package net.i2p.router.web; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import; import; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.util.EventLog; import static net.i2p.router.web.GraphConstants.*; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; import org.rrd4j.ConsolFun; import org.rrd4j.core.RrdException; import; import org.rrd4j.graph.ElementsNames; import org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraph; import org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef; /** * Generate the RRD graph png images, * including the combined rate graph. * * @since */ class SummaryRenderer { private final Log _log; private final SummaryListener _listener; private final I2PAppContext _context; private static final Color BACK_COLOR = new Color(246, 246, 255); private static final Color SHADEA_COLOR = new Color(246, 246, 255); private static final Color SHADEB_COLOR = new Color(246, 246, 255); private static final Color GRID_COLOR = new Color(100, 100, 100, 75); private static final Color MGRID_COLOR = new Color(255, 91, 91, 110); private static final Color FONT_COLOR = new Color(51, 51, 63); private static final Color FRAME_COLOR = new Color(51, 51, 63); private static final Color AREA_COLOR = new Color(100, 160, 200, 200); private static final Color LINE_COLOR = new Color(0, 30, 110, 255); private static final Color RESTART_BAR_COLOR = new Color(223, 13, 13, 255); // hide the arrow, full transparent private static final Color ARROW_COLOR = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); private static final boolean IS_WIN = SystemVersion.isWindows(); private static final String DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = IS_WIN ? "Lucida Console" : "Monospaced"; private static final String DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT_NAME = "Dialog"; private static final String DEFAULT_LEGEND_FONT_NAME = "Dialog"; private static final String PROP_FONT_MONO = "routerconsole.graphFont.unit"; private static final String PROP_FONT_LEGEND = "routerconsole.graphFont.legend"; private static final String PROP_FONT_TITLE = "routerconsole.graphFont.title"; private static final int SIZE_MONO = 10; private static final int SIZE_LEGEND = 10; private static final int SIZE_TITLE = 13; private static final long[] RATES = new long[] { 60*60*1000 }; // dotted line private static final Stroke GRID_STROKE = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1, new float[] {1, 1}, 0); public SummaryRenderer(I2PAppContext ctx, SummaryListener lsnr) { _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(SummaryRenderer.class); _listener = lsnr; _context = ctx; ctx.statManager().createRateStat("graph.renderTime", "", "Router", RATES); } /** * Render the stats as determined by the specified JRobin xml config, * but note that this doesn't work on stock jvms, as it requires * DOM level 3 load and store support. Perhaps we can bundle that, or * specify who can get it from where, etc. * * @deprecated unused * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always */ @Deprecated public static synchronized void render(I2PAppContext ctx, OutputStream out, String filename) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void render(OutputStream out) throws IOException { render(out, DEFAULT_X, DEFAULT_Y, false, false, false, false, -1, 0, false); } /** * Single graph. * * @param endp number of periods before now */ public void render(OutputStream out, int width, int height, boolean hideLegend, boolean hideGrid, boolean hideTitle, boolean showEvents, int periodCount, int endp, boolean showCredit) throws IOException { render(out, width, height, hideLegend, hideGrid, hideTitle, showEvents, periodCount, endp, showCredit, null, null); } /** * Single or two-data-source graph. * * @param lsnr2 2nd data source to plot on same graph, or null. Not recommended for events. * @param titleOverride If non-null, overrides the title * @since 0.9.6 consolidated from StatSummarizer for bw.combined */ public void render(OutputStream out, int width, int height, boolean hideLegend, boolean hideGrid, boolean hideTitle, boolean showEvents, int periodCount, int endp, boolean showCredit, SummaryListener lsnr2, String titleOverride) throws IOException { long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); // prevent NaNs if we are skewed ahead of system time long end = Math.min(, begin - 75*1000); long period = _listener.getRate().getPeriod(); if (endp > 0) end -= period * endp; if (periodCount <= 0 || periodCount > _listener.getRows()) periodCount = _listener.getRows(); long start = end - (period * periodCount); ImageOutputStream ios = null; try { RrdGraphDef def = new RrdGraphDef(start/1000, end/1000); // Override defaults def.setColor(ElementsNames.back, BACK_COLOR); def.setColor(ElementsNames.shadea, SHADEA_COLOR); def.setColor(ElementsNames.shadeb, SHADEB_COLOR); def.setColor(ElementsNames.grid, GRID_COLOR); def.setColor(ElementsNames.mgrid, MGRID_COLOR); def.setColor(ElementsNames.font, FONT_COLOR); def.setColor(ElementsNames.frame, FRAME_COLOR); def.setColor(ElementsNames.arrow, ARROW_COLOR); // improve text legibility String lang = Messages.getLanguage(_context); int smallSize = SIZE_MONO; int legendSize = SIZE_LEGEND; int largeSize = SIZE_TITLE; if ("ar".equals(lang) || "ja".equals(lang) || ("zh".equals(lang) && !IS_WIN)) { smallSize += 2; legendSize += 2; largeSize += 3; } String ssmall = _context.getProperty(PROP_FONT_MONO, DEFAULT_FONT_NAME); String slegend = _context.getProperty(PROP_FONT_LEGEND, DEFAULT_LEGEND_FONT_NAME); String stitle = _context.getProperty(PROP_FONT_TITLE, DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT_NAME); Font small = new Font(ssmall, Font.PLAIN, smallSize); Font legnd = new Font(slegend, Font.PLAIN, legendSize); Font large = new Font(stitle, Font.PLAIN, largeSize); // DEFAULT is unused since we set all the others def.setFont(RrdGraphDef.FONTTAG_DEFAULT, small); // AXIS is unused, we do not set any axis labels def.setFont(RrdGraphDef.FONTTAG_AXIS, small); // rrd4j sets UNIT = AXIS in RrdGraphConstants, may be bug, maybe not, no use setting them different here def.setFont(RrdGraphDef.FONTTAG_UNIT, small); def.setFont(RrdGraphDef.FONTTAG_LEGEND, legnd); def.setFont(RrdGraphDef.FONTTAG_TITLE, large); boolean localTime = !_context.getBooleanProperty(GraphConstants.PROP_UTC); if (localTime) def.setTimeZone(SystemVersion.getSystemTimeZone(_context)); def.setMinValue(0d); String name = _listener.getRate().getRateStat().getName(); // heuristic to set K=1024 //if ((name.startsWith("bw.") || name.indexOf("Size") >= 0 || name.indexOf("Bps") >= 0 || name.indexOf("memory") >= 0) if ((name.indexOf("Size") >= 0 || name.indexOf("memory") >= 0) && !showEvents) def.setBase(1024); if (titleOverride != null) { def.setTitle(titleOverride); } else if (!hideTitle) { String title; String p; // we want the formatting and translation of formatDuration2(), except not zh, and not the if (IS_WIN && "zh".equals(Messages.getLanguage(_context))) p = DataHelper.formatDuration(period); else p = DataHelper.formatDuration2(period).replace(" ", " "); if (showEvents) title = name + ' ' + _t("events in {0}", p); else title = name + ' ' + _t("averaged for {0}", p); def.setTitle(title); } String path = _listener.getData().getPath(); String dsNames[] = _listener.getData().getDsNames(); String plotName; String descr; if (showEvents) { // include the average event count on the plot plotName = dsNames[1]; descr = _t("Events per period"); } else { // include the average value plotName = dsNames[0]; // The descriptions are not tagged in the createRateStat calls // (there are over 500 of them) // but the descriptions for the default graphs are tagged in // descr = _t(_listener.getRate().getRateStat().getDescription()); } //long started = ((RouterContext)_context).router().getWhenStarted(); //if (started > start && started < end) // def.vrule(started / 1000, RESTART_BAR_COLOR, _t("Restart"), 4.0f); def.datasource(plotName, path, plotName, SummaryListener.CF, _listener.getBackendFactory()); if (descr.length() > 0) { def.area(plotName, AREA_COLOR, descr + "\\l"); } else { def.area(plotName, AREA_COLOR); } if (!hideLegend) { Variable var = new Variable.AVERAGE(); def.datasource("avg", plotName, var); def.gprint("avg", " " + _t("Avg") + ": %.2f%s"); var = new Variable.MAX(); def.datasource("max", plotName, var); def.gprint("max", ' ' + _t("Max") + ": %.2f%S"); var = new Variable.LAST(); def.datasource("last", plotName, var); def.gprint("last", ' ' + _t("Now") + ": %.2f%S\\l"); } String plotName2 = null; if (lsnr2 != null) { String dsNames2[] = lsnr2.getData().getDsNames(); plotName2 = dsNames2[0]; String path2 = lsnr2.getData().getPath(); String descr2 = _t(lsnr2.getRate().getRateStat().getDescription()); def.datasource(plotName2, path2, plotName2, SummaryListener.CF, lsnr2.getBackendFactory()); def.line(plotName2, LINE_COLOR, descr2 + "\\l", 2); if (!hideLegend) { Variable var = new Variable.AVERAGE(); def.datasource("avg2", plotName2, var); def.gprint("avg2", " " + _t("Avg") + ": %.2f%s"); var = new Variable.MAX(); def.datasource("max2", plotName2, var); def.gprint("max2", ' ' + _t("Max") + ": %.2f%S"); var = new