diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-configuration.jsi b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-configuration.jsi
index d19e0ba50cfbbde91a8cf378bfda1399d5e616a3..077890f57b3507cc164a68442a3f0ab450c58684 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-configuration.jsi
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-configuration.jsi
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
   <%=intl._t("UPnP support is beta, and may not work for any number of reasons")%>:
 <ul id="upnphelp">
-  <li class="tidylist"><%=intl._t("No UPnP-compatible device present")%></li>
-  <li class="tidylist"><%=intl._t("UPnP disabled on the device")%></li>
-  <li class="tidylist"><%=intl._t("Software firewall interference with UPnP")%></li>
-  <li class="tidylist"><%=intl._t("Bugs in the device's UPnP implementation")%></li>
-  <li class="tidylist"><%=intl._t("Multiple firewall/routers in the internet connection path")%></li>
-  <li class="tidylist"><%=intl._t("UPnP device change, reset, or address change")%></li>
+  <li><%=intl._t("No UPnP-compatible device present")%></li>
+  <li><%=intl._t("UPnP disabled on the device")%></li>
+  <li><%=intl._t("Software firewall interference with UPnP")%></li>
+  <li><%=intl._t("Bugs in the device's UPnP implementation")%></li>
+  <li><%=intl._t("Multiple firewall/routers in the internet connection path")%></li>
+  <li><%=intl._t("UPnP device change, reset, or address change")%></li>
   <%=intl._t("UPnP may be enabled or disabled on the Network Configuration page, but a change requires a router restart to take effect.")%>&nbsp;
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-legal.jsi b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-legal.jsi
index b243607220a82ad3893d5d1c2b9183f07640dbf0..986379ae0f87604a4322d7c3f1a3b7fe22d47c44 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-legal.jsi
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-legal.jsi
@@ -2,32 +2,32 @@
 <p>The I2P router (router.jar) and SDK (i2p.jar) are almost entirely public domain, with a few notable exceptions:</p>
-<li class="tidylist">ElGamal and DSA code, under the BSD license, written by TheCrypto</li>
-<li class="tidylist">SHA256 and HMAC-SHA256, under the MIT license, written by the <a href="https://www.bouncycastle.org/" target="_blank">Legion of the Bouncycastle</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist">AES code, under the Cryptix (MIT) license, written by the <a href="http://www.cryptix.org/" target="_blank">Cryptix team</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/JavaSntpClient" target="_blank">SNTP code</a>, under the BSD license, written by Adam Buckley</li>
-<li class="tidylist">The rest is outright public domain, written by jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, and others.</li>
+<li>ElGamal and DSA code, under the BSD license, written by TheCrypto</li>
+<li>SHA256 and HMAC-SHA256, under the MIT license, written by the <a href="https://www.bouncycastle.org/" target="_blank">Legion of the Bouncycastle</a></li>
+<li>AES code, under the Cryptix (MIT) license, written by the <a href="http://www.cryptix.org/" target="_blank">Cryptix team</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/JavaSntpClient" target="_blank">SNTP code</a>, under the BSD license, written by Adam Buckley</li>
+<li>The rest is outright public domain, written by jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, and others.</li>
 <p>On top of the I2P router are a series of client applications, each with their own set of licenses and dependencies:
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/i2ptunnel" target="_blank">I2PTunnel</a> - a GPL'ed application written by mihi
+<li><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/i2ptunnel" target="_blank">I2PTunnel</a> - a GPL'ed application written by mihi
 that lets you tunnel normal TCP/IP traffic over I2P (such as the http proxy and the irc proxy), with a <a href="/i2ptunnelmgr">browser-based front end.</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="/webmail">Susimail</a>, a GPL'ed browser based mail client written by susi23.</li>
-<li class="tidylist">The <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/docs/naming#addressbook" target="_blank">addressbook application</a>,
+<li><a href="/webmail">Susimail</a>, a GPL'ed browser based mail client written by susi23.</li>
+<li>The <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/docs/naming#addressbook" target="_blank">addressbook application</a>,
 written by Ragnarok helps maintain your hosts.txt files, with a <a href="/dns">front end</a> written by susi23.</li>
-<li class="tidylist">The <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/docs/api/samv3" target="_blank">SAM</a> bridge by human (public domain), an API
+<li>The <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/docs/api/samv3" target="_blank">SAM</a> bridge by human (public domain), an API
 which other client applications (such the <a href="http://i2pwiki.i2p/index.php?title=Tahoe-LAFS" target="_blank">I2P Tahoe-LAFS cloud filesystem</a>) can use to interface with I2P.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/misc/jbigi" target="_blank">jbigi</a> - an optimized library for doing large number calculations which uses the
+<li><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/misc/jbigi" target="_blank">jbigi</a> - an optimized library for doing large number calculations which uses the
 LGPL licensed <a href="http://swox.com/gmp/" target="_blank">GMP</a> library, tuned for various PC architectures.</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Launchers for windows users are built with <a href="http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank">Launch4J</a>,
+<li>Launchers for windows users are built with <a href="http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank">Launch4J</a>,
 and the installer is built with  <a href="http://www.izforge.com/izpack/" target="_blank">IzPack</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist">The <a href="/">I2P Router Console</a>, built from a streamlined <a href="http://jetty.mortbay.com/jetty/index.html" target="_blank">Jetty Web Server</a> instance
+<li>The <a href="/">I2P Router Console</a>, built from a streamlined <a href="http://jetty.mortbay.com/jetty/index.html" target="_blank">Jetty Web Server</a> instance
 which allows you to deploy standard JSP/Servlet web applications in your router.</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Jetty makes use of Apache's <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/servlet/package-summary.html" target="_blank">javax.servlet</a>
+<li>Jetty makes use of Apache's <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/servlet/package-summary.html" target="_blank">javax.servlet</a>
 (javax.servlet.jar) implementation. This product includes software developed by the <a href="http://www.apache.org/" target="_blank">Apache Software Foundation</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Source for the I2P code and most bundled client applications can be found on our <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/download" target="_blank">download page</a>.</li>
+<li>Source for the I2P code and most bundled client applications can be found on our <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/download" target="_blank">download page</a>.</li>
 <p>For details on other applications available, as well as their licenses, please see the <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/licenses" target="_blank">
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-reachability.jsi b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-reachability.jsi
index fe39de12b44d4fb1fbb7bed43fd4a04e112b5521..54c8d7827df36d634a40c99966f0390f30414e9f 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-reachability.jsi
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-reachability.jsi
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
   <%=intl._t("If there is an error, the <a href=\"logs.jsp\">logs</a> may also help diagnose the problem.")%>
 <ul id="reachability">
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("OK")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("OK")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("Your UDP port does not appear to be firewalled.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("Firewalled")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("Firewalled")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("Your UDP port appears to be firewalled.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("As the firewall detection methods are not 100% reliable, this may occasionally be displayed in error.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("However, if it appears consistently, you should check whether both your external and internal firewalls are open for your port.")%>&nbsp; 
@@ -17,55 +17,55 @@
      <%=intl._t("If you think you have already done so, remember that you may have both a hardware and a software firewall, or be behind an additional, institutional firewall you cannot control.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Also, some routers cannot correctly forward both TCP and UDP on a single port, or may have other limitations or bugs that prevent them from passing traffic through to I2P.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("Testing")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("Testing")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("The router is currently testing whether your UDP port is firewalled.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("Hidden")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("Hidden")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("The router is not configured to publish its address, therefore it does not expect incoming connections.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Hidden mode is automatically enabled for added protection in certain countries.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled and Fast")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled and Fast")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("You have configured I2P to share more than 128KBps of bandwidth, but you are firewalled.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("While I2P will work fine in this configuration, if you really have over 128KBps of bandwidth to share, it will be much more helpful to the network if you open your firewall.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled and Floodfill")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled and Floodfill")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("You have configured I2P to be a floodfill router, but you are firewalled.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("For best participation as a floodfill router, you should open your firewall.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled with Inbound TCP Enabled")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled with Inbound TCP Enabled")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("You have configured inbound TCP, however your UDP port is firewalled, and therefore it is likely that your TCP port is firewalled as well.")%>
      <%=intl._t("If your TCP port is firewalled with inbound TCP enabled, routers will not be able to contact you via TCP, which will hurt the network.")%> 
      <%=intl._t("Please open your firewall or disable inbound TCP above.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled with UDP Disabled")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("WARN - Firewalled with UDP Disabled")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("You have configured inbound TCP, however you have disabled UDP.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("You appear to be firewalled on TCP, therefore your router cannot accept inbound connections.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Please open your firewall or enable UDP.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("ERR - Clock Skew")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("ERR - Clock Skew")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("Your system's clock is skewed, which will make it difficult to participate in the network.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Correct your clock setting if this error persists.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("ERR - Private TCP Address")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("ERR - Private TCP Address")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("You must never advertise an unroutable IP address such as or as your external address.")%> 
      <%=intl._t("Correct the address or disable inbound TCP on the Network Configuration page.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("ERR - SymmetricNAT")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("ERR - SymmetricNAT")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("I2P detected that you are firewalled by a Symmetric NAT.")%>
      <%=intl._t("I2P does not work well behind this type of firewall. You will probably not be able to accept inbound connections, which will limit your participation in the network.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("ERR - UDP Port In Use - Set i2np.udp.internalPort=xxxx in advanced config and restart")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("ERR - UDP Port In Use - Set i2np.udp.internalPort=xxxx in advanced config and restart")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("I2P was unable to bind to the configured port noted on the advanced network configuration page .")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Check to see if another program is using the configured port. If so, stop that program or configure I2P to use a different port.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("This may be a transient error, if the other program is no longer using the port.")%>&nbsp; 
      <%=intl._t("However, a restart is always required after this error.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("ERR - UDP Disabled and Inbound TCP host/port not set")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("ERR - UDP Disabled and Inbound TCP host/port not set")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("You have not configured inbound TCP with a hostname and port on the Network Configuration page, however you have disabled UDP.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Therefore your router cannot accept inbound connections.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Please configure a TCP host and port on the Network Configuration page or enable UDP.")%>
-  <li class="tidylist"><b><%=intl._t("ERR - Client Manager I2CP Error - check logs")%>:</b>
+  <li><b><%=intl._t("ERR - Client Manager I2CP Error - check logs")%>:</b>
      <%=intl._t("This is usually due to a port 7654 conflict. Check the logs to verify.")%>&nbsp;
      <%=intl._t("Do you have another I2P instance running? Stop the conflicting program and restart I2P.")%>
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-sidebar.jsi b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-sidebar.jsi
index 8f9ad1b652b8155083775b71f7967cabbc6ac5ca..3c3014b3c450a65eb9d4eaf827ef538f84584742 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-sidebar.jsi
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help-sidebar.jsi
@@ -1,117 +1,111 @@
-<h2>Summary Bar Information</h2><p>
-Many of the stats on the summary bar may be
-<a href="configstats.jsp">configured</a> to be
-<a href="graphs.jsp">graphed</a> for further analysis.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Local Identity:</b>
-The first four characters (24 bits) of your 44-character (256-bit) Base64 router hash.
