From a9f1f1bc1f9deba83ef9e3c7291cb830a290b965 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: z3d <z3d@mail.i2p>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 20:56:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Readme (eng) detailing.

 installer/resources/readme/readme.html | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/installer/resources/readme/readme.html b/installer/resources/readme/readme.html
index 2945019cf5..d134760c5c 100644
--- a/installer/resources/readme/readme.html
+++ b/installer/resources/readme/readme.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 <h3>Services on I2P</h3>
 <ul class="links">
-<li class="tidylist"><b>Invisible Internet &amp; Public Web Browsing</b><br>On I2P you can access anonymous websites (aka eepsites) and other services (e.g. ssh over I2p, IRC, Jabber etc.) in addition to being able to host your own services. You can also access the normal web anonymously via I2P's built-in web proxy (aka outproxy). <a href="" target="_blank">Configure your browser</a> to use the <a href="http://proxy.i2p" target="_blank">HTTP proxy</a> at <code> port 4444</code>, then browse to an eepsite or a normal, unencrypted <code>http://</code> address. For a pre-configured browser, you may wish to try <a href="http://echelon.i2p/i2pfox/">I2PFox</a>, a custom build
+<li class="tidylist"><b>Invisible Internet &amp; Public Web Browsing</b><br>On I2P you can access anonymous websites (aka eepsites) and other services (e.g. ssh over I2P, IRC, Jabber etc.) in addition to being able to host your own services. You can also access the normal web anonymously via I2P's built-in web proxy (aka outproxy). <a href="" target="_blank">Configure your browser</a> to use the <a href="http://proxy.i2p" target="_blank">HTTP proxy</a> at <code> port 4444</code>, then browse to an eepsite or a normal, unencrypted <code>http://</code> address. For a pre-configured browser, you may wish to try <a href="http://echelon.i2p/i2pfox/">I2PFox</a>, a custom build
 of Firefox security hardened and tailored especially for I2P. <a href="#eepsites">Below</a> we list a few of the sites hosted on I2P.</li><li class="tidylist"><b>Anonymous E-Mail</b><br>Postman's I2P-based mail system can be accessed either via <a href="../../../../../../susimail/">I2P's built-in webmail</a>
 (aka susimail) or using any mail client that supports smtp and pop3.
 Accounts can send and receive mail from the normal internet. For an
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ and can be installed as a <a href="readme.html#plugins">plugin</a>.</li>
 <li class="tidylist"><b>Anonymous File Transfer</b><br><a href="/i2psnark" target="_blank">I2PSnark</a> is integrated into I2P, providing anonymous, encrypted <a href="" target="_blank">BitTorrent</a> transfers. In addition, Sponge develops a bittorrent client called <a href="http://bob.i2p/Robert.html">Robert</a> written in Python. There is also a port of <a href="" target="_blank">eMule</a> to I2P called <a href="http://echelon.i2p/imule">iMule</a> [Needs developers!], an anonymous, secure implementation of a <a href="" target="_blank">Gnutella network</a>, accessible using <a href="http://echelon.i2p/i2phex/" target="_blank">I2Phex</a> [maintained by Complication, seeking new developers!], and additional facilities including browser-based file hosting etc.</li>
       <li class="tidylist"><b>Anonymous Chat</b><br>Start your IRC client (e.g. Chatzilla, Pidgin, XChat)
-        and connect to the <a href="irc://">server</a> at <code> port 6668</code>. You do not need to configure a proxy in your IRC client; I2P provides you with a local IRC tunnel (configured in your IRC client as an IRC server or remote host). Your local I2P IRC tunnel on <code>localhost:6668</code> will direct you to one of two IRC servers hosted on I2P by Postman and Badger, but neither you nor they know where the other is, and your mom, ISP or government is unable to intercept your conversation! Once you're there, <code>#i2p-help</code>,<code>#i2p</code>,<code>#i2p-chat</code> and <code>#i2p-dev</code> are just a few of the available channels you may wish to /join. There's also an I2P-based <a href="http://echelon.i2p/qti2pmessenger">Instant Messenger</a> for unmonitorable and uncensorable anonymous chat, as well as alternative IRC servers, Jabber servers, website-based chat etc. And of course you're entirely free to run your own servers over I2P in whatever flavor you choose (both udp and tcp are provisioned in I2P).</li>
