2022-03-13 zzz
* SSU2: Fixes, stubs for relay and peer test (phase 2)
2022-03-12 zzz
* SSU2: Fixes
* Tunnels: Reduce build reply timeout
2022-03-11 zzz
* i2psnark standalone: Add DTG
2022-03-10 zzz
* SSU2: Fixes
2022-03-09 zzz
* DTG: Add new ExternalMain class for app context use
2022-03-08 zzz
* I2NP: Fix TunnelGatewayMessage.calculateWrittenLength()
* SSU2: Fixes
2022-03-06 zzz
* Console: Improve class selection on /configlogging
* SSU2: Fixes
2022-03-04 zzz
* Console: Add SSU version column to /peers
* i2psnark: Add js theme preview
* i2psnark standalone: Add more CLI messages, increase memory
* NTCP: Fix port selection when SSU disabled
* Transport: Fix wasUnreachable() for transports with alt style
2022-03-03 zzz
* NetDB: Load reseed RI if newer than in-memory
* NTCP: Start out reachable if SSU disabled
2022-03-02 zzz
* SSU: Finish initial implementation of SSU2
Unit tested only, testnet testing to follow
Data phase retransmissions unimplemented
2022-03-01 zzz
* NetDB: Add new reseeds
* Util: More efficient detection of connectivity
2022-02-25 zzz
* Sybil: Family analysis improvements
2022-02-24 zzz
* SSU: SSU2 classes and keys (WIP)
2022-02-23 zzz
* i2psnark: Load sytem mime types if available
* SSU: More SSU2 prep and support (WIP)
2022-02-22 zzz
* BOB: Remove source
* Crypto: Prep for SSU2
* NetDB: Prevent rare deadlock via FloodfillMonitorJob at startup
* NTCP: Reduce max writer threads
* SSU: PacketHandler cleanup (prep for SSU2)
* SSU: Start of SSU2 support
* Update: Add notification for new version
* Util: Speed up PRNG nextInt() and nextLong()
2022-02-18 zzz
* Update translations
2022-02-17 zzz
* i2psnark standalone: Increase open files ulimit
2022-02-03 zzz
* SSU: Don't bid on connection to buggy routers
* Tunnels: Avoid buggy routers
2022-01-30 zzz
* Reseed, DoH: Fixes for IPv6-only
2022-01-26 zzz
* NTCP: Clock skew handling improvements
2022-01-25 zzz
* Tunnels:
- Enable tunnel testing by default
- Use tunnel builds as a tunnel test
* UDP: Pass priority through the packet builder,
add priority to UDP-Sender queue
2022-01-21 zzz
* Util: Fix leak of SimpleTimer2 shutdown task
2022-01-06 zzz
* Router: Prevent deadlock at startup
2022-01-05 zzz
* Plugins:
- Fix console icon when consoleLinkURL is specified
and different from the plugin name
- Fix webapp classpath setting when the webapp name
is different from the plugin name
2022-01-04 zzz
* i2pcontrol: Send translated tunnel status string
2022-01-02 zzz
* i2pcontrol: Handle more router states mapping to i2pcontrol states
* i2ptunnel: Add hooks to get the session from the contoller
2021-12-28 zzz
* Console: Partial string case-insensitive match for netdb family search
* NetDB:
- StoreJob reliability improvements
- Ensure tunnel diversity in lookup retries
- Fix usage of dbResponseTime stat
- Increase lookup throttle time
- Don't requeue LS republish on failure if there is a newer LS
2021-12-27 zzz
* Banlist: Increase ban time again for routers without netID
* I2CP: Send DestroySession message when destroying session
in client-side AppContext SimpleSession
* i2psnark: Standalone fixes for router startup/shutdown
2021-12-23 zzz
* i2psnark: Various standalone fixes
2021-12-21 zzz
* Transport: Async NTCP writes (MR !43)
2021-12-18 zzz
* Tunnels:
- Restore support for IP restriction in client tunnels (MR !45)
- Add support for IP restriction in exploratory tunnels
- Do not allow failed tunnels to be rebuilt
2021-12-08 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Refactor UDPTunnel, Streamr, and SOCKS UDP for I2CP ports
2021-12-07 zzz
* Debian: Add explicit dependency on libservlet3.1-java (Debian #997213)
2021-12-05 zzz
* DTG: Add notification enable/disable to menu
* Router: Tweak shutdown messages
2021-12-04 zzz
* Build: Fix minimum Java version in installer config
* DTG:
- Show I2P starting message
- Show all CRIT log messages
- Change to dark icon on Windows
* i2psnark:
- Format multiple lines in torrent comment
- Notify completed downloads on DTG
* SusiMail: Notify new messages on DTG
2021-12-03 zzz
* i2psnark: Add torrent edit page
* Tunnels:
- Refactor build completion handling
- Count consecutive build timeouts per-pool
- Immediately fail outbound tunnel when connect
to first hop fails
2021-12-01 zzz
* DTG: Add notification service to display popup messages
* Router: Reduce ban time for localhost addresses
2021-11-30 zzz
* Build: Remove BOB from installer, updater, and clients.config
* Console: NetDB search form improvements
* i2ptunnel: Increase priority for IRC and standard tunnels
2021-11-29 1.6.1 released
2021-11-29 zzz
* Tunnels: Fix NPE in BuildHandler
2021-11-29 1.6.0 (not released)
2021-11-23 zzz
* Tunnels:
- Drop request if hop throttle exceeded by 50%
- Revert banning peer in throttles
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