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+ <title>Introducing I2P - a scalable framework for anonymous communication</title>
+p { font-size: 10; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif }
+h1 { font-size: 12; font-family: sans-serif }
+h2 { font-size: 10; font-family: sans-serif }
+h3 { font-size: 10; font-family: sans-serif }
+blockquote { font-size: 10; font-family: monospace, sans-serif }
+pre { font-size: 10; font-family: sans-serif }
+.title { font-size: 14; font-family: sans-serif }
+.subtitle { font-size: 12; font-family: sans-serif }
+<b class="title">Introducing I2P</b><br />
+<span class="subtitle">a scalable framework for anonymous communication</span><br />
+<i style="font-size: 8">$Id: index.html,v 1.22 2005/10/03 00:31:27 jrandom Exp $</i>
+<br />
+<br />
+<table border="0" width="50%">
+<tr><td valign="top" align="left">
+* <a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
+* <a href="#op">Operation</a>
+  * <a href="#op.overview">Overview</a>
+  * <a href="#op.tunnels">Tunnels</a>
+  * <a href="#op.netdb">Network Database</a>
+  * <a href="#op.transport">Transport protocols</a>
+  * <a href="#op.crypto">Cryptography</a>
+<td valign="top" align="left">
+* <a href="#future">Future</a>
+  * <a href="#future.restricted">Restricted routes</a>
+  * <a href="#future.variablelatency">Variable latency</a>
+  * <a href="#future.open">Open questions</a>
+<td valign="top" align="left">
+* <a href="#similar">Similar systems</a>
+  * <a href="#similar.tor">Tor</a>
+  * <a href="#similar.freenet">Freenet</a>
+* <a href="#app">Appendix A: Application layer</a>
+<hr />
+<h1 id="intro">Introduction</h1>
+I2P is a scalable, self organizing, resilient message based anonymous network layer, 
+upon which any number of different anonymity or security conscious applications
+can operate.  Each of these applications may make their own anonymity, latency, and
+throughput tradeoffs without worrying about the proper implementation of a free
+route mixnet, allowing them to blend their activity with the larger anonymity set of
+users already running on top of I2P.  Applications available already provide the full
+range of typical Internet activities - anonymous web browsing, anonymous web hosting,
+anonymous blogging (with <a href="#app.syndie">Syndie</a>), anonymous chat (via IRC or 
+jabber), anonymous swarming file transfers (with <a href="#app.i2pbt">i2p-bt</a> and 
+<a href="#app.azneti2p">Azureus</a>), anonymous file sharing (with
+<a href="#app.i2phex">I2Phex</a>), anonymous email (with <a href="#app.i2pmail">I2Pmail</a>
+and <a href="#app.i2pmail">susimail</a>), anonymous newsgroups, as well as several
+other applications under development.  Unlike web sites hosted within content
+distribution networks like <a href="#similar.freenet">Freenet</a> or
+<a href="http://www.ovmj.org/GNUnet/">GNUnet</a>, the services hosted on I2P are fully
+interactive - there are traditional web-style search engines, bulletin boards, blogs
+you can comment on, database driven sites, and bridges to query static systems like
+Freenet without needing to install it locally.
+With all of these anonymity enabled applications, I2P takes on the role of the message
+oriented middleware - applications say that they want to send some data to a cryptographic
+identifier (a "destination") and I2P takes care of making sure it gets there securely
+and anonymously.  I2P also bundles a simple <a href="#app.streaming">streaming</a> library
+to allow I2P's anonymous best-effort messages to transfer as reliable, in-order streams,
+transparently offering a TCP based congestion control algorithm tuned for the high
+bandwidth delay product of the network.  While there have been several simple SOCKS
+proxies available to tie existing applications into the network, their value has been
+limited as nearly every application routinely exposes what in an anonymity context is
+sensitive information.  The only safe way to go is to fully audit an application to
+ensure proper operation, and to assist in that we provide a series of APIs in various
+languages which can be used to make the most out of the network.
+<!-- commented out because "The details [...] are " *NOT* " given later" -->
+The scope of I2P's anonymity protections varies upon the applications running on
+top of them, as well as the choices that each user makes.  The aim is to provide
+the options necessary so that a sufficient level of anonymity can be achieved while
+exposing the functionality that people facing up to state level adversaries require.
+At the same time, those facing less powerful adversaries are able to improve their 
+throughput and latency while reducing the resources required to provide the necessary
+level of cover.  The details of the techniques available for facing adversaries who
+are internal or external, passive or active, local, national, or global, are given
+I2P is not a research project - academic, commercial, or governmental, but is instead
+an engineering effort aimed at doing whatever is necessary to provide a sufficient
+level of anonymity to those who need it.  It has been in active development since
+early 2003 with one full time developer and a dedicated group of part time contributors
+from all over the world.  All of the work done on I2P is open source and 
+freely available on the <a href="http://www.i2p.net/">website</a>, with the majority
+of the code released outright into the public domain but making use of a few 
+cryptographic routines under BSD-style licenses.  The people working on I2P do not
+control what people release client applications under, and there are several GPL'ed
+applications available (<a href="#app.i2ptunnel">I2PTunnel</a>, 
+<a href="#app.i2pmail">susimail</a>, <a href="#app.azneti2p">Azureus</a>, 
+<a href="#app.i2phex">I2Phex</a>).  <a href="http://www.i2p.net/halloffame">Funding</a>
+for I2P comes entirely from donations, and does not receive any tax breaks in any
+jurisdiction, as many of the developers are themselves anonymous.
+<h1 id="op">Operation</h1>
+<h2 id="op.overview">Overview</h2>
+To understand I2P's operation, it is essential to understand a few key concepts.