-The full hash is shown on your <a href="netdb.jsp?r=.">router info page</a>.
-Never reveal this to anyone, as your router info contains your IP.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Version:</b>
-The version of the I2P software you are running.</li>
+<h2>Summary Bar Information</h2>
+<p>Many of the stats on the summary bar may be <a href="configstats">configured</a> to be <a href="graphs">graphed</a> for further analysis. You may also customize the sections that appear on the Summary Bar and their positioning on the <a href="configsidebar">Summary Bar Configuration page</a>.
+<h3>Router Info</h3>
+<b>Local Identity:</b>
+If you hover over the <i>Router Info</i> heading, your truncated router identity will be shown (the first four characters (24 bits) of your 44-character (256-bit) Base64 router hash). The full hash is shown on your <a href="netdb?r=.">Network Database entry</a>. Never reveal this to anyone, as your router identity is uniquely linked to your IP address in the network database.</li>
+The version of the I2P software you are running. If a new version is available, you will be notified in the Summary Bar. It is recommended to keep your router up to date to ensure optimal performance and security. Router updates are usually made available on average every 2-3 months.
+<b>Clock Skew:</b>
+The skew (offset) of your computer's clock relative to the network-synced time (if known). I2P requires your computer's time be accurate. If the skew is more than a few seconds, please correct the problem by adjusting your computer's time. If I2P cannot connect to the internet, a reading of 0ms may be indicated. <b>Note:</b> This is only displayed in the <i>Router Information (advanced)</i> section. You may add this section to your Summary Bar on the <a href="configsidebar">Summary Bar Configuration page</a>.
+This indicates the amount of RAM I2P is using, and the total amount available, allocated by Java. The usage will likely vary considerably within a short timeframe, but if the usage is consistently high relative to the available RAM, this may indicate that you need to increase the ram allocated to the JVM. You can allocate more RAM by editing your <code>wrapper.config</code> file which is normally located in the I2P application directory. You will need to edit the <code>wrapper.java.maxmemory</code> parameter, which by default is set to 128(MB). <b>Note:</b> Memory usage is only displayed in the <i>Router Information (advanced)</i> section or on the <i>Memory Usage Bar</i>, both of which may be added to your Summary Bar on the <a href="configsidebar">Summary Bar Configuration page</a>.
-/* <li class="tidylist"><b>Now:</b>
-The current time (UTC) and the skew, if any. I2P requires your computer's time be accurate.
-If the skew is more than a few seconds, please correct the problem by adjusting
-your computer's time.</li> */
+The router's view of whether it can be contacted by other routers. See <a href="#confignet">below</a> for more information.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Reachability:</b>
-The router's view of whether it can be contacted by other routers.
-See <a href="#confignet">below</a> for more information.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Active:</b>
-The first number is the number of peers you've sent or received a message from in the last few minutes.
-This may range from 8-10 to several hundred, depending on your total bandwidth,
-shared bandwidth, and locally-generated traffic.
-The second number is the number of peers seen in the last hour or so.
-Do not be concerned if these numbers vary widely.
-<a href="configstats.jsp#router.activePeers">[Enable graphing]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Fast:</b>
-This is the number of peers you use for building client tunnels. It is generally in the
-range 8-30. Your fast peers are shown on the <a href="profiles.jsp">profiles page</a>.
-<a href="configstats.jsp#router.fastPeers">[Enable graphing]</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>High Capacity:</b>
-This is the number of peers you use for building some of your exploratory tunnels. It is generally in the
-range 8-75. The fast peers are included in the high capacity tier.
-Your high capacity peers are shown on the <a href="profiles.jsp">profiles page</a>.
-<a href="configstats.jsp#router.highCapacityPeers">[Enable graphing]</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Well Integrated:</b>
-This is the number of peers you use for network database inquiries.
-These are usually the "floodfill" peers.
-Your well integrated peers are shown on the bottom of the <a href="profiles.jsp">profiles page</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Known:</b>
-This is the total number of routers you know about.
-They are listed on the <a href="netdb.jsp">network database page</a>.
-This may range from under 100 to 1000 or more.
-This number is not the total size of the network;
-it may vary widely depending on your total bandwidth,
-shared bandwidth, and locally-generated traffic.
-I2P does not require a router to know every other router.</li>
-</ul><h3>Bandwidth in/out</h3>
-<p>Should be self-explanatory. All values are in bytes per second, not bits per second.
-Change your bandwidth limits on the <a href="config">configuration page</a>.
-Bandwidth is <a href="graphs.jsp">graphed</a> by default.</p>
-<h3>Local destinations</h3>
-<p>The local applications connecting through your router.
-These may be clients started through <a href="i2ptunnel/index.jsp">I2PTunnel</a>
-or external programs connecting through SAM, BOB, or directly to I2CP.</p>
-<h3>Tunnels in/out</h3>
-<p>The actual tunnels are shown on the <a href="tunnels.jsp">the tunnels page</a>.</p>
-<ul><li class="tidylist"><b>Exploratory:</b>
-Tunnels built by your router and used for communication with the floodfill peers,
-building new tunnels, and testing existing tunnels.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Client:</b>
-Tunnels built by your router for each client's use.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Participating:</b>
-Tunnels built by other routers through your router.
-This may vary widely depending on network demand, your
-shared bandwidth, and amount of locally-generated traffic.
-The recommended method for limiting participating tunnels is
-to change your share percentage on the <a href="config">configuration page</a>.
-You may also limit the total number by setting <tt>router.maxParticipatingTunnels=nnn</tt> on
-the <a href="configadvanced.jsp">advanced configuration page</a>. <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.participatingTunnels">[Enable graphing]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Share ratio:</b>
-The number of participating tunnels you route for others, divided by the total number of hops in
-all your exploratory and client tunnels.
-A number greater than 1.00 means you are contributing more tunnels to the network than you are using.</li>
+<b>Active:</b> The first number is the number of peers your router has sent or received a message from in the last few minutes. This may range from 8-10 to several hundred, depending on your total bandwidth, shared bandwidth, and locally-generated traffic. The second number is the number of peers seen in the last hour or so. Do not be concerned if these numbers vary widely. <a href="configstats#router.activePeers">[Enable graphing]</a>.
+<b>Fast:</b> This is the number of peers your router has available for building client tunnels. It is generally in the range 8-30. Your fast peers are shown on the <a href="profiles">Profiles page</a>. <a href="configstats#router.fastPeers">[Enable graphing]</a>
+<li><b>High Capacity:</b>
+This is the number of peers your router has available for building your exploratory tunnels which are used to determine network performance. It is generally in the range 8-75. The fast peers are included in the high capacity tier.Your high capacity peers are shown on the <a href="profiles">Profiles page</a>. <a href="configstats#router.highCapacityPeers">[Enable graphing]</a>
+<b>Integrated:</b> This is the number of peers your router will use for network database inquiries. These are usually the "floodfill" routers which are responsible for maintaining network integrity. Your well integrated peers are shown on the bottom of the <a href="profiles">Profiles page</a>.
