Forked from
I2P Developers / i2p.i2p
9328 commits behind the upstream repository.
INSTALL.txt 2.03 KiB
I2P source installation instructions
Prerequisites to build from source:
Java SDK (preferably Oracle/Sun or OpenJDK) 1.6.0 or higher
Non-linux operating systems and JVMs: See
Apache Ant 1.7.0 or higher
The xgettext, msgfmt, and msgmerge tools installed
from the GNU gettext package
To build and install I2P from source, you must first build
and package up the appropriate installer by running:
ant pkg
On non-x86, use one of the following instead:
ant installer-linux
ant installer-freebsd
ant installer-osx
This will produce a few key files:
* install.jar: the GUI and console installer
* i2pinstall.exe: the GUI and console installer wrapped for cross-platform execution
(only created with ant pkg)
* the update package
(only created with ant pkg)
From there, you can run the headless (console mode) installer:
java -jar i2pinstall.exe -console
java -jar i2pinstall.jar -console
Or run the GUI installer:
java -jar i2pinstall.exe
java -jar i2pinstall.jar
or on Windows, just double-click on i2pinstall.exe.
Or move the file into an existing installation directory and restart.
To start I2P:
(*nix): sh i2prouter start
(win*): I2P.exe or i2prouter.bat
(non-x86 platforms PPC, ARM, etc): sh
To install I2P as a system service:
(*nix) sh i2prouter install
(win*) install_i2p_service_winnt.bat
To uninstall I2P as a system service:
(*nix) sh i2prouter remove
(win*) uninstall_i2p-service_winnt.bat
To stop I2P (gracefully):
lynx http://localhost:7657/summaryframe (click "Shutdown")
To stop I2P immediately:
sh i2prouter stop
To uninstall I2P:
rm -rf $I2PInstallDir ~/.i2p
Supported JVMs:
Windows: Latest available from (1.5+ supported)
Linux: Latest available from (1.5+ supported)
FreeBSD: 1.5-compatible (NIO required)
Other operating systems and JVMs: See