+First, I2P makes a strict separation between the software participating
+in the network (a "router") and the anonymous endpoints ("destinations") associated
+with individual applications.  The fact that someone is running I2P is not usually
+a secret.  What is hidden is information on what the user is doing, if anything at
+all, as well as what router a particular destination is connected to.  End users 
+will typically have several local destinations on their router - for instance, one 
+proxying in to irc servers, another supporting the user's anonymous webserver ("eepsite"),
+another for an I2Phex instance, another for torrents, etc.
+Another critical concept to understand is the "tunnel" - a directed path through
+an explicitly selected set of routers, making use of layered encryption so that
+the messages sent in the tunnel's "gateway" appear entirely random at each hop 
+along the path until it reaches the tunnel's "endpoint".  These unidirectional
+tunnels can be seen as either "inbound" tunnels or "outbound" tunnels, referring
+to whether they are bringing messages to the tunnel's creator or away from them,
+respectively.  The gateway of an inbound tunnel can receive messages from any
+peer and will forward them down through the tunnel until it reaches the (anonymous)
+endpoint (the creator).  On the other hand, the gateway of an outbound tunnel is
+the tunnel's creator, and messages sent through that tunnel are encoded so that
+when they reach the outbound tunnel's endpoint, that router has the instructions
+necessary to forward the message on to the appropriate location.
+A third critical concept to understand is I2P's "network database" (or "netDb")
+- a pair of algorithms used to share network metadata.  The two types of metadata
+carried are "routerInfo" and "leaseSets" - the routerInfo gives routers the data
+necessary for contacting a particular router (their public keys, transport
+addresses, etc), while the leaseSet gives routers the information necessary for
+contacting a particular destination.  Within each leaseSet, there are any number
+of "leases", each of which specifies the gateway for one of that destination's
+inbound tunnels as well as when that tunnel will expire.  The leaseSet also
+contains a pair of public keys which can be used for layered garlic encryption.
+I2P's operation can be understood by putting those three concepts together:
+<p><img src="net.png"></p>
+When Alice wants to send a message to Bob, she first does a lookup in the 
+netDb to find Bob's leaseSet, giving her his current inbound tunnel gateways 
+(3 and 4).  She then picks one of her outbound tunnels and sends the message
+down it with instructions for the outbound tunnel's endpoint to forward the 
+message on to one of Bob's inbound tunnel gateways.  When the outbound 
+tunnel endpoint receives those instructions, it forwards the message as 
+requested, and when Bob's inbound tunnel gateway receives it, it is 
+forwarded down the tunnel to Bob's router.  If Alice wants Bob to be able 
+to reply to the message, she needs to transmit her own destination explicitly 
+as part of the message itself (taken care of transparently in the 
+<a href="#app.streaming">streaming</a> library).  Alice may also cut down on 
+the response time by bundling her most recent leaseSet with the message so 
+that Bob doesn't need to do a netDb lookup for it when he wants to reply, but this 
+is optional.
+While the tunnels themselves have layered encryption to prevent unauthorized
+disclosure to peers inside the network (as the transport layer itself does to
+prevent unauthorized disclosure to peers outside the network), it is necessary
+to add an additional end to end layer of encryption to hide the message from the 
+outbound tunnel endpoint and the inbound tunnel gateway.  This
+"<a href="#op.garlic">garlic encryption</a>" lets Alice's router wrap up multiple
+messages into a single "garlic message", encrypted to a particular public key
+so that intermediary peers cannot determine either how many messages are within
+the garlic, what those messages say, or where those individual cloves are
+destined.  For typical end to end communication between Alice and Bob, the
+garlic will be encrypted to the public key published in Bob's leaseSet,
+allowing the message to be encrypted without giving out the public key to Bob's
+own router.
+Another important fact to keep in mind is that I2P is entirely message based
+and that some messages may be lost along the way.  Applications using I2P
+can use the message oriented interfaces and take care of their own congestion
+control and reliability needs, but most would be best served by reusing the
+provided <a href="#app.streaming">streaming</a> library to view I2P as a streams
+based network.
+<h2 id="op.tunnels">Tunnels</h2>
+Both inbound and outbound tunnels work along similar principles - the tunnel
+gateway accumulates a number of tunnel messages, eventually preprocessing them
+into something for tunnel delivery.  Next, the gateway encrypts that preprocessed
+data and forwards it to the first hop.  That peer and subsequent tunnel
+participants add on a layer of encryption after verifying that it isn't a
+duplicate before forward it on to the next peer. Eventually, the 
+message arrives at the endpoint where the messages are split out again and
+forwarded on as requested.  The difference arises in what
+the tunnel's creator does - for inbound tunnels, the creator is the endpoint
+and they simply decrypt all of the layers added, while for outbound tunnels,
+the creator is the gateway and they pre-decrypt all of the layers so that after
+all of the layers of per-hop encryption are added, the message arrives in the
+clear at the tunnel endpoint.
+The choice of specific peers to pass on messages as well as their particular
+ordering is important to understanding both I2P's anonymity and performance 
+characteristics.  While the network database (below) has its own criteria for
+picking what peers to query and store entries on, tunnels may use any peers in
+the network in any order (and even any number of times) in a single tunnel.  If
+perfect latency and capacity data were globally known, selection and ordering 
+would be driven by the particular needs of the client in tandem with their threat
+model.  Unfortunately, latency and capacity data is not trivial to gather
+anonymously, and depending upon untrusted peers to provide this information has
+its own serious anonymity implications.
+From an anonymity perspective, the simplest technique would be to pick peers
+randomly from the entire network, order them randomly, and use those peers
+in that order for all eternity.  From a performance perspective, the simplest
+technique would be to pick the fastest peers with the necessary spare capacity,
+spreading the load across different peers to handle transparent failover, and
+to rebuild the tunnel whenever capacity information changes.  While the former
+is both brittle and inefficient, the later requires inaccessible information
+and offers insufficient anonymity.  I2P is instead working on offering a range
+of peer selection strategies, coupled with anonymity aware measurement code to
+organize the peers by their profiles.