+<b>Known:</b> This is the total number of peers that are known by your router. They are listed on the <a href="netdb">Network Database page</a>. This may range from under 100 to 1000 or more. This number is not the total size of the network; it may vary widely depending on your total bandwidth, shared bandwidth, and locally-generated traffic. I2P does not require a router to know every other router in the network.
+<h3>Bandwidth In/Out</h3>
+<p> This section indicates your average bandwidth speeds and total usage for the session. All values are in bytes per second, not bits per second. You may change your bandwidth limits on the <a href="config">Bandwidth Configuration page</a>. The more bandwidth you make available, the more you help the network and improve your own anonymity, so please take the time to review the settings. If you are unsure of your network's speed, using a service such as <a href="http://speedtest.net/">SpeedTest</a> or similar will give you a good indication of your bandwidth capability. Your upstream share amount (KBps Out) will determine your overall contribution to the network. Bandwidth is <a href="graphs">graphed</a> by default.</p>
+<h3>Local Destinations</h3>
+<p>These are the local services provided by your router. They may be clients started through the <a href="i2ptunnelmgr">Tunnel Manager</a> or external programs connecting through SAM, BOB, or directly to I2CP. By default, most of your client services (mail, http proxy, IRC) will share the same set of tunnels (for performance reasons) and be listed as <i>Shared Clients</i> and <i>Shared Clients(DSA)</i>. However, if you experience a tunnel failure, all your services will go offline at the same time, so in some scenarios you may wish to configure client services to use their own set of tunnels. This can be done by unchecking the <i>Share tunnels with other clients&hellip;</i> option listed under <i>Shared Clients</i> on the configuration page of the relevant client service in the Tunnel Manager, after which you will need to restart the client service from the <a href="i2ptunnelmgr">main Tunnel Manager page</a>.</p>
+<p>The actual tunnels are shown on the <a href="tunnels">Tunnels page</a>.</p>
+<b>Exploratory:</b> Tunnels built by your router and used for communication with the floodfill peers, building new tunnels, and testing existing tunnels.
+<b>Client:</b> Tunnels built by your router for each client's use.
+<b>Participating:</b> Tunnels built by other routers through your router. This may vary widely depending on network demand, your shared bandwidth, and amount of locally-generated traffic. The recommended method for limiting participating tunnels is to change your share percentage on the <a  href="config">Bandwidth Configuration page</a>. You may also limit the total number by setting <code>router.maxParticipatingTunnels=nnn</code> on the <a href="configadvanced">Advanced configuration page</a>. <a href="configstats#tunnel.participatingTunnels">[Enable graphing]</a>.
+<b>Share Ratio:</b> The number of participating tunnels you route for others, divided by the total number of hops in all your exploratory and client tunnels. A number greater than 1.00 means you are contributing more tunnels to the network than you are using.
-<p>Some basic indications of router overload:</p><ul>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Job lag:</b>
-How long jobs are waiting before execution. The job queue is listed on the <a href="jobs.jsp">jobs page</a>.
-Unfortunately, there are several other job queues in the router that may be congested,
-and their status is not available in the router console.
-The job lag should generally be zero.
-If it is consistently higher than 500ms, your computer is very slow, or the
-router has serious problems.
-<a href="configstats.jsp#jobQueue.jobLag">[Enable graphing]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Message delay:</b>
-How long an outbound message waits in the queue.
-This should generally be a few hundred milliseconds or less.
-If it is consistently higher than 1000ms, your computer is very slow,
-or you should adjust your bandwidth limits, or your (bittorrent?) clients
-may be sending too much data and should have their transmit bandwidth limit reduced.
-<a href="configstats.jsp#transport.sendProcessingTime">[Enable graphing]</a> (transport.sendProcessingTime).</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Tunnel lag:</b>
-This is the round trip time for a tunnel test, which sends a single message
-out a client tunnel and in an exploratory tunnel, or vice versa.
-It should usually be less than 5 seconds.
-If it is consistently higher than that, your computer is very slow,
-or you should adjust your bandwidth limits, or there are network problems.
-<a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.testSuccessTime">[Enable graphing]</a> (tunnel.testSuccessTime).</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Handle backlog:</b>
-This is the number of pending requests from other routers to build a
-participating tunnel through your router.
-It should usually be close to zero.
-If it is consistently high, your computer is too slow,
-and you should reduce your share bandwidth limits.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Accepting/Rejecting:</b>
-Your router's status on accepting or rejecting
-requests from other routers to build a
-participating tunnel through your router.
-Your router may accept all requests, accept or reject a percentage of requests,
-or reject all requests for a number of reasons, to control
-the bandwidth and CPU demands and maintain capacity for
-local clients.</li></ul>
+<p><b>Note:</b> This section is not enabled by default. You may enable it on the <a href="configsidebar">Summary Bar Configuration page</a>.</p>
+<p>Some basic indications of router overload:</p>
+<b>Job Lag:</b> How long jobs are waiting before execution. The job queue is listed on the <a href="jobs">Jobs page</a>. Unfortunately, there are several other job queues in the router that may be congested, and their status is not available in the router console. The job lag should generally be zero. If it is consistently higher than 500ms, your computer is very slow, your network is experiencing connectivity issues, or the router has serious problems. <a href="configstats#jobQueue.jobLag">[Enable graphing]</a>.
+<b>Message Delay:</b> How long an outbound message waits in the queue. This should generally be a few hundred milliseconds or less. If it is consistently higher than 1000ms, your computer is very slow, or you should adjust your bandwidth limits, or your (Bittorrent?) clients may be sending too much data and should have their transmit bandwidth limit reduced. <a href="configstats#transport.sendProcessingTime">[Enable graphing]</a> (transport.sendProcessingTime).
+<b>Tunnel lag:</b> This is the round trip time for a tunnel test, which sends a single message out a client tunnel and in an exploratory tunnel, or vice versa. It should usually be less than 5 seconds. If it is consistently higher than that, your computer is very slow, or you should adjust your bandwidth limits, or there are network problems. Problems may be indicated on the <a href="logs">Logs page</a>. <a href="configstats#tunnel.testSuccessTime">[Enable graphing]</a> (tunnel.testSuccessTime).
+<b>Handle backlog:</b> This is the number of pending requests from other routers to build a participating tunnel through your router. It should usually be close to zero. If it is consistently high, your computer is too slow, and you should reduce your share bandwidth limits.</li>
+<b>Accepting/Rejecting:</b> Your router's status on accepting or rejecting requests from other routers to build a participating tunnel through your router. Your router may accept all requests, accept or reject a percentage of requests, or reject all requests for a number of reasons, to control the bandwidth and CPU demands and maintain capacity for local clients. <b>Note:</b> It will take at least 10 minutes from your router starting for it to accept building participating tunnels in order to ensure your router is stable and successfully bootstrapped to the network.
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help.jsi b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help.jsi
index 36d255c897101c403ae20583f9dd682a071c2770..02b77770682d422e48b83a1b586422bb011a3169 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help.jsi
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help.jsi
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 <p>If you'd like to help improve or translate the documentation, or help with other aspects of the project, please see the documentation for <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/get-involved" target="_blank">volunteers.</a></p>
 <p>Further assistance is available here:</p>
 <ul class="links">
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/faq" target="_blank">FAQ on i2p-projekt.i2p</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://i2pwiki.i2p/" target="_blank">I2PWiki</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/faq" target="_blank">FAQ on i2p-projekt.i2p</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://i2pwiki.i2p/" target="_blank">I2PWiki</a></li>
 <p>You may also try <a href="http://zzz.i2p/" target="_blank">zzz's developer forum</a>,
 or <a href="irc://">I2P's IRC network</a>.</p>
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ar.jsp b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ar.jsp
index 0c33d9ddd1b3d39985b3fe98b15e3499701f589e..3f8320259e75da00942204c78d880cf86e3bcb3c 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ar.jsp
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ar.jsp
@@ -42,37 +42,37 @@
 <a href="configstats.jsp">تتغير</a> لكي تظهر على شكل
 <a href="graphs.jsp">رسم بياني</a> للمزيد من التحاليل
-<li class="tidylist"><b>:هوية</b>
 الحروف الأولى (24 bits) من 44-حرف (256-) Base64 hash.
 The full hash is shown on your <a href="netdb.jsp?r=.">صفحة معلومات الموجه</a>.
 هذا لا يكشف عن عنوان  IP الخاص بك لأحد.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>الاصدار</b>
 اصدار I2P المستعمل</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>الآن</b>
 الوقت الحالي (UTC)والانحراف الممكن. يحتاج I2P الى ساعة مضبوطة. اذا كان انحراف الساعة اكثر من بضع ثواني، قم بتصحيح الخلل.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>إمكانية الوصول</b>
+<li><b>إمكانية الوصول</b>
 امكانية الاتصال الخارجي بالموجه
 المزيد من التفاصيل في  <a href="confignet#help">صفحة الاعدادات</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>مفعل</b>
 هذا هو عدد النظائر التي تم إرسال أو تلقيها رسالة  في الدقائق القليلة الماضية.
