diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/BaseHTTPServer.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/BaseHTTPServer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a621bd660304de2e85a3805dcaf8522dab964a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/BaseHTTPServer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+Emulation of Python BaseHTTPServer module using I2P sockets.
+The Python module is described at
+To get a server going, use:
+  >>> from i2p import BaseHTTPServer
+  >>> BaseHTTPServer.test().
+Consult the documentation for function test() to change basic
+server settings, such as the session name.
+A fully customizable example:
+  >>> from i2p import BaseHTTPServer
+  >>> session = "mytestxxx.i2p"      # SAM session name
+  >>> class MyServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): pass
+  >>> class MyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): pass
+  >>> httpd = MyServer(session, MyRequestHandler)
+  >>> httpd.socket.dest
+  (Base64 Destination of server)
+  >>> httpd.serve_forever()
+# By aum.
+# Hack to keep Python from importing from current directory:
+# Use pylib package, then use = signs instead of from x import y.
+import pylib
+BaseHTTPServer = pylib.BaseHTTPServer
+import sys
+import i2p.SocketServer
+__version__ = "0.3"
+__all__ = ["HTTPServer", "BaseHTTPRequestHandler", "test"]
+class HTTPServer(i2p.SocketServer.TCPServer, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
+    """
+    Same interface as Python class
+    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.
+    """
+class BaseHTTPRequestHandler(
+        i2p.SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler,
+        BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+    """
+    Same interface as Python class
+    BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.
+    """
+def test(HandlerClass = BaseHTTPRequestHandler,
+         ServerClass = HTTPServer, protocol="HTTP/1.0",
+         session = "mytestxxx.i2p"):
+    """
+    Test the HTTP request handler class.
+    This runs an I2P TCP server under SAM session 'session'.
+    If a single command line argument is given, the argument is used
+    instead as the SAM session name.
+    """
+    if sys.argv[1:] and __name__ == '__main__':
+        session = sys.argv[1]
+    HandlerClass.protocol_version = protocol
+    httpd = ServerClass(session, HandlerClass)
+    print "Serving HTTP on", session, "..."
+    print "Destination follows:"
+    print httpd.socket.dest
+    httpd.serve_forever()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/CGIHTTPServer.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/CGIHTTPServer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69a33fb4275db0b349c1e6b45158dfbafbf1f329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/CGIHTTPServer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+Emulation of Python CGIHTTPServer module using I2P sockets.
+The Python module is described at
+To get a server going, use:
+  >>> from i2p import CGIHTTPServer
+  >>> CGIHTTPServer.test().
+Consult the documentation for function test() to change basic
+server settings, such as the session name.
+A fully customizable example:
+  >>> from i2p import BaseHTTPServer, CGIHTTPServer
+  >>> session = "mytestxxx.i2p"      # SAM session name
+  >>> class MyServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): pass
+  >>> class MyRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler): pass
+  >>> httpd = MyServer(session, MyRequestHandler)
+  >>> httpd.socket.dest
+  (Base64 Destination of server)
+  >>> httpd.serve_forever()
+# By aum.
+__all__ = ["CGIHTTPRequestHandler", "test"]
+# Hack to keep Python from importing from current directory:
+# Use pylib package, then use = signs instead of from x import y.
+import pylib
+CGIHTTPServer = pylib.CGIHTTPServer
+nobody_uid = CGIHTTPServer.nobody_uid
+executable = CGIHTTPServer.executable
+import sys
+import i2p.BaseHTTPServer
+import i2p.SimpleHTTPServer
+HTTPServer = i2p.BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer
+class CGIHTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
+    """
+    Same interface as Python class
+    CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler.
+    """
+def test(HandlerClass = CGIHTTPRequestHandler,
+         ServerClass = i2p.BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer,
+         session = "mytestxxx.i2p"):
+    """
+    Test the HTTP CGI request handler class.
+    This runs an I2P TCP server under SAM session 'session'.
+    If a single command line argument is given, the argument is used
+    instead as the SAM session name.
+    """
+    if sys.argv[1:] and __name__ == '__main__':
+        session = sys.argv[1]
+    i2p.SimpleHTTPServer.test(HandlerClass, ServerClass,
+                              session=session)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/SimpleHTTPServer.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/SimpleHTTPServer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b9e4a80725fe3c01babd81a74c0fca4d35af32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/SimpleHTTPServer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+Emulation of Python SimpleHTTPServer module using I2P sockets.
+The Python module is described at
+To get a server going, use:
+  >>> from i2p import SimpleHTTPServer
+  >>> SimpleHTTPServer.test().
+Consult the documentation for function test() to change basic
+server settings, such as the session name.