+As a base, I2P is constantly profiling the peers with which it interacts with
+by measuring their indirect behavior - for instance, when a peer responds to
+a netDb lookup in 1.3 seconds, that round trip latency is recorded in the 
+profiles for all of the routers involved in the two tunnels (inbound and 
+outbound) through which the request and response passed, as well as the queried
+peer's profile.  Direction measurement, such as transport layer latency or
+congestion, is not used as part of the profile, as it can be manipulated and 
+associated with the measuring router, exposing them to trivial attacks.  While
+gathering these profiles, a series of calculations are run on each to summarize
+its performance - its latency, capacity to handle lots of activity, whether they
+are currently overloaded, and how well integrated into the network they seem to
+be.  These calculations are then compared for active peers to organize the routers
+into four tiers - fast and high capacity, high capacity, not failing, and failing.
+The thresholds for those tiers are determined dynamically, and while they
+currently use fairly simple algorithms, alternatives exist.
+Using this profile data, the simplest reasonable peer selection strategy is to
+pick peers randomly from the top tier (fast and high capacity), and this is
+currently deployed for client tunnels.  Exploratory tunnels (used for netDb
+and tunnel management) pick peers randomly from the not failing tier (which 
+includes routers in 'better' tiers as well), allowing the peer to sample
+routers more widely, in effect optimizing the peer selection through randomized
+hill climbing.  These strategies alone do however leak information regarding the
+peers in the router's tip tier through predecessor and netDb harvesting attacks.  
+In turn, several alternatives exist which, while not balancing the load as evenly,
+will address the attacks mounted by particular classes of adversaries.
+By picking a random key and ordering the peers according to their XOR distance
+from it, the information leaked is reduced in predecessor and harvesting attacks
+according to the peers' failure rate and the tier's churn.  Another simple strategy
+for dealing with netDb harvesting attacks is to simply fix the inbound tunnel
+gateway(s) yet randomize the peers further on in the tunnels.  To deal with 
+predecessor attacks for adversaries which the client contacts, the outbound tunnel
+endpoints would also remain fixed.  The selection of which peer to fix on the most
+exposed point would of course need to have a limit to the duration, as all peers
+fail eventually, so it could either be reactively adjusted or proactively avoided
+to mimic a measured mean time between failures of other routers.  These two strategies
+can in turn be combined, using a fixed exposed peer and an XOR based ordering within
+the tunnels themselves.  A more rigid strategy would fix the exact peers and ordering
+of a potential tunnel, only using individual peers if all of them agree to participate
+in the same way each time.  This varies from the XOR based ordering in that the 
+predecessor and successor of each peer is always the same, while the XOR only makes 
+sure their order doesn't change.
+As mentioned before, I2P currently (release includes the tiered random
+strategy above, but the others are planned for the 0.6.2 release.  A more detailed
+discussion of the mechanics involved in tunnel operation, management, and peer
+selection can be found in the 
+<a href="http://dev.i2p.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/i2p/router/doc/tunnel-alt.html?rev=HEAD">tunnel spec</a>.
+<h2 id="op.netdb">Network Database</h2>
+As mentioned earlier, I2P's netDb works to share the network's metadata.  Two
+algorithms are used to accomplish this - primarily, a small set of routers are
+designated as "floodfill peers", while the rest of the routers participate in
+the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kademlia">Kademlia </a> derived
+distributed hash table for redundancy.  To integrate the two algorithms, each
+router always uses the Kademlia style store and fetch, but acts as if the
+floodfill peers are 'closest' to the key in question.  Additionally, when a
+peer publishes a key into the netDb, after a brief delay they query another
+random floodfill peer, asking them for the key, and if that peer does not have
+it, they move on and republish the key again.  Behind the scenes, when one of
+the floodfill peers receives a new valid key, they republish it to the other
+floodfill peers who then cache it locally.
+Each piece of data in the netDb is self authenticating - signed by the
+appropriate party and verified by anyone who uses or stores it.  In addition,
+the data has liveliness information within it, allowing irrelevant entries to be
+dropped, newer entries to replace older ones, and, for the paranoid, protection
+against certain classes of attack.  This is also why I2P bundles the necessary
+code for maintaining the correct time, occasionally querying some SNTP servers
+(the <a href="http://www.pool.ntp.org/">pool.ntp.org</a> round robin by default)
+and detecting skew between routers at the transport layer.
+The routerInfo structure itself contains all of the information that one router
+needs to know to securely send messages to another router.  This includes their
+identity (made up of a 2048bit ElGamal public key, a 1024bit DSA public key, and
+a certificate), the transport addresses which they can be reached on, such as
+an IP address and port, when the structure was published, and a set of arbitrary
+uninterpreted text options.  In addition, there is a signature against all of
+that data as generated by the included DSA public key.  The key for this routerInfo
+structure in the netDb is the SHA256 hash of the router's identity.  The options
+published are often filled with information helpful in debugging I2P's operation,
+but when I2P reaches the 1.0 release, the options will be disabled and kept blank.
+The leaseSet structure is similar, in that it includes the I2P destination
+(comprised of a 2048bit ElGamal public key, a 1024bit DSA public key, and a
+certificate), a list of "leases", and a pair of public keys for garlic encrypting
+messages to the destination.  Each of the leases specify one of the destination's
+inbound tunnel gateways by including the SHA256 of the gateway's identity, a 4
+byte tunnel id on that gateway, and when that tunnel will expire.  The key for
+the leaseSet in the netDb is the SHA256 of the destination itself.
+As the router currently automatically bundles the leaseSet for the sender inside
+a garlic message to the recipient, the leaseSet for destinations which will not
+receive unsolicited messages do not need to be published in the netDb at all.  If
+the destination itself is sensitive, the leaseSet could instead be transmitted 
+through other means without ever going into the netDb.
