diff --git a/doc/index.md b/doc/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e2d5338fdd291a13da990c3d9771680c0193e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+code {color:white;}
+# lainsafecli documentation
+## History
+[delegao](https://kill-9.xyz/rocks/people/delegao) and I were talking about how much I hate the modern web. He runs <https://safe.delegao.moe> which is the same but with JS, so I think it sucked. I started to make lainsafe to replace lolisafe.
+## Lainsafe installation
+Just put index.html and upload.cgi in a http directory. I use fcgi to run my cgi scripts. So it's what i recommend. To install fcgi on debian, run: ```# apt install fcgiwrap```
+here's an example configuration for lainsafe, using nginx.
+server_name lainsafe.foo.tld;
+listen 80;
+listen [::]:80;
+root /var/www/lainsafe;
+location ~ \.cgi$ {
+gzip off;
+include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
+fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
+fastcgi_index index.cgi;
+fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/lainsafe/$fastcgi_script_name;
+## lainsafecli
+lainsafecli is a command line interface for lainsafe. It can be used in whatever that runs perl. Instalation is simple: if you're running debian install the libwww-perl package. If you are not running debian, search for that package in your repositories. Or use ```# cpan -i LWP::UserAgent```
+### Installation
+I haven't made a package for lainsafecli yet. So instalation is basically:
+# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qorg11/lainsafe/master/lainsafecli \
+-O /bin/lainsafecli && chmod +x /bin/lainsafecli
+That will install lainsafecli, run ```lainsafecli``` to make sure it is installed.
+### Configuration
+lainsafecli is a simple software. So it has just 2 configurable
+parameters. lainsafecli do not have a config file. So you have to
+change these parameters in the executable file.
+These parameters are located in the line 34 of lainsafecli.
+```$DEFAULT_SERVER``` the server that will be used if --server is not
+```$DISPLAY_ASCII``` By default is true, change to 0 if you don't want
+the Lain ascii art to appear when you upload a file.
+the most "official" lainsafe instance is <https://lainsafe.delegao.moe>.
+### Usage
+Before 1b8373
+USAGE: lainsafecli [--server] --file=FILE
+After 1b8373
+USAGE: lainsafecli [--server] FILE
+for example:
+```lainsafe --server=https://lainsafe.foo.bar sicp.pdf```
+will upload sicp.pdf to lainsafe.foo.bar
+### Sample output
+In this output, ```$DEFAULT_SERVER``` is lainsafe.delegao.moe. and ```
+$DISPLAY_ASCII``` equals 1 (true)
+lainsafecli sicp.pdf
+          _..-- ----- --.._
+        ,-''                `-.
+       ,                       \
+      /                         \
+     /        ` .                \
+    '         /  ||               ;
+    ;      ^/|   |/        |      |
+    |      /v    /\`-'v√\'-|\     ,
+    |   /v` ,---      ---- .^.|    ;
+    :  |   /´@@`,     ,@@`\  |    ;
+    '  |  '. @@ /     \@@ /  |\  |;
+    | ^|    -----      ---   | \/||
+    ` |`                     | /\ /
+    \    \                   |/ |,
+    ' ;   \                 /|  |
+      `    \      --       / |  |
+      `     `.          .-'  |  /
+       v,-    `;._   _.;     | |
+          `'`\ |-_      -^'^'| |
+                  ------     |/
diff --git a/http/upload.cgi b/http/upload.cgi
index 146d2e7f2624cbed6d580553eabd8a238b89620b..7ac5d94bae152e7891318544248d77a18e368e4f 100755
--- a/http/upload.cgi
+++ b/http/upload.cgi
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ my $filename = $q->param('file');
 my $upload_dir = "files/";
 print $q->header();
 $size    = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH};
 # Configuration
 $MAX_SIZE = 1024*1024*10; # Change for your size
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ if($filename eq "")
     print("What are you looking for?");
 if($size > $MAX_SIZE)
     print("Max size for a file is $MAX_SIZE_MB MBs");
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ if($size > $MAX_SIZE)
 my $extension = $filename;
-$extension =~ s/.*\.//;
+$extension =~ s/.*\.//; # tar.gz sucks with this
 my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z");
 my $string;
diff --git a/lainsafecli b/lainsafecli
index 17c1be565018f0e5fe3136778576545d11a4dd9b..18c0bf57f04056f99f8df58867057cbdb7b3ebc9 100755
--- a/lainsafecli
+++ b/lainsafecli
@@ -115,4 +115,3 @@ $req = $ua->post($url_to_upload,
 print $DEFAULT_SERVER . "/" . $req->{_content} . "\n";