{% extends "global/layout.html" %} {% block title %} {{ _('Roadmap') }}{% endblock %} {% block lastupdated %}2022-11{% endblock %} {% block content %} <p> This is the official project roadmap for the desktop and Android Java I2P releases only. Some related tasks for resources such as the website and plugins may be included. </p> <p> For details and discussion on specific items, search on gitlab or zzz.i2p. For contents of past releases, see the release notes. For other project goals, see the meeting notes. </p> <p> We do not maintain separate unstable and stable branches or releases. We have a single, stable release path. Our normal release cycle is 13 weeks, with releases in February, May, August, and November. </p> <p> Older releases are at the bottom of the page. </p> <h2 id="2.5.0">2.5.0 (API 0.9.61)</h2> <p><b>Target release: September 2023</b></p> <ul> <li> "Install Plugin from File" command-line option </li> <li> Generic UDP Tunnels in HSM </li> <li> Website Migration </li> </ul> <h2 id="2.4.0">2.4.0 (API 0.9.60)</h2> <p><b>Target release: September 2023</b></p> <ul> <li> NetDB context management/Segmented NetDB </li> <li> Handle congestion capabilities by deprioritizing overloaded routers </li> <li> Revive Android helper library </li> </ul> <h2 id="2.3.0">2.3.0 (API 0.9.59)</h2> <p><b>Target release: June 2023</b></p> <ul> <li> Tunnel peer selection improvements </li> <li> User-Configurable blocklist expiration </li> <li> Throttle fast bursts of lookup from same source </li> <li> Fix replay detection information leak </li> <li> NetDB fixes for multihomed leaseSets </li> <li> NetDB fixes for leaseSets which were received as a reply before being recieved as a store </li> </ul> <h2 id="2.2.0">2.2.0 (API 0.9.58)</h2> <p><b>Target release: April 2023</b></p> <ul> <li> Tunnel peer selection improvements </li> <li> Streaming replay fix </li> </ul> <h2 id="2.1.0">2.1.0 (API 0.9.57)</h2> <p><b>Released: January 10, 2023</b></p> <ul> <li> SSU2 fixes </li> <li> Tunnel build congestion fixes </li> <li> SSU peer test and symmetric NAT detction fixes </li> <li> Fix broken LS2 encrypted leasesets </li> <li> Option to disable SSU 1 (preliminary) </li> <li> Compressible padding (proposal 161) </li> <li> New console peers status tab </li> <li> Add torsocks support to SOCKS proxy and other SOCKS improvements and fixes </li> </ul> <h2 id="2.0.0">2.0.0 (API 0.9.56)</h2> <p><b>Released: November 21, 2022</b></p> <ul> <li> SSU2 connection migration </li> <li> SSU2 immediate acks </li> <li> Enable SSU2 by default </li> <li> SHA-256 digest proxy authentication in i2ptunnel </li> <li> Update Android build process to use modern AGP, end need of deprecated Maven plugin in Android build </li> <li> Cross-Platform(Desktop) I2P browser auto-configuration support </li> </ul> <h2 id="1.9.0">1.9.0 (API 0.9.55)</h2> <p><b>Released: August 22, 2022</b></p> <ul> <li> SSU2 peer test and relay implementation </li> <li> SSU2 fixes </li> <li> SSU MTU/PMTU improvements </li> <li> Enable SSU2 for a small portion of routers </li> <li> Add deadlock detector </li> <li> More certificate import fixes </li> <li> Fix i2psnark DHT restart after router restart </li> </ul> <h2 id="1.8.0">1.8.0 (API 0.9.54)</h2> <p><b>Released: May 23, 2022</b></p> <ul> <li> Router family fixes and improvements </li> <li> Soft restart fixes </li> <li> SSU fixes and performance improvements </li> <li> I2PSnark standalond fixes and improvements </li> <li> Avoid Sybil penalty for trusted families </li> <li> Reduce tunnel build reply timeout </li> <li> UPnP fixes </li> <li> Remove BOB source </li> <li> Certificate import fixes </li> <li> Tomcat 9.0.62 </li> <li> Refactoring to support SSU2 (proposal 159) </li> <li> Initial implementation of SSU2 base protocol (proposal 159) </li> <li> SAM authorization popup for Android apps </li> <li> Improve support for custom directory installs in i2p.firefox </li> </ul> <h2 id="1.7.0">1.7.0 (API 0.9.53)</h2> <p><b>Released: Feb. 21, 2022</b></p> <ul> <li> Remove BOB </li> <li> New i2psnark torrent editor </li> <li> i2psnark standalone fixes and improvements </li> <li> NetDB reliability improvements </li> <li> Add popup messages in systray </li> <li> NTCP2 performance improvements </li> <li> Remove outbound tunnel when first hop fails </li> <li> Fallback to exploratory for tunnel build reply after repeated client tunnel build failures </li> <li> Restore tunnel same-IP restrictions </li> <li> Refactor i2ptunnel UDP support for I2CP ports </li> <li> Continue work on SSU2, start implementation (proposal 159) </li> <li> Create Debian/Ubuntu Package of I2P Browser Profile </li> <li> Create Plugin of I2P Browser Profile </li> <li> Document I2P for Android applications </li> <li> i2pcontrol improvements </li> <li> Plugin support improvements </li> <li> New local outproxy plugin </li> <li> IRCv3 message tag support </li> </ul> <h2 id="1.6.1">1.6.1 (API 0.9.52)</h2> <p><b>Released: Nov. 29, 2021</b></p> <ul> <li> Accelerate rekeying routers to ECIES </li> <li> SSU performance improvements </li> <li> Improve SSU peer test security </li> <li> Add theme selection to new-install wizard </li> <li> Continue work on SSU2 (proposal 159) </li> <li> Send new tunnel build messages (proposal 157) </li> <li> Include automatic browser configuration tool in IzPack installer </li> <li> Make Fork-and-Exec Plugins Managable </li> <li> Document jpackage install processes </li> <li> Complete, document Go/Java Plugin Generation Tools </li> <li> Reseed Plugin - Run a self-signed HTTPS reseed as a Java router plugin with no configuration. </li> </ul> <h2 id="1.5.0">1.5.0 (API 0.9.51)</h2> <p><b>Released: Aug. 23, 2021</b></p> <ul> <li> Accelerate rekeying routers to ECIES </li> <li> Start work on SSU2 </li> <li> Implement new tunnel build messages (proposal 157) </li> <li> Support dmg and exe automatic updates </li> <li> New native OSX installer </li> <li> X-I2P-Location(alt-svc) locations for built-in I2P Site </li> <li> RRD4J 3.8 </li> <li> Create C, CGo, SWIG bindings for libi2pd </li> </ul> <h4><a href="roadmap-archive">{% trans %}Looking for older releases? Check the roadmap archive by following this link.{% endtrans %}</a></h4> {% endblock %}