+Bootstrapping the netDb itself is simple - once a router has at least one routerInfo
+of a reachable peer, they query that router for references to other routers in the
+network with the Kademlia healing algorithm.  Each routerInfo reference is stored in
+an individual file in the the router's netDb subdirectory, allowing people to easily
+share their references to bootstrap new users.
+Unlike traditional DHTs, the very act of conducting a search distributes the data
+as well, since rather passing Kademlia's standard IP+port pairs, references are given
+to the routers that the peer should query next (namely, the SHA256 of those routers'
+identities).  As such, iteratively searching for a particular destination's leaseSet
+or router's routerInfo will also provide you with the routerInfo of the peers along
+the way.  In addition, due to the time sensitivity of the data published, the information
+doesn't often need to migrate between peers - since a tunnel is only valid for 10
+minutes, the leaseSet can be dropped after that time has passed.  To take into 
+account Sybil attacks on the netDb, the Kademlia routing location used for any given
+key varies over time.  For instance, rather than storing a routerInfo on the peers
+closest to SHA256(routerInfo.identity), they are stored on the peers closest to 
+SHA256(routerInfo.identity + YYYYMMDD), requiring an adversary to remount the attack
+again daily so as to maintain their closeness to the current routing key.  As the
+very fact that a router is making a lookup for a given key may expose sensitive data
+(and the fact that a router is <i>publishing</i> a given key even more so), all netDb
+messages are transmitted through the router's exploratory tunnels.
+The netDb plays a very specific role in the I2P network, and the algorithms have 
+been tuned towards our needs.  This also means that it hasn't been tuned to address the
+needs we have yet to run into.  As the network grows, the primary floodfill algorithm
+will need to be refined to exploit the capacity available, or perhaps replaced with
+another technique for securely distributing the network metadata.
+<h2 id="op.transport">Transport protocols</h2>
+Communication between routers needs to provide confidentiality and integrity
+against external adversaries while authenticating that the router contacted
+is the one who should receive a given message.  The particulars of how routers
+communicate with other routers isn't critical - three separate protocols have
+been used at different points to provide those bare necessities.  To accommodate
+the need for high degree communication (as a number of routers will end up 
+speaking with many others), I2P is migrating from a TCP based transport
+to a UDP based one - "Secure Semireliable UDP", or "SSU".  As described in the
+<a href="http://dev.i2p.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/i2p/router/doc/udp.html?rev=HEAD">SSU spec</a>:</p>
+The goal of this protocol is to provide secure, authenticated, 
+semireliable, and unordered message delivery, exposing only a minimal amount of 
+data easily discernible to third parties. It should support high degree 
+communication as well as TCP-friendly congestion control, and may include 
+PMTU detection. It should be capable of efficiently moving bulk data at rates 
+sufficient for home users. In addition, it should support techniques for 
+addressing network obstacles, like most NATs or firewalls.
+<h2 id="op.crypto">Cryptography</h2>
+A bare minimum set of cryptographic primitives are combined together to provide I2P's
+layered defenses against a variety of adversaries.  At the lowest level, interrouter
+communication is protected by the transport layer security - SSU
+encrypts each packet with AES256/CBC with both an explicit IV and MAC (HMAC-SHA256-128)
+after agreeing upon an ephemeral session key through a 2048bit Diffie-Hellman exchange,
+station-to-station authentication with the other router's DSA key, plus each network
+message has their own SHA256 hash for local integrity checking. 
+<a href="#op.tunnels">Tunnel</a> messages passed over the transports have their own
+layered AES256/CBC encryption with an explicit IV and verified at the tunnel endpoint
+with an additional SHA256 hash.  Various other messages are passed along inside
+"garlic messages", which are encrypted with ElGamal/AES+SessionTags (explained below).  
+<h3 id="op.garlic">Garlic messages</h3>
+Garlic messages are an extension of "onion" layered encryption, allowing the contents
+of a single message to contain multiple "cloves" - fully formed messages along side
+their own instructions for delivery.  Messages are wrapped into a garlic message whenever
+the message would otherwise be passing in cleartext through a peer who should not have
+access to the information - for instance, when a router wants to ask another router to
+participate in a tunnel, they wrap the request inside a garlic, encrypt that garlic to
+the receiving router's 2048bit ElGamal public key, and forward it through a tunnel. 
+Another example is when a client wants to send a message to a destination - the sender's
+router will wrap up that data message (along side some other messages) into a garlic,
+encrypt that garlic to the 2048bit ElGamal public key published in the recipient's
+leaseSet, and forward it through the appropriate tunnels.
+The "instructions" attached to each clove inside the encryption layer includes the
+ability to request that the clove be forwarded locally, to a remote router, or to a 
+remote tunnel on a remote router.  There are fields in those instructions allowing a
+peer to request that the delivery be delayed until a certain time or condition has
+been met, though they won't be honored until the 
+<a href="#future.variablelatency">nontrivial delays</a> are deployed.  It is possible to
+explicitly route garlic messages any number of hops without building tunnels, or even
+to reroute tunnel messages by wrapping them in garlic messages and forwarding them a
+number of hops prior to delivering them to the next hop in the tunnel, but those 
+techniques are not currently used in the existing implementation.
+<h3 id="op.sessiontags">Session tags</h3>
+As an unreliable, unordered, message based system, I2P uses a simple combination of
+asymmetric and symmetric encryption algorithms to provide data confidentiality and
+integrity to garlic messages.  As a whole, the combination is referred to as
+ElGamal/AES+SessionTags, but that is an excessively verbose way to describe the simple
+use of 2048bit ElGamal, AES256, SHA256, and 32 byte nonces.
