- Mar 03, 2014
str4d authored
- Aug 24, 2013
str4d authored
Most of the getters in TunnelEntry are almost verbatim from net.i2p.i2ptunnel.web.IndexBean and net.i2p.i2ptunnel.web.EditBean
- Aug 22, 2013
str4d authored
There are a lot of changes here: - The main_content FrameLayout is now main_fragment (more logical name). - TunnelEntry now stores a Context instead of a TunnelEntryLoader (so it can be instantiated inside the detail Fragment). - The activity_navdrawer layout is now an alias to a one-pane or two-pane layout depending on screen size. - Subclasses of I2PActivityBase can now override canUseTwoPanes() to enable and use the two-pane layout (for devices that support it).
- Aug 18, 2013
- Aug 16, 2013
str4d authored
Broken: cannot find net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnel (but it can when launching the router)
- Jun 22, 2011
zzz authored
- Show the toast - First web page can be i2p