Adding overview information on "this all"
I'm crunching through content and some of the code and realising more what this is/isn't I think. I'd like to suggest some kind of an high-level overview (maybe at the beginning of the even?) to make "getting a grasp" and "getting started" easier for people. I assume my understanding has holes (in the best case), but I guess suggesting something from my current (and insufficiently backed up) viewpoint might be best to proceed still (?). Hence, maybe something (corrected/shortened/extended by you @idk ) like the following maybe?
This web-server for running the i2p-website is a collection of scripts and content-files to:
- manage updates (based on git)
- manage translations (generating translation files before the web-server is run)
- manage tags (generating tag files before the web-server is run)
- run a web-server creating/delivering pages on-demand
This is not a static web-site generator. Running a mirror will require you to setup your system for the python and shell-scripts and run the web-server as described. Due to heavy use of tags even content changes quickly will require a build environment to check your changes (towards breaking the build process). Translations can be done using solely a web-site and then do not require any of this (others will integrate all changes from the web-site using these scripts).
The authors are ... and the copyright/license is ... (I didn't see anything like this? Isn't this a software project with all that the scripts are actually doing - and with what the project isn't doing without them running?)
If you don't want to deal with the requirements/software, you can use a docker config/image as provided. Otherwise you will need to satisfy the following requirements:
- git like
apt install git
- python2?
- pip?
- virtualenv?
- transifex?
- ctags? (
will be installed via pip by scripts?)
Note that the scripts will install additional software packages (see /etc/reqs.txt) from outside your distribution (into a virtual environment?) using pip and then do some custom patching (meaning pinned versions?).