diff --git a/i2p2www/pages/site/docs/index.html b/i2p2www/pages/site/docs/index.html
index 5887026db515bc767eef9abc97e37583af26fecc..a8cf1f76d0345f6d9c91716e2c82fabe794ad942 100644
--- a/i2p2www/pages/site/docs/index.html
+++ b/i2p2www/pages/site/docs/index.html
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ the lower layers are inside the router itself.
 The interface between applications and the router is the I2CP (I2P Control Protocol) API.
 {%- endtrans %}</p>
-<p>{% trans trac=i2pconv('trac.i2p2.i2p') -%}
+<p>{% trans trac='https://trac.i2p2.de/report/1' -%}
 The I2P Project is committed to maintaining accurate, current documentation.
 If you find any inaccuracies in the documents linked below, please
-<a href="https://trac.i2p2.de/report/1">enter a ticket identifying the problem</a>.
+<a href="{{ trac }}">enter a ticket identifying the problem</a>.
 {%- endtrans %}</p>
 <h2>{% trans %}Index to Technical Documentation{% endtrans %}</h2>
diff --git a/i2p2www/pages/site/faq.html b/i2p2www/pages/site/faq.html
index 2fc551b1ceecec735d1e3ae351332fdd5d0fdb51..33ece517267e45d7a48e1212f8e8746866e5e896 100644
--- a/i2p2www/pages/site/faq.html
+++ b/i2p2www/pages/site/faq.html
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 <h3 id="systems">{% trans %}What systems will I2P run on?{% endtrans %}
 <span class="permalink">(<a href="#systems">{{ _('link') }}</a>)</span></h3>
-<p>{% trans trac=i2pconv('trac.i2p2.i2p') -%}
-While I2P has been reported to run PCs as meagre as a low-end Pentium II with 64 MB of RAM, you'll have a much better experience on a Pentium III (or better) with 128MB of RAM (or more). A <a href="https://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/java">chart comparing the performance</a> of the various JREs can be found at <a href="https://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/java">https://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/java</a>, but in short: it's at all possible, use Sun/Oracle Java or OpenJDK.
+<p>{% trans chart='https://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/java' -%}
+While I2P has been reported to run PCs as meagre as a low-end Pentium II with 64 MB of RAM, you'll have a much better experience on a Pentium III (or better) with 128MB of RAM (or more). A <a href="{{ chart }}">chart comparing the performance</a> of the various JREs can be found at <a href="{{ chart }}">{{ chart }}</a>, but in short: it's at all possible, use Sun/Oracle Java or OpenJDK.
 {%- endtrans %}</p>
 <p>{% trans -%}
diff --git a/i2p2www/pages/site/get-involved/index.html b/i2p2www/pages/site/get-involved/index.html
index bba78ef14883862fbd3b251decf4651645d0d0db..3d9636d60ca5a14cdc98f6739e6f5cf63a73a6c7 100644
--- a/i2p2www/pages/site/get-involved/index.html
+++ b/i2p2www/pages/site/get-involved/index.html
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ Fix up the Wikipedia article about I2P in your language.
 Tell your friends.
 {%- endtrans %}
 </li><li><b>{{ _('Testing') }}</b> &mdash;
-{% trans monotone=site_url('get-involved/guides/monotone'), trac=i2pconv('trac.i2p2.i2p') -%}
+{% trans monotone=site_url('get-involved/guides/monotone'),
+trac='https://trac.i2p2.de/report/1' -%}
 Run the latest builds from <a href="{{ monotone }}">monotone</a>
-and report results on #i2p or as bugs on <a href="https://trac.i2p2.de/report/1">Trac</a>.
+and report results on #i2p or as bugs on <a href="{{ trac }}">Trac</a>.
 {%- endtrans %}
 </li><li><b>{{ _('Documentation') }}</b> &mdash;
 {% trans -%}
@@ -51,9 +52,11 @@ Write or port applications for I2P! There's some guidelines and
 a list of ideas on the <a href="{{ apps }}">applications page</a>.
 {%- endtrans %}
 </li><li><b>{{ _('Coding') }}</b> &mdash;
-{% trans trac=i2pconv('trac.i2p2.i2p'), zzz=i2pconv('zzz.i2p'), newdevs=site_url('get-involved/guides/new-developers') -%}
+{% trans trac='https://trac.i2p2.de/report/1',
+newdevs=site_url('get-involved/guides/new-developers') -%}
 There's plenty to do if you know Java or are ready to learn.
-Check for open tickets on <a href="https://trac.i2p2.de/report/1">Trac</a>
+Check for open tickets on <a href="{{ trac }}">Trac</a>
 or the TODO list on <a href="http://{{ zzz }}">{{ zzz }}</a> for
 some ideas on where to start.
 See the <a href="{{ newdevs }}">new developer's guide</a> for details.