+The first time a router wants to encrypt a garlic message to another router, they encrypt 
+the keying material for an AES256 session key with ElGamal and append the AES256/CBC 
+encrypted payload after that encrypted ElGamal block.  In addition to the encrypted
+payload, the AES encrypted section contains the payload length, the SHA256 hash of the
+unencrypted payload, as well as a number of "session tags" - random 32 byte nonces.  The
+next time the sender wants to encrypt a garlic message to another router, rather than
+ElGamal encrypt a new session key they simply pick one of the previously delivered session
+tags and AES encrypt the payload like before, using the session key used with that
+session tag, prepended with the session tag itself.  When a router receives a garlic encrypted
+message, they check the first 32 bytes to see if it matches an available session tag - if
+it does, they simply AES decrypt the message, but if it does not, they ElGamal decrypt the
+first block.
+Each session tag can be used only once so as to prevent internal adversaries from unnecessarily
+correlating different messages as being between the same routers.  The sender of an 
+ElGamal/AES+SessionTag encrypted message chooses when and how many tags to deliver,
+prestocking the recipient with enough tags to cover a volley of messages.  Garlic messages 
+may detect the successful tag delivery by bundling a small additional message as a clove (a 
+"delivery status message") - when the garlic message arrives at the intended recipient and
+is decrypted successfully, this small delivery status message is one of the cloves exposed and 
+has instructions for the recipient to send the clove back to the original sender (through an
+inbound tunnel, of course).  When the original sender receives this delivery status message,
+they know that the session tags bundled in the garlic message were successfully delivered.
+Session tags themselves have a very short lifetime, after which they are discarded
+if not used.  In addition, the quantity stored for each key is limited, as are the
+number of keys themselves - if too many arrive, either new or old messages may be 
+dropped.  The sender keeps track whether messages using session tags are getting 
+through, and if there isn't sufficient communication it may drop the ones previously
+assumed to be properly delivered, reverting back to the full expensive ElGamal 
+One alternative is to transmit only a single session tag, and from that, seed a 
+deterministic PRNG for determining what tags to use or expect.  By keeping this
+PRNG roughly synchronized between the sender and recipient (the recipient precomputes a
+window of the next e.g. 50 tags), the overhead of periodically bundling a large number
+of tags is removed, allowing more options in the space/time tradeoff, and perhaps
+reducing the number of ElGamal encryptions necessary.  However, it would depend
+upon the strength of the PRNG to provide the necessary cover against internal
+adversaries, though perhaps by limiting the amount of times each PRNG is used, any
+weaknesses can be minimized.  At the moment, there are no immediate plans to move 
+towards these synchronized PRNGs.
+<h1 id="future">Future</h1>
+While I2P is currently functional and sufficient for many scenarios, there are
+several areas which require further improvement to meet the needs of those
+facing more powerful adversaries as well as substantial user experience optimization.
+<h2 id="future.restricted">Restricted route operation</h2>
+I2P is an overlay network designed to be run on top of a functional packet switched
+network, exploiting the end to end principle to offer anonymity and security.  
+While the Internet no longer fully embraces the end to end principle, I2P does require a
+substantial portion of the network to be reachable - there may be a number of peers
+along the edges running using restricted routes, but I2P does not include an
+appropriate routing algorithm for the degenerate case where most peers are 
+unreachable.  It would, however work on top of a network employing such an
+Restricted route operation, where there are limits to what peers are
+reachable directly, has several different functional and anonymity
+implications, dependent upon how the restricted routes are handled.  At the most
+basic level, restricted routes exist when a peer is behind a NAT or firewall which
+does not allow inbound connections.  This was largely addressed in I2P by
+integrating distributed hole punching into the transport layer, allowing people
+behind most NATs and firewalls to receive unsolicited connections without any
+configuration.  However, this does not limit the exposure of the peer's IP address to
+routers inside the network, as they can simply get introduced to the peer through
+the published introducer.
+Beyond the functional handling of restricted routes, there are two levels of 
+restricted operation that can be used to limit the exposure of one's IP address -
+using router-specific tunnels for communication, and offering 'client routers'.  For
+the former, routers can either build a new pool of tunnels or reuse their exploratory
+pool, publishing the inbound gateways to some of them as part of their routerInfo in
+place of their transport addresses.  When a peer wants to get in touch with them,
+they see those tunnel gateways in the netDb and simply send the relevant message to
+them through one of the published tunnels.  If the peer behind the restricted route
+wants to reply, it may do so either directly (if they are willing to expose their IP
+to the peer) or indirectly through their outbound tunnels.  When the routers that the
+peer has directly connections to want to reach it (to forward tunnel messages, for
+instance), they simply prioritize their direct connection over the published tunnel
+gateway.  The concept of 'client routers' simply extends the restricted route by not
+publishing any router addresses.  Such a router would not even need to publish their
+routerInfo in the netDb, merely providing their self signed routerInfo to the peers
+that it contacts (necessary to pass the router's public keys).  Both levels of
+restricted route operation are planned for I2P 2.0.
+There are tradeoffs for those behind restricted routes, as they would likely
+participate in other people's tunnels less frequently, and the routers which
+they are connected to would be able to infer traffic patterns that would not
+otherwise be exposed.  On the other hand, if the cost of that exposure is less
+than the cost of an IP being made available, it may be worthwhile.  This, of course,
+assumes that the peers that the router behind a restricted route contacts are not
+hostile - either the network is large enough that the probability of using a hostile
+peer to get connected is small enough, or trusted (and perhaps temporary) peers are
+used instead.
+<h2 id="future.variablelatency">Variable latency</h2>
+Even though the bulk of I2P's initial efforts have been on low latency communication,
+it was designed with variable latency services in mind from the beginning.  At the
+most basic level, applications running on top of I2P can offer the anonymity of 
+medium and high latency communication while still blending their traffic patterns
+in with low latency traffic.  Internally though, I2P can offer its own medium and
+high latency communication through the garlic encryption - specifying that the 
+message should be sent after a certain delay, at a certain time, after a certain
+number of messages have passed, or another mix strategy.  With the layered encryption,
+only the router that the clove exposed the delay request would know that the message
+requires high latency, allowing the traffic to blend in further with the low latency
+traffic.  Once the transmission precondition is met, the router holding on to the
+clove (which itself would likely be a garlic message) simply forwards it as 
+requested - to a router, to a tunnel, or, most likely, to a remote client destination.