 قد يكون هذا النطاق 8-10 الى عدة مئات، اعتمادا على عرض النطاق الترددي الإجمالي ،
 تقاسم عرض النطاق الترددي ، وحركة المرور المولدة محليا.
 والرقم الثاني هو عدد من نظرائه ينظر في آخر ساعة أو نحو ذلك.
 لا تشعر بالقلق إذا كانت هذه الأرقام تختلف على نطاق واسع.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#router.activePeers">[تفعيل الرسم البياني]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>سريع</b>
 هذا هو عدد النظائر التي تستعملها لانشاء أنفاق جديدة. هي في نطاق 8-30. النظائر السريعة في 
  <a href="profiles.jsp">صفحة البروفايل</a>.
  <a href="configstats.jsp#router.fastPeers">[تفعيل الرسم البياني]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>قدرة عالية</b>
+<li><b>قدرة عالية</b>
 هذا هو عدد النظائر التي تستعملها لانشاء أنفاق الاكتشاف. هي في نطاق 8-75. النظائر السريعة. النظائر القدرة عالية تظهر هنا.
  <a href="profiles.jsp">صفحة البروفايل</a>.
  <a href="configstats.jsp#router.highCapacityPeers">[تفعيل الرسم البياني]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>المندمجة جيدا</b>
+<li><b>المندمجة جيدا</b>
 هذا هو عدد النظائر المستعملة في الاتصال بقاعدة البيانات. النظائر المندمجة جيدا موجودة في أسفل
 <a href="profiles.jsp">صفحة البروفايل</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>المعروفة</b>
 هذا هو عدد الموجهات المعروفة.
 والظاهرة في صفحة <a href="netdb.jsp">قاعدة البيانات</a>
 هي مابين 100 الى 1000 او أكثر.
@@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ The full hash is shown on your <a href="netdb.jsp?r=.">صفحة معلومات 
 <p>او برامج خارجية متصلة SAM, BOB, او مباشرة بـ I2CP.</p>
 <h3>الأنفاق الداخلة/خارجة</h3>
 <p>الأنفاق الحالية موجودة في <a href="tunnels.jsp">صفحة الأنفاق</a>.</p><ul>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>تصفح</b>
 الأنفاق المستخدمة من طرف الموجه تستعمل في الاتصال مع النظائر، انشاء انفاق جديدة.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>المستخدمين</b>
 الأنفاق المستخدمة من طرف الموجه </li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>المشاركة</b>
 الأنفاق المنشئة من طرف موجهات أخرى عبر موجهك.
 هذا ينبني على درجة استخدام الشبكة، مقدار المشاركة...
 يمكنك تغيير درجة المشاركة بـ <a href="confignet#help">صفحة الاعدادات</a>.
 You may also limit the total number by setting <tt>router.maxParticipatingTunnels=nnn</tt> on
 the <a href="configadvanced.jsp">صفحة الاعدادات المتقدمة</a>. <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.participatingTunnels">[تفعيل الرسم البياني]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>نسبة المشاركة</b>
+<li><b>نسبة المشاركة</b>
 عدد الانفاق المشاركة، مقسوما على عدد اجمالي الانفاق.
 عدد أكبر من 1.00 يعني انك تساهم في الشبكة بعدد اكبر مما تستهلك.</li>
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ the <a href="configadvanced.jsp">صفحة الاعدادات المتقدمة</a
 <p>بعض مشرات ازدحام الموجه</p>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Job lag:</b>
+<li><b>Job lag:</b>
 How long jobs are waiting before execution. The job queue is listed on the <a href="jobs.jsp">jobs page</a>.
 Unfortunately, there are several other job queues in the router that may be congested,
 and their status is not available in the router console.
@@ -116,27 +116,27 @@ The job lag should generally be zero.
 If it is consistently higher than 500ms, your computer is very slow, or the
 router has serious problems.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#jobQueue.jobLag">[تفعيل الرسم البياني]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Message delay:</b>
+<li><b>Message delay:</b>
 How long an outbound message waits in the queue.
 This should generally be a few hundred milliseconds or less.
 If it is consistently higher than 1000ms, your computer is very slow,
 or you should adjust your bandwidth limits, or your (bittorrent?) clients
 may be sending too much data and should have their transmit bandwidth limit reduced.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#transport.sendProcessingTime">[تفعيل الرسم البياني]</a> (transport.sendProcessingTime).</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Tunnel lag:</b>
+<li><b>Tunnel lag:</b>
 This is the round trip time for a tunnel test, which sends a single message
 out a client tunnel and in an exploratory tunnel, or vice versa.
 It should usually be less than 5 seconds.
 If it is consistently higher than that, your computer is very slow,
 or you should adjust your bandwidth limits, or there are network problems.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.testSuccessTime">[تفعيل الرسم البياني]</a> (tunnel.testSuccessTime).</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Handle backlog:</b>
+<li><b>Handle backlog:</b>
 This is the number of pending requests from other routers to build a
 participating tunnel through your router.
 It should usually be close to zero.
 If it is consistently high, your computer is too slow,
 and you should reduce your share bandwidth limits.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Accepting/Rejecting:</b>
 Your router's status on accepting or rejecting
 requests from other routers to build a
 participating tunnel through your router.
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ local clients.</li></ul>
 <div id="legal">
 <h2>Legal stuff</h2><p>The I2P router (router.jar) and SDK (i2p.jar) are almost entirely public domain, with
 a few notable exceptions:</p><ul>
-<li class="tidylist">ElGamal and DSA code, under the BSD license, written by TheCrypto</li>
-<li class="tidylist">SHA256 and HMAC-SHA256, under the MIT license, written by the Legion of the Bouncycastle</li>
-<li class="tidylist">AES code, under the Cryptix (MIT) license, written by the Cryptix team</li>
-<li class="tidylist">SNTP code, under the BSD license, written by Adam Buckley</li>
-<li class="tidylist">The rest is outright public domain, written by jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, and others.</li>
+<li>ElGamal and DSA code, under the BSD license, written by TheCrypto</li>
+<li>SHA256 and HMAC-SHA256, under the MIT license, written by the Legion of the Bouncycastle</li>
+<li>AES code, under the Cryptix (MIT) license, written by the Cryptix team</li>
+<li>SNTP code, under the BSD license, written by Adam Buckley</li>
+<li>The rest is outright public domain, written by jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, and others.</li>
 <p>On top of the I2P router are a series of client applications, each with their own set of
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_fr.jsp b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_fr.jsp
index dd39613e3a19df94c7946982300f033231f9b41a..00ff153747f4a631a00d05602574e661e7f54415 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_fr.jsp
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_fr.jsp
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 la page consacrée aux <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/fr/get-involved">volontaires</a>.
 </p>D'autres détails sont disponibles ici:
 <ul class="links">
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/faq">FAQ en anglais sur i2p-projekt.i2p</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/fr/faq">les FAQ en français</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/faq">FAQ en anglais sur i2p-projekt.i2p</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/fr/faq">les FAQ en français</a>.</li>
@@ -44,37 +44,37 @@ Plusieurs des statistiques affichées dans le panneau de surveillance peuvent ê
 <a href="configstats.jsp">configurées</a> pour être affichées sous forme de <a href="graphs.jsp">graphiques</a> pour 
 analyse sur la durée.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Identité locale:</b>
+<li><b>Identité locale:</b>
 Cliquez sur "Afficher" pour voir l'empreinte Base64 à 44 caractères (256 bits) de votre routeur. Le hachage 
 complet est affiché sur votre <a href="netdb.jsp?r=.">page d'infos routeur</a>. Ne la divulguez jamais à personne, 
 car l'info routeur contient votre adresse IP.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Version:</b>
 La version d'I2P qui vous affiche actuellement cette page.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Lancé depuis:</b>
+<li><b>Lancé depuis:</b>
 Indique depuis combien de temps le routeur tourne.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Réseau:</b>
 Statut de joignabilité du routeur par les autres routeurs.
 Plus d'infos sur la page de <a href="confignet#help">configuration</a>.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Actifs:</b>
 le premier nombre est celui des routeurs avec qui le votre a communiqué dans les dernières minutes. Ça peut varier de 
 8-10 à plusieurs centaines, selon votre bande passante et son rapport de partage, et le trafic généré localement. Le 
 second est celui des pairs vus dans les dernières heures. Ces nombres penvent varier sensiblement sans conséquence.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#router.activePeers">[Activer le graphique]</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Rapides:</b>
 le nombre de pairs que vous mettez à contribution pour construire vos tunnels clients. En général dans une tranche de 
 8 à 30. Vos pairs rapides sont détaillés sur la page <a href="profiles.jsp">profils</a>.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#router.fastPeers">[Activer le graphique]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Hautes capacités:</b>
+<li><b>Hautes capacités:</b>
 nombre des pairs que vous utilisez pour construire quelques uns de vos tunnels exploratoires. Habituellement de 8 à 75. 