-      <li class="tidylist"><b>Forums &amp; Blogging</b><br><a href="" target="_blank">Syndie</a> is a distributed forum and blogging platform for I2P [Needs developers!]. There's also an I2P plugin port of the Java-based <a href="" target="_blank">pebble</a> blogging platform ported to I2P by zzz, available on <a href="http://i2plugins.i2p" target="_blank">i2plugins.i2p</a>. And, of course, all normal blogging, forum and cms software will run over I2P, though you're advised to take extra precautions with security when setting up and to keep all associated software (e.g. Php, MySql, Python, Apache) up to date and locked-down! Also, there are quite a few forums running on I2P in various languages; see <a href="#eepsites">below</a> for some suggestions.</li>
+        and connect to the <a href="irc://">server</a> at <code> port 6668</code>. You do not need to configure a proxy in your IRC client; I2P provides you with a local IRC tunnel (configured in your IRC client as an IRC server or remote host). Your local I2P IRC tunnel on <code>localhost:6668</code> will direct you to one of two IRC servers hosted on I2P by Postman and Badger, but neither you nor they know where the other is, and your mom, ISP or government is unable to intercept your conversation! Once you're there, <code>#i2p-help</code>,<code>#i2p</code>,<code>#i2p-chat</code> and <code>#i2p-dev</code> are just a few of the available channels you may wish to /join. There's also an I2P-based <a href="http://echelon.i2p/qti2pmessenger">Instant Messenger</a> for unmonitorable and uncensorable anonymous chat, as well as alternative IRC servers, Jabber servers, website-based chat etc. And of course you're entirely free to run your own servers over I2P in whatever flavor you choose, or if you're a developer write your own <a href="" target="_blank">I2P applications</a> (both <a href="" target="_blanK">udp</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">tcp</a> protocols are <a href="http://www.i2p2.i2p/techintro.html#op.transport" target="_blank">provisioned</a>), and <a href="" target="_blank">realtime streaming</a> is also possible. We also provide full access to the <a href="" target="_blank"> java-based api</a>.</li>
+      <li class="tidylist"><b>Forums &amp; Blogging</b><br>If you're looking to run your own blog or forum, you might be interested in <a href="" target="_blank">Syndie</a>, a distributed forum and blogging platform for I2P [Needs developers!]. There's also an I2P plugin port of the Java-based <a href="" target="_blank">pebble</a> blogging platform ported to I2P by zzz, available on <a href="http://i2plugins.i2p" target="_blank">i2plugins.i2p</a>. And, of course, all normal blogging, forum and cms software will run over I2P, though you're advised to take extra precautions with security when setting up and to keep all associated software (e.g. Php, MySql, Python, Apache) up to date and locked-down! Also, there are quite a few forums running on I2P in various languages; see <a href="#eepsites">below</a> for some suggestions.</li>
       <a name="plugins"></a><li class="tidylist"><b>Plugins for I2P</b><br>Extend the usefulness of I2P by installing plugins&hellip; blogging, chatting, file sharing and other plugins have already been written or ported and await your <a href="http://i2plugins.i2p/plugins/" target="_blank">installation</a>! Browse the plugins and related info at <a href="http://i2plugins.i2p" target="_blank">i2plugins.i2p</a>. If you're a <a href="http://i2plugins.i2p/developers/" target="_blank">developer</a>, a complete language-agnostic framework for writing your own plugins is provided with <a href="http://www.i2p2.i2p/plugins.html" target="_blank">documentation</a>; I2P plugins can be coded in any language.</li>