+There are a substantial number of ways to exploit this capacity for high latency
+comm in I2P, but for the moment, doing so has been scheduled for the I2P 3.0 release.
+In the meantime, those requiring the anonymity that high latency comm can offer should
+look towards the application layer to provide it.
+<h2 id="future.open">Open questions</h2>
+How to get rid of the timing constraint?
+Can we deal with the sessionTags more efficiently?
+What, if any, batching/mixing strategies should be made available on the tunnels?
+What other tunnel peer selection and ordering strategies should be available?
+<h1 id="similar">Similar systems</h1>
+I2P's architecture builds on the concepts of message oriented middleware, the topology
+of DHTs, the anonymity and cryptography of free route mixnets, and the adaptability of
+packet switched networking.  The value comes not from novel concepts of algorithms
+though, but from careful engineering combining the research results of existing 
+systems and papers.  While there are a few similar efforts worth reviewing, both for 
+technical and functional comparisons, two in particular are pulled out here - Tor
+and Freenet.
+<h2 id="similar.tor">Tor</h2>
+<p><i><a href="http://tor.eff.org/">website</a></i></p>
+At first glance, Tor and I2P have many functional and anonymity related similarities.
+While I2P's development began before we were aware of the early stage efforts on Tor,
+many of the lessons of the original onion routing and ZKS efforts were integrated into
+I2P's design.  Rather than building an essentially trusted, centralized system with
+directory servers, I2P has a self organizing network database with each peer taking on
+the responsibility of profiling other routers to determine how best to exploit available
+resources.  Another key difference is that while both I2P and Tor use layered and
+ordered paths (tunnels and circuits/streams), I2P is fundamentally a packet switched
+network, while Tor is fundamentally a circuit switched one, allowing I2P to
+transparently route around congestion or other network failures, operate redundant
+pathways, and load balance the data across available resources.  While Tor offers
+the useful outproxy functionality by offering integrated outproxy discovery and
+selection, I2P leaves such application layer decisions up to applications running on
+top of I2P - in fact, I2P has even externalized the TCP-like streaming library itself
+to the application layer, allowing developers to experiment with different strategies,
+exploiting their domain specific knowledge to offer better performance.
+From an anonymity perspective, there is much similarity when the core networks are
+compared.  However, there are a few key differences.  When dealing with an internal
+adversary or most external adversaries, I2P's simplex tunnels expose half as much
+traffic data than would be exposed with Tor's duplex circuits by simply looking at
+the flows themselves - an HTTP request and response would follow the same path in
+Tor, while in I2P the packets making up the request would go out through one or 
+more outbound tunnels and the packets making up the response would come back through
+one or more different inbound tunnels.  While I2P's per selection and ordering 
+strategies should sufficiently address predecessor attacks, I2P can trivially 
+mimic Tor's non-redundant duplex tunnels by simply building an inbound and
+outbound tunnel along the same routers.</p>
+Another anonymity issue comes up in Tor's use of telescopic tunnel creation, as
+simple packet counting and timing measurements as the cells in a circuit pass
+through an adversary's node exposes statistical information regarding where the 
+adversary is within the circuit.  I2P's use of exploratory tunnels for delivering
+and receiving the tunnel creation requests and responses effectively spreads the
+messages randomly across the network, so that each of the peers who forwards the
+individual tunnel creation messages only see the peer they transmit to or receive
+from, and thanks to the garlic encryption, they are not aware of whether the message
+is part of a tunnel creation process or not.  The participant positional information
+is useful to an adversary for mounting predecessor, intersection, and traffic
+confirmation attacks.
+Tor's support for a second tier of "onion proxies" does offer a nontrivial degree
+of anonymity while requiring a low cost of entry, while I2P will not offer this 
+topology until <a href="#future.restricted">2.0</a>.
+On the whole, Tor and I2P complement each other in their focus - Tor works towards
+offering high speed anonymous Internet outproxying, while I2P works towards offering
+a decentralized resilient network in itself.  In theory, both can be used to achieve
+both purposes, but given limited development resources, they both have their
+strengths and weaknesses.  The I2P developers have considered the steps necessary to
+modify Tor to take advantage of I2P's design, but concerns of Tor's viability under
+resource scarcity suggest that I2P's packet switching architecture will be able to
+exploit scarce resources more effectively.
+<h2 id="similar.freenet">Freenet</h2>
+<p><i><a href="http://www.freenetproject.org/">website</a></i></p>
+Freenet played a large part in the initial stages of I2P's design - giving proof to
+the viability of a vibrant pseudonymous community completely contained within the
+network, demonstrating that the dangers inherent in outproxies could be avoided.
+The first seed of I2P began as a replacement communication layer for Freenet, 
+attempting to factor out the complexities of a scalable, anonymous and secure point
+to point communication from the complexities of a censorship resistant distributed
+data store.  Over time however, some of the anonymity and scalability issues
+inherent in Freenet's algorithms made it clear that I2P's focus should stay strictly
+on providing a generic anonymous communication layer, rather than as a component of
+Freenet.  Over the years, the Freenet developers have come to see the weaknesses
+in the older design, prompting them to suggest that they will require a "premix" 
+layer to offer substantial anonymity.  In other words, Freenet needs to run on top
+of a mixnet such as I2P or Tor, with "client nodes" requesting and publishing data
+through the mixnet to the "server nodes" which then fetch and store the data according
+to Freenet's heuristic distributed data storage algorithms.