 Les pairs rapides font partie du groupe des "Hautes capacités". Vos pairs à hautes capacités sont aussi listés sur 
 la page <a href="profiles.jsp">profils</a>.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#router.highCapacityPeers">[Activer le graphique]</a></li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Bien intégrés:</b>
+<li><b>Bien intégrés:</b>
 vous utilisez ce groupe pour vos requêtes à la base de données du réseau. Ils sont souvent des pairs de remplissage par 
 diffusion ("floodfill"). Vos pairs "bien intégrés" sont affichés en bas de la même page 
 <a href="profiles.jsp">profils</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Connus:</b> c'est tous les routeurs dont vous connaissez l'existance. Il sont listés sur la 
+<li><b>Connus:</b> c'est tous les routeurs dont vous connaissez l'existance. Il sont listés sur la
 page <a href="netdb.jsp">base de données du réseau</a>. De moins de 100 à 1000 ou plus. Ce nombre ne représente pas la 
 taille totale du réseau; il varie en fonction de votre bande passante totale et son rapport de partage, et du trafic 
 local. I2P n'a pas besoin que chaque routeur connaisse tous les autres.
@@ -90,16 +90,16 @@ I2CP.</p>
 <p>Les tunnels actuels sont affichés sur la page <a href="tunnels.jsp">tunnels</a>.</p>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Exploratoires:</b> tunnels créés par votre routeur et utilisés avec les 
+<li><b>Exploratoires:</b> tunnels créés par votre routeur et utilisés avec les
 pairs diffuseurs pour la création des nouveaux tunnels et le test des tunnels existants.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Clients:</b> tunnels créés par votre routeur pour chaque utilisation cliente.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Participants:</b> les tunnels créés par d'autres routeurs et qui passent par le votre. Leur 
+<li><b>Clients:</b> tunnels créés par votre routeur pour chaque utilisation cliente.</li>
+<li><b>Participants:</b> les tunnels créés par d'autres routeurs et qui passent par le votre. Leur
 nombre dépend largement de la demande du réseau, de votre part de bande passante partagée, et du trafic local. 
 La méthode recommandée pour limiter leur nombre est de diminuer le rapport de bande passante partagée dans la 
 <a href="confignet#help">configuration</a>. Vous pouvez également limiter ce nombre en définissant la variable 
 <tt>router.maxParticipatingTunnels=nnn</tt> dans la <a href="configadvanced.jsp">configuration avancée</a>. 
 <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.participatingTunnels">[Activer le graphique]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Rapport de partage:</b> le nombre de tunnels participants que vous routez pour les autres, 
+<li><b>Rapport de partage:</b> le nombre de tunnels participants que vous routez pour les autres,
 divisé par le nombre total de sauts dans tous vos tunnels exploratoires et clients. S'il est supérieur à 1, cela 
 signifie que vous contribuez à plus de tunnels que vous n'en utilisez.
@@ -108,24 +108,24 @@ signifie que vous contribuez à plus de tunnels que vous n'en utilisez.
 <p>Indications de base sur la charge du routeur:</p>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Retard de tâches:</b> temps d'attente des tâches avant exécution. La file d'attente est 
+<li><b>Retard de tâches:</b> temps d'attente des tâches avant exécution. La file d'attente est
 présentée la pages des <a href="jobs.jsp">tâches</a>. Malheureusement, il y a dans le routeur plusieurs autres files 
 d'attentes qui ne peuvent être affichées dans la console. Le retard de tâches devrait rester à zéro en permamence. s'il 
 régulièrement supérieur à 500ms, soit votre PC est très lent, soit le routeur a de sérieux problèmes.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#jobQueue.jobLag">[Activer le graphique]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Retard de messages:</b> temps de rétention des messages en file d'attente d'envois, normalement 
+<li><b>Retard de messages:</b> temps de rétention des messages en file d'attente d'envois, normalement
 quelques centaines de ms ou moins. Au dessus d'une seconde, votre PC est très lent, vous devriez fignoler vos réglages 
 de bande passante, ou vos clients (bittorrent, iMule...?) envoient trop de données et il faudrait voir à leur tenir 
 la bride. <a href="configstats.jsp#transport.sendProcessingTime">[Activer le graphique]</a> 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Retard de tunnels:</b> le temps d'aller-retour pour un test de tunnel (envoi d'un seul message 
+<li><b>Retard de tunnels:</b> le temps d'aller-retour pour un test de tunnel (envoi d'un seul message
 par un tunnel client et dans un tunnel exploratoire ou vice versa. Normalement inférieur à 5s. Si c'est constamment 
 supérieur, votre PC est très lent, vous devriez retoucher vos limites de bande passante, ou il y a un problème réseau.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.testSuccessTime">[Activer le graphique]</a> (tunnel.testSuccessTime).</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>En attente:</b> nombre de requêtes de création de tunnels participants en attente provenant 
+<li><b>En attente:</b> nombre de requêtes de création de tunnels participants en attente provenant
 d'autres routeurs. Normalement proche de zéro. Sinon, votre ordinateur est trop lent et vous devriez diminuer votre 
 limite de bande passante partagée.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Accepte/Refuse:</b> c'est le statut de votre routeur au regard de son comportement vis à vis 
+<li><b>Accepte/Refuse:</b> c'est le statut de votre routeur au regard de son comportement vis à vis
 des demandes de création de tunnels participants provenant d'autres routeurs. Votre routeur peut accepter ou refuser 
 tout ou partie des requêtes, ou les refuser en totalité pour des raisons prévues telles que le contrôle de la bande 
 passante et des ressources CPU en vue de préserver les performances des clients locaux.</li></ul>
@@ -139,11 +139,11 @@ passante et des ressources CPU en vue de préserver les performances des clients
 <div id="legal">
 <h2>Informations légales</h2><p>Le routeur I2P (router.jar) et le SDK (i2p.jar) sont presque entièrement dans le 
 domaine public, à quelques notobles exceptions près:</p><ul>
-<li class="tidylist">Le code ElGamal et DSA, sous licence BSD, écrits par TheCrypto</li>
-<li class="tidylist">SHA256 et HMAC-SHA256, sous licence MIT, écrits par the Legion of the Bouncycastle</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Le code AES, sous licence Cryptix (MIT), écrit pas l'équipe the Cryptix</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Le code SNTP, sous licence BSD, écrit par Adam Buckley</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Le reste, directement issu du domaine public, est écrit par jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo,
+<li>Le code ElGamal et DSA, sous licence BSD, écrits par TheCrypto</li>
+<li>SHA256 et HMAC-SHA256, sous licence MIT, écrits par the Legion of the Bouncycastle</li>
+<li>Le code AES, sous licence Cryptix (MIT), écrit pas l'équipe the Cryptix</li>
+<li>Le code SNTP, sous licence BSD, écrit par Adam Buckley</li>
+<li>Le reste, directement issu du domaine public, est écrit par jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo,
     ugha, duck, shendaras, et d'autres.</li>
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_nl.jsp b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_nl.jsp
index 71f69891f2c5a93ca9a52e63a2c20d5e2e28e180..914ab152b56512d7b7c0e2baaf6ef8b252346c64 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_nl.jsp
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_nl.jsp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ met andere aspecten van het project, zie dan de documentatie voor
 <a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/nl/get-involved">vrijwilligers.</a>
 </p><p>Verdere ondersteuning is hier beschikbaar:</p>
 <ul class="links">
-<li class="tidylist"><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/nl/faq">FAQ op i2p-projekt.i2p</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://i2p-projekt.i2p/nl/faq">FAQ op i2p-projekt.i2p</a></li>
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ Veel van de statistieken op de summary bar kunnen
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Lokale Identiteit:</b>
+<li><b>Lokale Identiteit:</b>
 De eerste vier karakters (24 bits) van je 44-karakter (256-bit) Base64 router hash.
 De volledige hash is getoond op je <a href="netdb.jsp?r=.">router info pagina</a>.
 Vertel deze aan niemand, want de router info bevat je IP.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Versie:</b>
 De versie van de I2P software die je nu gebruikt.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Uptime:</b>
 Hoe lang je I2P router al draait.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Netwerk Bereikbaarheid:</b>
+<li><b>Netwerk Bereikbaarheid:</b>
 De bereikbaarheid van je router door andere routers.
 Meer informatie is te vinden op de <a href="confignet#help">configuratie pagina</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Actief:</b>
 Het eerste nummer is het aantal peers waar je in de laatste paar minuten
 berichten naar verzonden of van ontvangen hebt.  Dit kan vari&euml;ren van 8-10 tot
 een paar honderd, afhankelijk van je totale bandbreedte, gedeelde bandbreedte
@@ -68,21 +68,21 @@ het laatste uur hebt gezien.  Wees niet ongerust wanneer deze aantallen erg
 <a href="configstats.jsp#router.activePeers">[Grafieken inschakelen]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Snel:</b>
 Dit is het aantal peers dat je gebruikt om client tunnels mee te bouwen. Het ligt over
 het algemeen tussen 8 en 30.