Variable.LAST(); def.datasource("last2", plotName2, var); def.gprint("last2", ' ' + _t("Now") + ": %.2f%S\\l"); } } if (!hideLegend) { // '07 Jul 21:09' with month name in the system locale // TODO: Fix Arabic time display Map<Long, String> events = ((RouterContext)_context).router().eventLog().getEvents(EventLog.STARTED, start); if (localTime) { for (Map.Entry<Long, String> event : events.entrySet()) { long started = event.getKey().longValue(); if (started > start && started < end) { String legend; if (Messages.isRTL(lang)) { // RTL languages legend = _t("Restart") + ' ' + DataHelper.formatTime(started) + " - " + event.getValue() + "\\l"; } else { legend = _t("Restart") + ' ' + DataHelper.formatTime(started) + " [" + event.getValue() + "]\\l"; } def.vrule(started / 1000, RESTART_BAR_COLOR, legend, 2.0f); } } def.comment(DataHelper.formatTime(start) + " — " + DataHelper.formatTime(end) + "\\r"); } else { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM HH:mm"); for (Map.Entry<Long, String> event : events.entrySet()) { long started = event.getKey().longValue(); if (started > start && started < end) { String legend; if (Messages.isRTL(lang)) { // RTL languages legend = _t("Restart") + ' ' + sdf.format(new Date(started)) + " - " + event.getValue() + "\\l"; } else { legend = _t("Restart") + ' ' + sdf.format(new Date(started)) + " [" + event.getValue() + "]\\l"; } def.vrule(started / 1000, RESTART_BAR_COLOR, legend, 2.0f); } } def.comment(sdf.format(new Date(start)) + " — " + sdf.format(new Date(end)) + " UTC\\r"); } } if (!showCredit) def.setShowSignature(false); /* // these four lines set up a graph plotting both values and events on the same chart // (but with the same coordinates, so the values may look pretty skewed) def.datasource(dsNames[0], path, dsNames[0], "AVERAGE", "MEMORY"); def.datasource(dsNames[1], path, dsNames[1], "AVERAGE", "MEMORY"); def.area(dsNames[0], AREA_COLOR, _listener.getRate().getRateStat().getDescription()); def.line(dsNames[1], LINE_COLOR, "Events per period"); */ if (hideLegend) def.setNoLegend(true); if (hideGrid) { def.setDrawXGrid(false); def.setDrawYGrid(false); } //System.out.println("rendering: path=" + path + " dsNames[0]=" + dsNames[0] + " dsNames[1]=" + dsNames[1] + " lsnr.getName=" + _listener.getName()); def.setAntiAliasing(false); def.setTextAntiAliasing(true); def.setGridStroke(GRID_STROKE); //System.out.println("Rendering: \n" + def.exportXmlTemplate()); //System.out.println("*****************\nData: \n" + _listener.getData().dump()); def.setWidth(width); def.setHeight(height); def.setImageFormat("PNG"); def.setLazy(true); RrdGraph graph; try { // NPE here if system is missing fonts - see ticket #915 graph = new RrdGraph(def); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { _log.error("Error rendering", npe); StatSummarizer.setDisabled(_context); throw new IOException("Error rendering - disabling graph generation. Missing font? See http://trac.i2p2.i2p/ticket/915"); } int totalWidth = graph.getRrdGraphInfo().getWidth(); int totalHeight = graph.getRrdGraphInfo().getHeight(); BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(totalWidth, totalHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB); Graphics gfx = img.getGraphics(); graph.render(gfx); ios = new MemoryCacheImageOutputStream(out); ImageIO.write(img, "png", ios); _context.statManager().addRateData("graph.renderTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - begin); } catch (RrdException re) { _log.error("Error rendering", re); throw new IOException("Error plotting: " + re.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { // typically org.mortbay.jetty.EofException extends if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Error rendering", ioe); throw ioe; } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { _log.error("Error rendering", oom); throw new IOException("Error plotting: " + oom.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { // this does not close the underlying stream if (ios != null) try {ios.close();} catch (IOException ioe) {} } } /** translate a string */ private String _t(String s) { // the RRD font doesn't have zh chars, at least on my system // Works on 1.5.9 except on windows if (IS_WIN && "zh".equals(Messages.getLanguage(_context))) return s; return Messages.getString(s, _context); } /** * translate a string with a parameter */ private String _t(String s, String o) { // the RRD font doesn't have zh chars, at least on my system // Works on 1.5.9 except on windows if (IS_WIN && "zh".equals(Messages.getLanguage(_context))) return s.replace("{0}", o); return Messages.getString(s, o, _context); } }