+Freenet's functionality is very complementary to I2P's, as Freenet natively provides
+many of the tools for operating medium and high latency systems, while I2P natively
+provides the low latency mix network suitable for offering adequate anonymity.  The
+logic of separating the mixnet from the censorship resistant distributed data store
+still seems self evident from an engineering, anonymity, security, and resource
+allocation perspective, so hopefully the Freenet team will pursue efforts in that
+direction, if not simply reusing (or helping to improve, as necessary) existing
+mixnets like I2P or Tor.
+It is worth mentioning that there has recently been discussion and work by the
+Freenet developers on a "globally scalable darknet" using restricted routes between
+peers of various trust.  While insufficient information has been made publicly 
+available regarding how such a system would operate for a full review, from what
+has been said the anonymity and scalability claims seem highly dubious.  In
+particular, the appropriateness for use in hostile regimes against state level
+adversaries has been tremendously overstated, and any analysis on the implications
+of resource scarcity upon the scalability of the network has seemingly been avoided.
+Further review of this "globally scalable darknet" will have to wait until the
+Freenet team makes more information available.
+<h1 id="app">Appendix A: Application layer</h1>
+I2P itself doesn't really do much - it simply sends messages to remote destinations 
+and receives messages targeting local destinations - most of the interesting work 
+goes on at the layers above it.  By itself, I2P could be seen as an anonymous and
+secure IP layer, and the bundled <a href="#app.streaming">streaming library</a> as
+an implementation of an anonymous and secure TCP layer on top of it.  Beyond that,
+<a href="#app.i2ptunnel">I2PTunnel</a> exposes a generic TCP proxying system for
+either getting into or out of the I2P network, plus a variety of network 
+applications provide further functionality for end users.
+<h2 id="app.streaming">Streaming library</h2>
+The streaming library has grown organically for I2P - first mihi implemented the
+"mini streaming library" as part of I2PTunnel, which was limited to a window
+size of 1 message (requiring an ACK before sending the next one), and then it was
+refactored out into a generic streaming interface (mirroring TCP sockets) and the
+full streaming implementation was deployed with a sliding window protocol and 
+optimizations to take into account the high bandwidth x delay product.  Individual
+streams may adjust the maximum packet size and other options, though the default
+of 4KB compressed seems a reasonable tradeoff between the bandwidth costs of 
+retransmitting lost messages and the latency of multiple messages.
+In addition, in consideration of the relatively high cost of subsequent messages, 
+the streaming library's protocol for scheduling and delivering messages has been optimized to
+allow individual messages passed to contain as much information as is available.
+For instance, a small HTTP transaction proxied through the streaming library can
+be completed in a single round trip - the first message bundles a SYN, FIN, and
+the small payload (an HTTP request typically fits) and the reply bundles the SYN,
+FIN, ACK, and the small payload (many HTTP responses fit).  While an additional
+ACK must be transmitted to tell the HTTP server that the SYN/FIN/ACK has been
+received, the local HTTP proxy can deliver the full response to the browser 
+On the whole, however, the streaming library bears much resemblance to an 
+abstraction of TCP, with its sliding windows, congestion control algorithms
+(both slow start and congestion avoidance), and general packet behavior (ACK,
+SYN, FIN, RST, rto calculation, etc).  
+<h2 id="app.naming">Naming library and addressbook</h2>
+<p><i>Developed by: mihi, Ragnarok</i></p>
+Naming within I2P has been an oft-debated topic since the very beginning with
+advocates across the spectrum of possibilities.  However, given I2P's inherent
+demand for secure communication and decentralized operation, the traditional
+DNS-style naming system is clearly out, as are "majority rules" voting systems.
+Instead, I2P ships with a generic naming library and a base implementation 
+designed to work off a local name to destination mapping, as well as an optional
+add-on application called the "addressbook".  The addressbook is a web-of-trust
+driven secure, distributed, and human readable naming system, sacrificing only
+the call for all human readable names to be globally unique by mandating only
+local uniqueness.  While all messages in I2P are cryptographically addressed
+by their destination, different people can have local addressbook entries for
+"Alice" which refer to different destinations.  People can still discover new
+names by importing published addressbooks of peers specified in their web of trust,
+by adding in the entries provided through a third party, or (if some people organize
+a series of published addressbooks using a first come first serve registration
+system) people can choose to treat these addressbooks as name servers, emulating
+traditional DNS.
+I2P does not promote the use of DNS-like services though, as the damage done
+by hijacking a site can be tremendous - and insecure destinations have no
+value.  DNSsec itself still falls back on registrars and certificate authorities,
+while with I2P, requests sent to a destination cannot be intercepted or the reply
+spoofed, as they are encrypted to the destination's public keys, and a destination
+itself is just a pair of public keys and a certificate.  DNS-style systems on the
+other hand allow any of the name servers on the lookup path to mount simple denial
+of service and spoofing attacks.  Adding on a certificate authenticating the
+responses as signed by some centralized certificate authority would address many of
+the hostile nameserver issues but would leave open replay attacks as well as 
+hostile certificate authority attacks.
+Voting style naming is dangerous as well, especially given the effectiveness of
+Sybil attacks in anonymous systems - the attacker can simply create an arbitrarily
+high number of peers and "vote" with each to take over a given name.  Proof-of-work
+methods can be used to make identity non-free, but as the network grows the load
+required to contact everyone to conduct online voting is implausible, or if the
+full network is not queried, different sets of answers may be reachable.
+As with the Internet however, I2P is keeping the design and operation of a 
+naming system out of the (IP-like) communication layer.  The bundled naming library
+includes a simple service provider interface which alternate naming systems can
+plug into, allowing end users to drive what sort of naming tradeoffs they prefer.
+<h2 id="app.syndie">Syndie</h2>
+Syndie is a safe, anonymous blogging / content publication / content aggregation system.
