diff --git a/i2p2www/pages/site/about/media.html b/i2p2www/pages/site/about/media.html
index 72682713595ae88aaacad809a98d99f210caf67c..468aeff114be064b5c29713d143c2b1bfd95b22c 100644
--- a/i2p2www/pages/site/about/media.html
+++ b/i2p2www/pages/site/about/media.html
@@ -119,6 +119,14 @@ Replacing Weary Crypto: Upgrading the I2P network with stronger primitives
 str4d, Real World Crypto, Stanford, January 8, 2016
 {%- endtrans %}</li>
+<li>{% trans link='http://' + i2pconv('str4d.i2p')  + '/talks/2016-uww-i2p-slides.pdf',
+link2='http://' + i2pconv('str4d.i2p') + '/talks/2016-uww-i2p-slides.odp' -%}
+Onions and Garlic: the protocols of I2P
+<a href="{{ link }}">(pdf)</a>
+<a href="{{ link2 }}">(odp)</a>
+str4d, COMPSCI 460: Computer Networking, University of Wisconsin Whitewater, February 17, 2016
+{%- endtrans %}</li>
 <h2>{{ _('Tutorials') }}</h2>