- Aug 24, 2013
- Aug 22, 2013
str4d authored
str4d authored
There are a lot of changes here: - The main_content FrameLayout is now main_fragment (more logical name). - TunnelEntry now stores a Context instead of a TunnelEntryLoader (so it can be instantiated inside the detail Fragment). - The activity_navdrawer layout is now an alias to a one-pane or two-pane layout depending on screen size. - Subclasses of I2PActivityBase can now override canUseTwoPanes() to enable and use the two-pane layout (for devices that support it).
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored
- Aug 21, 2013
- Aug 19, 2013
str4d authored
- Aug 18, 2013
- Aug 17, 2013
- Aug 16, 2013
str4d authored
Broken: cannot find net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnel (but it can when launching the router)
- Aug 14, 2013
- Aug 13, 2013
str4d authored
The navigation drawer has been (mostly) migrated to link to Activities instead of Fragments. Only Activities can be searched via the inbuild Android search function, which uses Intents.
- Aug 10, 2013
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored
This should have enabled the current navigation drawer entry to be highlighted by the call to setItemChecked() in selectItem(), but it still doesn't work.
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored
str4d authored