 Je snelle peers worden getoond op de <a href="profiles.jsp">profielen pagina</a>.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#router.fastPeers">[Grafieken inschakelen]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Grote capaciteit:</b>
+<li><b>Grote capaciteit:</b>
 Dit is het aantal peers dat je gebruikt om sommige van de onderzoekende tunnels mee te maken.
 Het ligt over het algemeen tussen de 8 en 75. De snelle peers zijn inbegrepen in de categorie grote capaciteit.
 De grote capaciteits peers worden getoond op de <a href="profiles.jsp">profielen pagina</a>.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#router.highCapacityPeers">[Grafieken inschakelen]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Ge&iuml;ntegreerd:</b>
 Dit is het aantal peers dat je gebruikt bij het opzoeken in de network database.
 Dit zijn gebruikelijk de "floodfill" peers.
 Je goed ge&iuml;ntegreerde peers worden getoond aan de onderkant van de <a href="profiles.jsp">profielen pagina</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Bekend:</b>
 Dit is het aantal routers dat bekend is bij je router.
 Ze worden getoond op de <a href="netdb.jsp">netwerk database pagina</a>.
 Dit kan liggen tussen onder de 100 en 1000 of meer.
@@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ Bandbreedte wordt standaard <a href="graphs.jsp">geplot</a>.</p>
 <p>De tunnels zelf worden getoond op de <a href="tunnels.jsp">tunnels pagina</a>.</p>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Onderzoekend:</b>
 Tunnels gebouwd door je router en gebruikt om te communiceren met de floodfill peers,
 voor het bouwen van nieuwe tunnels en testen van bestaande tunnels.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Client:</b>
 Tunnels gebouwd door je router voor het gebruik door elke client.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Deelnemend:</b>
 Tunnels gebouwd door andere routers die door je eigen router heen lopen.
 Dit kan erg vari&euml;ren afhankelijk van de vraag vanuit het netwerk,
 je gedeelde bandbreedte en hoeveelheid lokaal gegenereerd verkeer.
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ De aanbevolen methode om het aantal deelnemende tunnels te beperken
 is door het share percentage te wijzigen op de <a href="confignet#help">configuratie pagina</a>.
 Je kan het totale aantal ook beperken met de instelling <tt>router.maxParticipatingTunnels=nnn</tt> op
 de <a href="configadvanced.jsp">geavanceerde configuratie pagina</a>. <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.participatingTunnels">[Grafieken inschakelen]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Share rato:</b>
+<li><b>Share rato:</b>
 Het aantal deelnemende tunnels dat je voor andere routeert, gedeeld door het totale aantal hops in al je onderzoekende en client tunnels.
 Een aantal groter dan 1.00 betekent dat je meer tunnels aan het netwerk bijdraagt dan je gebruikt.
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Een aantal groter dan 1.00 betekent dat je meer tunnels aan het netwerk bijdraag
 <p>Een aantal basis indicatoren voor een router overbelasting:</p>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Taak vertraging:</b>
+<li><b>Taak vertraging:</b>
 Hoe lang taken moeten wachten voordat ze uitgevoerd worden. De taak wachtrij wordt getoond op de <a href="jobs.jsp">taken pagina</a>.
 Helaas zijn er ook verschillende andere taak wachtrijen in de router die verstopt kunnen raken,
 hun status is niet beschikbaar in de router console.
@@ -130,27 +130,27 @@ De taak vertraging zou over het algemeen nul moeten zijn.
 Indien dit consequent hoger is dan 500ms, dan is of je computer erg traag of
 heeft de router een serieus probleem.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#jobQueue.jobLag">[Grafieken inschakelen]</a>.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Bericht vertraging:</b>
+<li><b>Bericht vertraging:</b>
 Hoe lang een uitgaand bericht wacht in de wachtrij.
 Dit zou over het algemeen een aantal honderd milliseconden of minder moeten zijn.
 Indien dit consequent hoger is dan 1000ms, dan is of je computer erg traag
 of moet je je bandbreedte instellingen aanpassen, of je (bittorrent?) clients
 versturen mogelijk teveel data en moeten hun transmissie bandbreedte beperkt hebben.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#transport.sendProcessingTime">[Grafieken inschakelen]</a> (transport.sendProcessingTime).</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Tunnel vertraging:</b>
+<li><b>Tunnel vertraging:</b>
 Dit is de rondgangstijd voor een tunnel test, welke een enkel bericht verstuurt
 vanuit een client tunnel dat dan bij een onderzoekende tunnel naar binnen gaat, of omgekeerd.
 Dit zou over het algemeen minder dan 5 seconden moeten zijn.
 Indien dit consequent hoger is, dan is of je computer erg traag of
 moet je je bandbreedte instellingen aanpassen of zijn er netwerk problemen.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.testSuccessTime">[Grafieken inschakelen]</a> (tunnel.testSuccessTime).</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Achterstand:</b>
 Dit is het aantal wachtende aanvragen van andere routers om een deelnemende
 tunnel door je eigen router te bouwen.
 Dit zou over het algemeen dicht bij de nul moeten zijn.
 Indien dit consequent hoog is, dan is of je computer te traag of
 moet je je bandbreedte instellingen aanpassen.</li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Accepteren / Weigeren:</b>
+<li><b>Accepteren / Weigeren:</b>
 De status van de router voor het accepteren of weigeren
 van verzoeken van andere routers om een deelnemende tunnel door je router te bouwen.
 Je router kan alle aanvragen accepteren, een percentage accepteren of weigeren,
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ of externe programma's die verbinden via SAM, BOB of direct met I2CP.</p>
 <h2>Juridische zaken</h2>
 <p>De I2P router (router.jar) en SDK (i2p.jar) zijn bijna geheel in het publieke domein, met een aantal noemenswaardige uitzonderingen:</p>
-<li class="tidylist">ElGamal en DSA code, valt onder de BSD licentie, geschreven door TheCrypto</li>
-<li class="tidylist">SHA256 en HMAC-SHA256, valt onder de MIT licentie, geschreven door the Legion of the Bouncycastle</li>
-<li class="tidylist">AES code, valt onder de MIT licentie, geschreven door het Cryptix team</li>
-<li class="tidylist">SNTP code, valt onder de BSD licentie, geschreven door Adam Buckley</li>
-<li class="tidylist">De rest is helemaal public domain, geschreven door jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, en anderen.</li>
+<li>ElGamal en DSA code, valt onder de BSD licentie, geschreven door TheCrypto</li>
+<li>SHA256 en HMAC-SHA256, valt onder de MIT licentie, geschreven door the Legion of the Bouncycastle</li>
+<li>AES code, valt onder de MIT licentie, geschreven door het Cryptix team</li>
+<li>SNTP code, valt onder de BSD licentie, geschreven door Adam Buckley</li>
+<li>De rest is helemaal public domain, geschreven door jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, en anderen.</li>
 <p>Bovenop de I2P router zijn een aantal client applicaties gemaakt, elk met
diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ru.jsp b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ru.jsp
index 5050460e55acd43fe24a00abf94e39c8860b57e2..d9b2375ce5e7cac2fc9370b673e70b1d1b070bc8 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ru.jsp
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/jsp/help_ru.jsp
@@ -46,20 +46,20 @@
 <h3>Общая информация</h3><ul>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Локальный идентификатор</b>
+<li><b>Локальный идентификатор</b>
 Первые 4 символа (24 бита) из Вашего 44-символьного (256-битного) Base64 хеша маршрутизатора. Полный хеш показывается на странице <a href="netdb.jsp?r=.">информации о маршрутизаторе</a>. Никогда никому не показывайте хеш своего маршрутизатора, так как в нем содержится информация о Вашем IP-адресе.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Версия:</b>
 Версия Вашего I2P маршрутизатора. </li>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Время:</b>
 Текущее время (UTC) и величина рассинхронизации времени (если есть). Для правильной работы I2P нужно точное системное время. Пожалуйста, поправьте системное время, если расхождение приближается к 1-ой минуте.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Доступность:</b>
 Результат проверки Вашим маршрутизатором, насколько он открыт для входящих соединений от маршрутизаторов других пользователей. Подробнее смотрите на <a href="confignet#help">странице сетевых настроек</a>. 
