# Just to try and prevent some noob disasters. # Use git add -f foo.jar to ignore this ignore list # generated release files *.exe *.[gx]z *.bz2 *.[rwjt]ar *.sig *.su[d23] *.deb *.zip *.torrent *~ web-fragment.xml web-out.xml *.out # Temporary/build dirs build/ pkg-temp/ classes/ dist/ /installer/resources/locale/mo /tmp /apps/jetty/jettylib *_jsp.java *.class # Debian-related /debian/copyright /debian/changelog .pc/ # Build property overrides /override.properties # Reporting *.fba sloccount.sc /reports/ # Don't allow patches *.(diff|patch) # but allow debian/patches !/debian/patches/*.(patch|diff) # IDE project files # Eclipse .classpath .project .settings/ # IDEA *.iml .idea # Gradle .gradle # TODO: why does this file appear? apps/routerconsole/jsp/favicon.ico