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add detailed step-by-step install guide for Windows per recommendation from SimSec

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@@ -29,34 +29,34 @@ instructions below:{%- endtrans %}</p>
<li>{% trans -%}I2P requires Java to run, if you don't have Java installed, you will get an error
that looks like this:{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/nojava.png" alt="Uh oh, no Java yet" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}We appreciate that you have a wide range of choices in Java software, but the Oracle
Java software is the easiest to install and use with I2P on Windows.{%- endtrans %} <a href="https://java.com/en/download/">Please use this version from Oracle</a>.
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/oraclejava.png" alt="You need Oracle Java for Windows" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Download it from{%- endtrans %} <a href="https://java.com/en/download/">here</a>:
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/getjava.png" alt="So download it" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Double-click the Java Installer you just downloaded. Don't set a custom path, just
use the default one.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/startjava.png" alt="Start installing Java" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Java will show you some information about what it is and where it runs while you
wait for it to finish installing.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/installjava.png" alt="Step one" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}When you see this, Java is almost installed.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/installjava2.png" alt="Step two" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Java is now installed!{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/installedjava.png" alt="You're done!" title="" /></li>
@@ -65,34 +65,34 @@ wait for it to finish installing.{%- endtrans %}
<li>{% trans -%}Download I2P from{%- endtrans %} <a href="https://geti2p.net">{% trans -%}https://geti2p.net{%- endtrans %}</a>.
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/geti2p.png" alt="Download I2P" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}'I2P is available in many languages. Pick one that is familiar to you.'{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/i2plang.png" alt="Select your Language" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}On the first screen, we introduce our software.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/i2pnext.png" alt="Introduction" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}I2P is mostly public domain software, with permissive licenses and a small amount of GPL2'ed
Free Software.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/i2plicense.png" alt="Accept the License Agreement(or mostly lack thereof)" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}You should probably leave I2P installed at the default path, as it is easiest to work with this
way.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/i2ppath.png" alt="Select the path to install to" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Don't bother running it as a Windows service for now, an easy-to-use shortcut will be added to
the start menu for you to control I2P with.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/installbase.png" alt="Select Components" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}I2P will copy it's files into the install location.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/installrun.png" alt="Wait a moment" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}I2P is now installed! You can start it using the "Start I2P" entries in your Start Menu and on your Desktop.{%- endtrans %} <img src="/_static/images/download/windows/installed.png" alt="Finish it up" title="" /></li>
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ and configure Firefox for I2P.{%- endtrans %} </p>
<li>{% trans -%}Get Firefox from{%- endtrans %} <a href="https://mozilla.org">htps://mozilla.org</a>.
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/firefox.png" alt="Get Firefox" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Run the installer.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/firefox-installer.png" alt="Run the installer" title="" /></li>
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ and configure Firefox for I2P.{%- endtrans %} </p>
<li>{% trans -%}Download the Firefox Profile Bundle from the I2P Web Site.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/profile.png" alt="Grab the Firefox Profile" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Select the language you want to use for the install process.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/profilelang.png" alt="Select your language" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}The Profile Bundle incorporates lots of external software, so it has a detailed license
document. All of the external software is Free and Open Source, with the license included.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/profilelicense.png" alt="Accpt the License Agreement" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}You now have a browser ready for I2P!{%- endtrans %} <img src="/_static/images/download/windows/profiledone.png" alt="Now your browser is configured" title="" /></li>
@@ -144,23 +144,23 @@ document. All of the external software is Free and Open Source, with the license
<li>{% trans -%}When you visit the I2P router console for the first time, it will automatically direct you to the bandwidth
configuration wizard.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/bwintro.png" alt="Start the bandwidth wizard" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}During the bandwidth test, we'll need to connect to the external M-Lab Service, which makes{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/bwdisclaimer.png" alt="Let the participant know what the bandwidth test entails" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}The bandwidth test takes about a minute to run completely.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/bwtest.png" alt="Run the bandwidth test" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Here we have an overview of the applications.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/bwbrowser.png" alt="Suggest browser and application configuration" title="" /></li>
<li>{% trans -%}Now you have your bandwidth configured to efficiently contribute to I2P.{%- endtrans %}
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<li><img src="/_static/images/download/windows/bwdone.png" alt="Welcome to the Invisible Internet" title="" /></li>