+It lets you create information, share it with others, and read posts from those you're
+interested in, all while taking into consideration your needs for security and anonymity.
+Rather than building its own content distribution network, Syndie is designed to run on
+top of existing networks, syndicating content through eepsites, Tor hidden services,
+Freenet freesites, normal websites, usenet newgroups, email lists, RSS feeds, etc.  Data
+published with Syndie is done so as to offer pseudonymous authentication to anyone 
+reading or archiving it.
+<h2 id="app.i2ptunnel">I2PTunnel</h2>
+<p><i>Developed by: mihi</i></p>
+I2PTunnel is probably I2P's most popular and versatile client application, allowing
+generic proxying both into and out of the I2P network.  I2PTunnel can be viewed as
+four separate proxying applications - a "client" which receives inbound TCP connections
+and forwards them to a given I2P destination, an "httpclient" (aka "eepproxy") which 
+acts like an HTTP proxy and forwards the requests to the appropriate I2P destination 
+(after querying the naming service if necessary), a "server" which receives inbound I2P
+streaming connections on a destination and forwards them to a given TCP host+port,
+and an "httpserver" which extends the "server" by parsing the HTTP request and
+responses to allow safer operation.  There is an additional "socksclient" application,
+but its use is not encouraged for reasons previously mentioned.
+I2P itself is not an outproxy network - the anonymity and security concerns inherent
+in a mix net which forwards data into and out of the mix have kept I2P's design focused
+on providing an anonymous network which capable of meeting the user's needs without
+requiring external resources.  However, the I2PTunnel "httpclient" application offers
+a hook for outproxying - if the hostname requested doesn't end in ".i2p", it picks a
+random destination from a user-provided set of outproxies and forwards the request to
+them.  These destinations are simply I2PTunnel "server" instances run by volunteers 
+who have explicitly chosen to run outproxies - no one is an outproxy by default, and
+running an outproxy doesn't automatically tell other people to proxy through you.
+While outproxies do have inherent weaknesses, they offer a simple proof of concept for
+using I2P and provide some functionality under a threat model which may be sufficient
+for some users.
+I2PTunnel enables most of the applications in use.  An "httpserver" pointing at a
+webserver lets anyone run their own anonymous website (or "eepsite") - a webserver
+is bundled with I2P for this purpose, but any webserver can be used.  Anyone may 
+run a "client" pointing at one of the anonymously hosted IRC servers, each of which
+are running a "server" pointing at their local IRCd and communicating between IRCds
+over their own "client" tunnels.  End users also have "client" tunnels pointing at
+<a href="#app.i2pmail">I2Pmail's</a> POP3 and SMTP destinations (which in turn are 
+simply "server" instances pointing at POP3 and SMTP servers), as well as "client"
+tunnels pointing at I2P's CVS server, allowing anonymous development.  At times people have
+even run "client" proxies to access the "server" instances pointing at an NNTP server.
+<h2 id="app.i2pbt">i2p-bt</h2>
+<p><i>Developed by: duck, et al</i></p>
+i2p-bt is a port of the mainline python BitTorrent client to run both the tracker and
+peer communication over I2P.  Tracker requests are forwarded through the eepproxy to
+eepsites specified in the torrent file while tracker responses refer to peers by their
+destination explicitly, allowing i2p-bt to open up a 
+<a href="#app.streaming">streaming lib</a> connection to query them for blocks.
+In addition to i2p-bt, a port of bytemonsoon has been made to I2P, making a few
+modifications as necessary to strip any anonymity-compromising information from the
+application and to take into consideration the fact that IPs cannot be used for 
+identifying peers.  
+<h2 id="app.azneti2p">Azureus/azneti2p</h2>
+<p><i>Developed by: parg, et al</i></p>
+The developers of the <a href="http://azureus.sf.net/">Azureus</a> BitTorrent client
+have created an "azneti2p" plugin, allowing Azureus users to participate in anonymous
+swarms over I2P, or simply to access anonymously hosted trackers while contacting
+each peer directly.  In addition, Azureus' built in tracker lets people run their
+own anonymous trackers without running bytemonsoon (which has substantial prerequisites)
+or i2p-bt's tracker.  The plugin is currently (July 2005) fully functional, but is in early
+beta and has a fairly complicated configuration process, though it is hopefully going
+to be streamlined further.
+<h2 id="app.i2phex">I2Phex</h2>
+<p><i>Developed by: sirup</i></p>
+I2Phex is a fairly direct port of the Phex gnutella filesharing client to run 
+entirely on top of I2P.  While it has disabled some of Phex's functionality,
+such as integration with gnutella webcaches, the basic file sharing and chatting
+system is fully functional.
+<h2 id="app.i2pmail">I2Pmail/susimail</h2>
+<p><i>Developed by: postman, susi23, mastiejaner</i></p>
+I2Pmail is more a service than an application - postman offers both internal and
+external email with POP3 and SMTP service through I2PTunnel instances accessing a
+series of components developed with mastiejaner, allowing people to use their 
+preferred mail clients to send and receive mail pseudonymously.  However, as most
+mail clients expose substantial identifying information, I2P bundles susi23's
+web based susimail client which has been built specifically with I2P's anonymity 
+needs in mind.  The I2Pmail/mail.i2p service offers transparent virus and spam
+filtering as well as denial of service prevention with hashcash augmented quotas.
+In addition, each user has control of their batching strategy prior to delivery
+through the mail.i2p outproxies, which are separate from the mail.i2p SMTP and
+POP3 servers - both the outproxies and inproxies communicate with the mail.i2p
+SMTP and POP3 servers through I2P itself, so compromising those non-anonymous 
+locations does not give access to the mail accounts or activity patterns of the
+user.  Further details and plans for future refinements can be found on the
+eepsite <a href="http://www.postman.i2p/">www.postman.i2p</a>.