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Forked from I2P Developers / i2p.i2p
9454 commits behind the upstream repository.
INSTALL.txt 2.03 KiB
I2P source installation instructions

Prerequisites to build from source:
	Java SDK (preferably Oracle/Sun or OpenJDK) 1.6.0 or higher
          Non-linux operating systems and JVMs: See http://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/java
	Apache Ant 1.7.0 or higher
	The xgettext, msgfmt, and msgmerge tools installed
	from the GNU gettext package http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/

To build and install I2P from source, you must first build
and package up the appropriate installer by running:

  	ant pkg

On non-x86, use one of the following instead:
	ant installer-linux
	ant installer-freebsd
	ant installer-osx

This will produce a few key files:
* install.jar:    the GUI and console installer
* i2pinstall.exe: the GUI and console installer wrapped for cross-platform execution
                  (only created with ant pkg)
* i2pupdate.zip:  the update package
                  (only created with ant pkg)

From there, you can run the headless (console mode) installer:
  java -jar i2pinstall.exe -console
  java -jar i2pinstall.jar -console

Or run the GUI installer:
  java -jar i2pinstall.exe
  java -jar i2pinstall.jar
or on Windows, just double-click on i2pinstall.exe.

Or move the i2pupdate.zip file into an existing installation directory and restart.

To start I2P:
   (*nix): sh i2prouter start
   (win*): I2P.exe or i2prouter.bat
   (non-x86 platforms PPC, ARM, etc): sh runplain.sh

To install I2P as a system service:
   (*nix) sh i2prouter install
   (win*) install_i2p_service_winnt.bat

To uninstall I2P as a system service:
   (*nix) sh i2prouter remove
   (win*) uninstall_i2p-service_winnt.bat

To stop I2P (gracefully):
   lynx http://localhost:7657/summaryframe (click "Shutdown")

To stop I2P immediately:
   sh i2prouter stop

To uninstall I2P:
   rm -rf $I2PInstallDir ~/.i2p

Supported JVMs:
  Windows: Latest available from http://java.com/download (1.5+ supported)
  Linux:   Latest available from http://java.com/download (1.5+ supported)
  FreeBSD: 1.5-compatible (NIO required)
  Other operating systems and JVMs: See http://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/java