<zzz> on the i2ptunnel and addressbook pages on the tablet, the columns are too skinny, they aren't as wide as the tab
<zzz> only a few addressbook entries wrap but on i2ptunnel everything is wrapped and most of the screen is empty
# Short-term
- Disable uPnP when on cell networks
<zzz> spewing UPnP out into cell networks is a waste of time at best and a security risk at worst, but you really want it for wifi
- Fill out help pages
- Rewrite release notes to be release-specific
- Fix release notes UI, either make back button use clear or add buttons
- Move list to correct item when changing tab
- Create nav history when viewing RI from LS
- Include GeoIP db for country info
- Maybe change router-off mechanic for various pages? Enable as they become available?
- Network profiles
- User selects profile in settings
- Change network participation etc. based on profile
- Also look at connection type: Connectivity.isConnectionFast()
- Expose log level overrides
- Improve graphs
- Show time on bottom axis
- Show fixed x range, not only available data
- Think about pan/zoom
- How to persist data across restarts?
- I2PTunnel
- Improve detail page, expose advanced settings
- Add edit page
# Long-term
- Remote router support
- Implement a "router wrapper" that can represent a local or remote router
- Implement/use client APIs to talk to remote router
- I2CP
- I2PControl