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Makefile.gcj 4.96 KiB
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  • jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    # Makefile for building native I2P binaries and libraries with GCJ
    # WARNING: Do not use this yet, as it may explode (etc).
    GCJ=gcj #/usr/local/gcc-4.0.2/bin/gcj
    EXTRA_LD_PATH= #/usr/local/gcc-4.0.2/lib
    ANT=ant #/opt/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    # Define what jar files get into libi2p.so.  The current setup is
    # *incredibly* lazy, throwing everything in the .so, rather than
    # give each .jar file its own .so.
    #  i2p.jar: base SDK
    #  mstreaming.jar: streaming API
    #  streaming.jar: full streaming lib implementation
    #  i2ptunnel.jar: I2PTunnel proxy
    #  sam.jar: SAM bridge and API
    #  i2psnark.jar: bittorrent client
    #  router.jar: full I2P router
    #  jbigi.jar: collection of native optimized GMP routines for crypto
    JAR_BASE=i2p.jar mstreaming.jar streaming.jar
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    JAR_CLIENTS=i2ptunnel.jar sam.jar
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
                javax.servlet.jar \
                commons-el.jar \
                commons-logging.jar \
    	    jasper-runtime.jar \
                jasper-compiler.jar \
                org.mortbay.jetty.jar \
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    LIBSAM_JARS=${JAR_BASE} sam.jar
    # update:
    # similar error with gcj 4.3.3.
    # unfortunately, its not quite ready for most end users, as the
    # ${JAR_CONSOLE} fails to compile with: 
    # org/apache/commons/logging/impl/LogKitLogger.java: In class 'org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogKitLogger':
    # .../LogKitLogger.java: In constructor '(java.lang.String)':
    # .../LogKitLogger.java:91: error: cannot find file for class org.apache.log.Hierarchy
    # .../LogKitLogger.java:91: error: cannot find file for class org.apache.log.Hierarchy
    # .../LogKitLogger.java:104: error: cannot find file for class org.apache.log.Hierarchy
    # .../LogKitLogger.java:104: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    #${JAR_XML} \
    SYSTEM_PROPS=-DloggerFilenameOverride=logs/log-router-@.txt \
                 -Dorg.mortbay.http.Version.paranoid=true \
    	     -Dorg.mortbay.util.FileResource.checkAliases=false \
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    all: jars native
    	@echo "* Build complete"
    	@${ANT} ${ANT_TARGET}
    clean: native_clean
    native: native_clean native_shared
    	@echo "* Native code build in ${NATIVE}"
    	@rm -rf ${NATIVE_DIR}
    	@mkdir ${NATIVE_DIR}
    native_shared: libi2p.so
    	@cd build ; ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fjni -L../${NATIVE_DIR} -li2p ${SYSTEM_PROPS} -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/i2p_dsa --main=net.i2p.crypto.DSAEngine 
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    	@echo "* i2p_dsa is a simple test app with the DSA engine and Fortuna PRNG to make sure crypto is working"
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    	@cd build ; ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fjni -L../${NATIVE_DIR} -li2p ${SYSTEM_PROPS} -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/prng --main=gnu.crypto.prng.FortunaStandalone
    	@cd build ; ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fjni -L../${NATIVE_DIR} -li2p ${SYSTEM_PROPS} -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/i2ptunnel --main=net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnel 
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    	@echo "* i2ptunnel is mihi's I2PTunnel CLI"
    	@echo "  run it as ./i2ptunnel -cli to avoid awt complaints"
    	@cd build ; ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fjni -L../${NATIVE_DIR} -li2p ${SYSTEM_PROPS} -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/i2ptunnelctl --main=net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelControllerGroup 
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    	@echo "* i2ptunnelctl is a controller for I2PTunnel, reading i2ptunnel.config"
    	@echo "  and launching the appropriate proxies"
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    	#@cd build ; ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fjni -L../${NATIVE_DIR} -li2p ${SYSTEM_PROPS} -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/i2psnark --main=org.klomp.snark.Snark
    	#@echo "* i2psnark is an anonymous bittorrent client"
    	@cd build ; ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fjni -L../${NATIVE_DIR} -li2p ${SYSTEM_PROPS} -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/i2prouter --main=net.i2p.router.Router 
    jrandom's avatar
    jrandom committed
    	@echo "* i2prouter is the main I2P router"
    	@echo "  it can be used, and while the router console won't load,"
    	@echo "  i2ptunnel will, so it will start all the proxies defined in i2ptunnel.config"
    zzz's avatar
    zzz committed
    	@echo "* Building $@"
    	@(cd build ; time ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fPIC -fjni -shared -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/$@ ${LIBI2P_JARS} ; cd .. )
    	@ls -l ${NATIVE_DIR}/$@
    	@echo "* $@ built"
    sam: jars libi2psam.so
    	@echo "* Building $@"
    	@rm -f ${NATIVE_DIR}/$@
    	@(cd build ; time ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fPIC -fjni -shared -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/$@ ${LIBSAM_JARS} ; cd .. )
    	@ls -l ${NATIVE_DIR}/$@
    	@echo "* $@ built"
    router: jars libi2prouter.so
    	@echo "* Building $@"
    	@rm -f ${NATIVE_DIR}/$@
    	@(cd build ; time ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fPIC -fjni -shared -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/$@ ${LIBROUTER_JARS} ; cd .. )
    	@ls -l ${NATIVE_DIR}/$@
    	@echo "* $@ built"
    console: jars libi2pconsole.so
    # doesn't work, see above
    	@echo "* Building $@"
    	@rm -f ${NATIVE_DIR}/$@
    	@(cd build ; time ${GCJ} ${OPTIMIZE} -fPIC -fjni -shared -o ../${NATIVE_DIR}/$@ ${LIBCONSOLE_JARS} ; cd .. )
    	@ls -l ${NATIVE_DIR}/$@
    	@echo "* $@ built"