to Ed25519, with a 10% chance od
rekeying from DSA at each restart
- Don't initialize KeyManager before selecting sig type
- Don't log KeyManager error when changing sig type
2015-08-25 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Return partial piece to coordinator after reject
- Fix tracking of downloaded portion of piece after reject
- Send reject on receipt of bad request
- Mark piece unrequested after receiving bad data, so it
will be requested again, but not from the same peer
- Fix NPE in Request constructor on error
- Fix stuck before completion due to reject handling (ticket #1633)
2015-08-02 zzz
* Console: Fix SSL excluded ciphers (thx lazyg)
* SU3File: Add keystore password command line option
2015-07-27 zzz
* Update: Fix processing of translated news su3 files
2015-07-26 zzz
* Update translations
2015-07-25 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix total_size in metadata message (ticket #1618)
* NetDB: Fix NPE (ticket #1619)
2015-07-21 str4d
* Core: Throw DFE in Certificate.create() instead of AIOOBE (ticket #1016)
2015-07-21 str4d
* Core: Fix parsing bug in KeyCertificate
2015-07-16 zzz
* Console: Add dates to news headings
2015-07-12 zzz
* Findbugs all over
2015-07-08 zzz
* Tunnels: New Bloom filter size, increase bandwidth limit (ticket #1505)
2015-07-07 zzz
* Crypto: Check for error return from sign()
* i2psnark: Tweak dest display in footer
* Streaming: New config to add to DSA-only list
* Updates: New news URL
2015-07-05 zzz
* SSU: Compete better with NTCP for outbound bandwidth allocations
* Transport: Adjust thread priorities to prevent I/O stalling
2015-06-29 zzz
* Transport: More fixes for SSU stalling
2015-06-28 zzz
* Apache Tomcat 6.0.44
2015-06-25 zzz
* Console: Use registered host/port for eepsite link (ticket #1604)
* Jetty starter: Register host/port when started
* PortMapper: Add hostname support
2015-06-24 zzz
* Transport: Add failsafe to prevent complete SSU stall waiting
for bandwidth limiter
2015-06-23 zzz
* Console: Fix NPE on /configtunnels
* GeoIP: Add countries and flags for Asia/Pacific, Bonaire, St. Barts,
St. Maarten, South Sudan
* I2CP: Don't try to decrypt an LS before it's encrypted (ticket #1608)
* Router: Increase default outbound bandwidth to 60 KBps;
raise class L/M boundary to match so defaulted routers are still L
2015-06-22 dg
* NetDB: Partially revert last NetDB change: flood because we don't want
to create a hole in the DHT before publisher resends to somebody else.

2015-06-20 dg
* I2PSnark: Auto-start now only starts torrents which were running at shutdown (#766)
* NetDB: Don't say we stored, and don't flood, if we're shutting down

* I2CP: Fix simple session lookups, broken in prop
* I2PSocketEepGet: Do hostname lookups in-session for efficiency
* Tunnels: Increase default max tunnels
2015-06-18 zzz
* I2CP:
- Don't send the first LS request to the client until we have
at least one OB tunnel, so the client waits until we are ready.
- Fixes to prevent multiple pending LS requests
- Move client-side implementation classes to
new package net.i2p.client.impl, leaving only the
factories and interfaces in net.i2p.client
* Update: Add language param to news fetch for translated news (ticket #1425)
2015-06-17 zzz
Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.multisess:
* Router, I2CP, Streaming, i2ptunnel:
- Multisession support and multiple destinations in one tunnel pool
- Connections to Hardcoded blacklist of destinations that do not
support ECDSA will use the DSA session
- Change shared clients to ECDSA by default, with a DSA subsession
- Add support for 'aliased' local destinations that use the same tunnel pools
- No UI or config support, no server support, may be added later
- Catch uncaught exceptions in ClientConnectionRunner and stop connection
- When socket is closed, set sessionID and LS to null,
close subsession and set its sessionID and LS to null
- Checks on client side for null session ID
- Check for null session in Destroy Session message
2015-06-13 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix NPE (ticket #1602)
* NetDB:
- Improve routing of DatabaseStoreMessage acks
- Send our own RI unsolicited in reply if we aren't floodfill
- Don't ack or flood a store of an unknown type
- Don't say we stored, and don't flood if we're shutting down
* PeerTestJob: Don't generate zero reply token
* Timestamper: Reduce NTP timeouts to shorten startup time
when NTP is blocked
* Tunnels: More checks of messages received down exploratory tunnels
* Make netDb.storeFloodNew graphable for testing (#1195)
* Directly connect to nearby floodfills to share our RI
to speed up integration of new floodfills (#1195)
* Silence Irc{Inbound,Outbound}Filter warnings about 'no streams'
when we can't connect to an IRC server. Change to WARN.
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