@@ -67,23 +67,23 @@
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Активные:</b>
 Первое число — это количество пиров, с которыми происходил обмен сообщениями за последние несколько минут. Значение может меняться от 8-10 до нескольких сотен в зависимости от Вашего общего трафика, доли транзитного трафика, локально создаваемого трафика. Второе число — это количество пиров, наблюдавшихся за последний час. Не волнуйтесь, если эти числа сильно меняются. Это нормально.  <a href="configstats.jsp#router.activePeers">[Включить построение графика]</a>. 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Быстрые:</b>
 Количество пиров, которые используются Вашим маршрутизатором для построения клиентских туннелей. В общем случае это значение будет в диапазоне 8-30. Список быстрых пиров можно посмотреть на странице <a href="profiles.jsp">профили</a>. <a href="configstats.jsp#router.fastPeers">[Включить построение графика]</a>. 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Высокоёмкие:</b>
 Количество пиров, которые используются Вашим маршрутизатором для построения части зондирующих туннелей. В общем случае это значение будет в диапазоне 8-75. Быстрые пиры входят в группу высокоёмких. Список высокоёмких пиров можно посмотреть на странице <a href="profiles.jsp">профили</a>. <a href="configstats.jsp#router.highCapacityPeers">[Включить построение графика]</a>. 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Хорошо интегрированные:</b>
+<li><b>Хорошо интегрированные:</b>
 Количество пиров, которые используются Вашим маршрутизатором для запросов к сетевой базе данных. Обычно в таком качестве выступают «floodfill» пиры. Список хорошо интегрированных пиров можно посмотреть в конце страницы <a href="profiles.jsp">профили</a>. 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Известные:</b>
 Это общее количество пиров известных Вашему маршрутизатору. Их список показывается на странице <a href="netdb.jsp">обзор сетевой базы данных</a>. Это значение может варьироваться от десятков до тысяч. Значение не соответствует реальному полному размеру сети, так как маршрутизатору в сети I2P достаточно знать лишь часть других маршрутизаторов. Значение зависит от Вашего общего трафика, доли транзитного трафика, локально создаваемого трафика. 
@@ -104,19 +104,19 @@
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Зондирующие:</b>
 Туннели, созданные Вашим маршрутизатором для связи с floodfill-пирами, тестирования уже существующих туннелей и построения новых.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Клиентские:</b>
 Туннели, созданные Вашим маршрутизатором для каждого локального клиента.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Транзитные:</b>
 Туннели, построенные другими маршрутизаторами, проходящие через Ваш маршрутизатор. Их количество может сильно варьироваться в зависимости от потребностей сети, настроенной доли транзитного трафика и объема локально создаваемого трафика. Рекомендуемый способ ограничения количества транзитных туннелей — настроить долю транзитного трафика на странице <a href="confignet#help">сетевых настроек</a>. Также можно задать точный ограничитель количества через параметр <tt>router.maxParticipatingTunnels=nnn</tt> на странице <a href="configadvanced.jsp">дополнительных настроек</a>.
 <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.participatingTunnels">[Включить построение графика]</a>. 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Доля транзита:</b>
+<li><b>Доля транзита:</b>
 Количество транзитных туннелей, проходящих через Ваш маршрутизатор, поделенное на суммарное количество хопов в Ваших зондирующих и клиентских туннелях. Значение больше 1.00 означает, что Вы предоставляете для сети больше туннелей, чем используете сами.
@@ -127,29 +127,29 @@
 <p>Некоторые базовые индикаторы перегруженности маршрутизатора:</p>
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Задержка заданий:</b>
+<li><b>Задержка заданий:</b>
 Как долго задания ожидают выполнения. Содержимое очереди можно посмотреть на странице <a href="jobs.jsp">очередь заданий</a>.  К сожалению, есть ещё несколько внутренних очередей, статус которых в консоли не показывается. Задержка заданий в нормальной ситуации должна быть нулевой. Если она систематически выше 500ms, то либо Ваш компьютер слишком медленный, либо с Вашим маршрутизатором проблемы. 
 <a href="configstats.jsp#jobQueue.jobLag">[Включить построение графика]</a>.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Задержка сообщений:</b>
+<li><b>Задержка сообщений:</b>
 Как долго исходящие сообщения находятся в очереди. В нормальном случае эта задержка должна быть не выше нескольких сотен миллисекунд. Если она систематически выше 1000ms, то либо Ваш компьютер слишком медленный, либо Вам следует перенастроить ограничение скорости, либо локальные клиенты (чаще всего bittorrent) посылают слишком много данных. Для таких клиентов имеет смысл ограничить скорость. 
 <a href="configstats.jsp#transport.sendProcessingTime">[Включить построение графика]</a> (transport.sendProcessingTime). 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Задержка туннелей:</b>
+<li><b>Задержка туннелей:</b>
 Время прохождения сигнала при проверке туннеля (сообщение посылается от клиентского туннеля до зондирующего или в обратном направлении). Это значение в нормальном случае должно быть ниже 5 секунд. Если оно систематически выше, то либо Ваш компьютер слишком медленный, либо Вам следует перенастроить ограничение скорости, либо с сетью что-то не в порядке.  
 <a href="configstats.jsp#tunnel.testSuccessTime">[Включить построение графика]</a> (tunnel.testSuccessTime). 
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Очередь запросов:</b>
+<li><b>Очередь запросов:</b>
 Количество пока необработанных запросов от других маршрутизаторов о построении транзитных туннелей через Ваш маршрутизатор. В нормальном случае это значение должно быть около нуля. Если оно систематически выше, то Ваш компьютер слишком медленный и Вам следует настроить меньшую долю транзитного трафика.
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Принимаем/Не принимаем туннели:</b>
+<li><b>Принимаем/Не принимаем туннели:</b>
 Состояние Вашего маршрутизатора по приему или отклонению запросов от других маршрутизаторов о построении туннелей. Ваш маршрутизатор может принимать все запросы, принимать/отклонять часть запросов или отклонять все запросы, в зависимости от сетевой загрузки, нагрузки на процессор и необходимости резервировать полосу пропускания для локальных клиентов. 
@@ -167,11 +167,11 @@
 <p>Код I2P-маршрутизатора (router.jar) и его SDK (i2p.jar) находятся в общественном достоянии с некоторыми исключениями:</p>
-<li class="tidylist">Код для алгоритмов ElGamal и DSA — под лицензией BSD, автор: TheCrypto</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Код для алгоритмов SHA256 и HMAC-SHA256 — под лицензией MIT, автор: Legion из Bouncycastle</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Код для алгоритма AES — под лицензией Cryptix (MIT), авторы: Cryptix team</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Код для SNTP — под лицензией BSD, автор: Adam Buckley</li>
-<li class="tidylist">Всё остальное полностью в общественном достоянии, авторы: jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, и другие.</li>
+<li>Код для алгоритмов ElGamal и DSA — под лицензией BSD, автор: TheCrypto</li>
+<li>Код для алгоритмов SHA256 и HMAC-SHA256 — под лицензией MIT, автор: Legion из Bouncycastle</li>
+<li>Код для алгоритма AES — под лицензией Cryptix (MIT), авторы: Cryptix team</li>
+<li>Код для SNTP — под лицензией BSD, автор: Adam Buckley</li>
+<li>Всё остальное полностью в общественном достоянии, авторы: jrandom, mihi, hypercubus, oOo, ugha, duck, shendaras, и другие.</li>
 <p>Поверх I2P маршрутизатора работают различные приложения-клиенты, каждое со своим набором лицензий и зависимостей. Например, эта страница входит в приложение консоли маршрутизатора, которое сделано из усеченной версии <a href="http://jetty.mortbay.com/jetty/index.html">Jetty</a> (в сборку не включены демонстрационные приложения и прочие дополнения, настройки упрощены). Jetty позволяет запускать в составе маршрутизатора стандартные JSP/сервлеты. Jetty использует javax.servlet.jar разработанный в составе проекта Apache (http://www.apache.org/). 
diff --git a/history.txt b/history.txt
index 563a6561594b5db0e9bc52f98045252006e53fe3..13b643ee2c3c3ef142d7f337642db53714787bb4 100644
--- a/history.txt
+++ b/history.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
    - /configui:
      - Add option to embed Susimail and I2PSnark in console
      - Use larger flags for language selection
+   - /help:
+     - Update sidebar help section (en)
+     - Remove redundant CSS class from all help section files (li.tidylist)
  * I2PTunnel: Add hostname / destination (b32) information to server section on
    index page (for parity with client tunnels section)
  * I2PSnark
diff --git a/installer/resources/themes/console/classic/console.css b/installer/resources/themes/console/classic/console.css
index 175b3238aeefde02822fb21129051002c1ea8a13..cf74033b68ae59851e59ef47e4818e63378d6cdd 100644
--- a/installer/resources/themes/console/classic/console.css
+++ b/installer/resources/themes/console/classic/console.css
@@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ div.welcome {
      min-width: 550px;
-.main#help {
+#help {
      background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,255,255,0.8), rgba(255,255,255,0.1)), url(images/bg0.png) !important;
@@ -5504,26 +5504,26 @@ h3.stats {
      margin-bottom: 5px !important;
-.main#help h2 {
+#help h2 {
      margin: -16px -16px 0;
-.main#help h3 {
+#help h3 {
      margin: -5px -16px 3px;
-.main#help p {
+#help p {
      padding: 5px 0 0;
      margin-top: 0;
-.main#help ul {
+#help ul {
      margin-bottom: 5px;
      margin-top: -5px;
      padding-left: 15px;
-.main#help ul li:first-child {
+#help ul li:first-child {
      padding-top: 0;
      margin-top: 10px !important;
@@ -5537,6 +5537,12 @@ ul#reachability {
      padding-left: 15px;
+#help li {
+     text-align: justify;
+     margin-left: 20px;
+     margin-right: 0;
 #configinfo th {
      box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff;
@@ -5551,7 +5557,7 @@ ul#reachability {
      margin: -1px -1px 5px !important;
-.main#help pre {
+#help pre {
      padding-left: 0;
      padding-bottom: 20px;
      margin: -5px 0 5px 10px;
@@ -5582,7 +5588,7 @@ p#fullhistory {
      background-size: 14px auto;
-.main#help td.infohelp, .main#help td.infowarn, .main#help td.infohelp, .main#help p.infohelp {
+#help td.infohelp, #help td.infowarn, #help td.infohelp, #help p.infohelp {
      background-size: 24px 24px !important;
      padding-left: 46px !important;
@@ -5759,7 +5765,7 @@ p#fullhistory {
      background: rgba(230,230,255,0.5);
-.main#help #configinfo td.infowarn {
+#help #configinfo td.infowarn {
      padding: 10px 10px 10px 38px !important;
      border: 1px solid #89f;
      background: #fffff5 url(/themes/console/images/info/infowarn.png) 10px center no-repeat !important;
@@ -7138,7 +7144,7 @@ table.sybil_routerinfo:last-child {
 /* end whitespace reduction */
-.main#help h3, #faq h3 {
+#help h3, #faq h3 {
      font-size: 10pt !important;
@@ -7174,7 +7180,7 @@ table.sybil_routerinfo:last-child {
      letter-spacing: -0.3em;
-.main#help h3, #faq h3 {
+#help h3, #faq h3 {
      font-size: 10.5pt !important;
@@ -7193,7 +7199,7 @@ table.sybil_routerinfo:last-child {
 @media screen and (min-width: 1400px) {
-.main#help #changelog pre:not(old) {
+#help #changelog pre:not(old) {
      columns: 560px auto;
      column-gap: 40px;
      column-rule: 1px dotted #abf;
diff --git a/installer/resources/themes/console/dark/console.css b/installer/resources/themes/console/dark/console.css
index 0b62f5051100ab48b6908a979e2152b7ddb158c4..a8faad8c88a5c8362e898a50fd80264e3c98c674 100644
--- a/installer/resources/themes/console/dark/console.css
+++ b/installer/resources/themes/console/dark/console.css
@@ -4013,6 +4013,10 @@ ul#upnphelp li:last-child, #legal ul li:last-child {
      padding: 7px 10px 7px 36px !important;
+#help li {
+     text-align: justify;
 /* mini faq */
 #faq h3 {
diff --git a/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console.css b/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console.css
index b77624d763532144684a699601171647734a1e44..eb70c1d1cca2d4d0d8da652d16c47e86ee3836f1 100644
--- a/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console.css
+++ b/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console.css
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ pre {
      line-height: 110%;
 h3#helpfaq {
      margin-bottom: -9px;
@@ -265,6 +266,7 @@ h3#helpfaq {
      margin-bottom: -10px;
 .routersummary h4 {
      border: none;
@@ -1633,7 +1635,7 @@ h1, .confignav {
      position: relative;
-.confignav, .main#help div.confignav {
+.confignav, #help div.confignav {
      padding: 8px;
      margin: -1px -15px 5px -15px;
      border: 1px solid #7778bf;
@@ -6108,42 +6110,42 @@ h3#ntcpcon, h3#udpcon {
      white-space: pre-wrap;
-.main#help h2 {
+#help h2 {
      margin: -1px -11px 10px !important;
      border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0;
      text-transform: uppercase;
      filter: none;
-.main#help h3 {
+#help h3 {
      margin-bottom: -3px;
-.main#help #changelog h2 {
+#help #changelog h2 {
     margin-right: -1px !important;
-.main#help div, .logtable tr:nth-child(n+2) td, .main#console, .debug_container {
+#help div, .logtable tr:nth-child(n+2) td, .main#console, .debug_container {
      background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(248,248,255,0.5), rgba(250,250,255,0.3)), repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 2px, rgba(221, 221, 255, 0.3) 3px, #fff 5px) #fafaff !important;
      margin-bottom: 13px;
      box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff;
-.main#help #volunteer, #wrapperlogs pre {
+#help #volunteer, #wrapperlogs pre {
      background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fafaff, rgba(248,248,255,0.3)), url(/themes/snark/ubergine/images/hat.png) no-repeat right -3px bottom -3px / auto 80%, repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(252,252,255,0.5) 2px, rgba(221, 221, 255, 0.3) 3px, #fafaff 5px) #fafaff !important;
      box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff;
-.main#help p {
+#help p {
      padding-left: 10px;
      padding-right: 10px;
-.main#help p.infohelp {
+#help p.infohelp {
      padding-left: 50px;
-.main#help td.infohelp, .main#help td.infowarn, .main#help td.infohelp:hover, .main#help td.infowarn:hover {
+#help td.infohelp, #help td.infowarn, #help td.infohelp:hover, #help td.infowarn:hover {
      background-size: 24px 24px !important;
      padding-left: 46px !important;
      color: #33333f !important;
@@ -6155,10 +6157,23 @@ h3#ntcpcon, h3#udpcon {
     margin-bottom: 0 !important;
+#sidebarhelp ul:last-child {
+     margin-bottom: 5px !important;
 #sidebarhelp p + ul {
      margin-top: -15px !important;
+#help li {
+     text-align: justify;
+#help li code {
+     font-weight: bold;
+     color: #050;
 /* mini faq */
 #faq h3 {
@@ -7291,7 +7306,7 @@ input[name="pluginURL"] {
      white-space: normal;
-.main#help h3, #faq h3, #leasesetdebug th, table#leasesetsummary th {
+#help h3, #faq h3, #leasesetdebug th, table#leasesetsummary th {
      font-size: 10pt !important;
@@ -7372,7 +7387,7 @@ body {
 @media screen and (min-width: 1400px) {
-.main#help #changelog pre:not(old) {
+#help #changelog pre:not(old) {
      columns: 550px auto;
      column-gap: 25px;
      column-rule: 1px solid rgba(64, 64, 128, 0.5);
diff --git a/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console_ar.css b/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console_ar.css
index 54f60e631ddc7015435846d408d96042cf65a3eb..d03ab5c263f84c7b6e71361420ece6bfbcc247ef 100644
--- a/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console_ar.css
+++ b/installer/resources/themes/console/light/console_ar.css
@@ -388,6 +388,10 @@ div[lang="ar"] ul, div[lang="ar"] p {
      margin: 10px;
+#help li {
+     margin-left: 20px !important;
 .links li:first-child {
      margin-top: 15px !important;
@@ -397,11 +401,15 @@ div[lang="ar"] ul, div[lang="ar"] p {
 .main#help .links li {
-     margin-right: 70px !important;
+    margin: 5px 50px 5px 20px;
-.main#help .links li {
-    margin: 5px 50px 5px 20px;
+#fullhistory {
+     text-align: left;
+#fullhistory::before {
+     margin-left: 10px;
 .links li code {
diff --git a/installer/resources/themes/console/midnight/console.css b/installer/resources/themes/console/midnight/console.css
index 0d41d2a01caeeb7fc8908b71bfd8f8d4c0711eba..30a08ca7d9d1f1b3af4d3c24103ed6aa24f04c77 100644
--- a/installer/resources/themes/console/midnight/console.css
+++ b/installer/resources/themes/console/midnight/console.css
@@ -4447,7 +4447,7 @@ table#externali2cp {
 /* /help */
-.main#help h3 {
+#help h3 {
     padding: 7px 10px;
     font-size: 10pt;
@@ -4555,12 +4555,12 @@ ul#upnphelp li:last-child, #legal ul li:last-child {
      padding-bottom: 0;
-.main#help td.infohelp, .main#help td.infowarn {
+#help td.infohelp, #help td.infowarn {
      background-size: 24px 24px !important;
      padding-left: 46px !important;
-.main#help #configinfo .infowarn {
+#help #configinfo .infowarn {
      border: none;
      border-bottom: 1px inset #010008;
      box-shadow: none;
@@ -4568,6 +4568,10 @@ ul#upnphelp li:last-child, #legal ul li:last-child {
      padding: 7px 10px 7px 40px !important;
+#help li {
+     text-align: justify;
 /* mini faq */
 #faq h3 {
@@ -7532,7 +7536,7 @@ table#i2pupdates td:first-child {
      white-space: normal;
-.main#help h3, #faq h3 {
+#help h3, #faq h3 {
      font-size: 10pt !important;
@@ -7584,7 +7588,7 @@ table#i2pupdates td:first-child {
      margin-bottom: 5px;
-.main#help h3, #faq h3 {
+#help h3, #faq h3 {
      font-size: 10.5pt !important;
@@ -7594,7 +7598,7 @@ table#i2pupdates td:first-child {
 @media screen and (min-width: 1400px) {
-.main#help #changelog pre:not(old) {
+#help #changelog pre:not(old) {
      columns: 550px auto;
      column-gap: 40px;
      column-rule: 1px dotted #443da0;