+A fully customizable example:
+  >>> from i2p import BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer
+  >>> session = "mytestxxx.i2p"      # SAM session name
+  >>> class MyServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): pass
+  >>> class MyRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): pass
+  >>> httpd = MyServer(session, MyRequestHandler)
+  >>> httpd.socket.dest
+  (Base64 Destination of server)
+  >>> httpd.serve_forever()
+# By aum.
+# Hack to keep Python from importing from current directory:
+# Use pylib package, then use = signs instead of from x import y.
+import pylib
+SimpleHTTPServer = pylib.SimpleHTTPServer
+import sys
+import i2p.BaseHTTPServer
+__version__ = "0.1.0"
+__all__ = ["SimpleHTTPRequestHandler", "test"]
+HTTPServer = i2p.BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer
+class SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
+    """
+    Same interface as Python class
+    SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.
+    """
+def test(HandlerClass = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler,
+         ServerClass = i2p.BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer,
+         session = "mytestxxx.i2p"):
+    """
+    Test the HTTP simple request handler class.
+    This runs an I2P TCP server under SAM session 'session'.
+    If a single command line argument is given, the argument is used
+    instead as the SAM session name.
+    """
+    if sys.argv[1:] and __name__ == '__main__':
+        session = sys.argv[1]
+    i2p.BaseHTTPServer.test(HandlerClass, ServerClass,
+                            session=session)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/SocketServer.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/SocketServer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5273e09b22a8e721bf92dd8a41f428165da6edbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/SocketServer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Emulation of Python SocketServer module using I2P sockets.
+The Python module is described at
+# By aum.
+# Hack to keep Python from importing from current directory:
+# Use pylib package, then use = signs instead of from x import y.
+import pylib
+SocketServer = pylib.SocketServer
+import i2p.socket
+class BaseServer(SocketServer.BaseServer):
+    pass
+class TCPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer, BaseServer):
+    socket_type = i2p.socket.SOCK_STREAM
+    def __init__(self, session, RequestHandlerClass):
+        """
+        Constructor.  May be extended, do not override.
+        The 'session' argument indicates the SAM session
+        name that should be used for the server.  See module
+        i2p.socket for details on SAM sessions.
+        """
+        BaseServer.__init__(self, session, RequestHandlerClass)
+        #self.socket = socket.socket(self.address_family,
+        #                            self.socket_type)
+        self.session = session
+        self.socket = i2p.socket.socket(session, self.socket_type)
+        self.server_bind()
+        self.server_activate()
+class UDPServer(TCPServer, SocketServer.UDPServer):
+    pass
+class ForkingMixIn(SocketServer.ForkingMixIn):
+    pass
+class ThreadingMixIn(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn):
+    pass
+class ForkingUDPServer(ForkingMixIn, UDPServer):
+    pass
+class ForkingTCPServer(ForkingMixIn, TCPServer):
+    pass
+class ThreadingUDPServer(ThreadingMixIn, UDPServer):
+    pass
+class ThreadingTCPServer(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer):
+    pass
+class BaseRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
+    pass
+class StreamRequestHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
+    pass
+class DatagramRequestHandler(SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler):
+    pass
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/__init__.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/__init__.py
index 7d043ee70eabf953ea687c26a8ef673ad545a440..bff245121c4a7b65ff9c87f4498fbb8ac3dc724d 100644
--- a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/__init__.py
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/__init__.py
@@ -2,10 +2,17 @@
 i2p -- I2P Python interface
-__all__ = ['Error', 'RouterError', 'sam', 'eep', 'router',
-    'I2PSocketServer', 'I2PBaseHTTPServer',
-    'I2PSimpleHTTPServer', 'I2PCGIHTTPServer',
-    ]
+__all__ = [
+ 'BaseHTTPServer',
+ 'CGIHTTPServer',
+ 'eep',
+ 'router',
+ 'select',
+ 'SimpleHTTPServer',
+ 'socket',
+ 'SocketServer',
+ 'tunnel',
 class Error(Exception):
   """Base class for all I2P errors."""
@@ -13,9 +20,3 @@ class Error(Exception):
 class RouterError(Error):
   """Could not connect to router."""
-import sam
-import eep
-import router
-# Internal use only
-#import samclasses as _samclasses
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/eep.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/eep.py
index 08b410c2c2e7e613cae81846e09e4724e6bfd7de..6d7bfd0c7e38cdae91393e5cc365291a8ab9f1a0 100644
--- a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/eep.py
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/eep.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # -------------------------------------------------------------
-# eep.py: I2P Project -- Eeproxy Python API
+# eep.py: Eeproxy access module
 # -------------------------------------------------------------
-Eeproxy Python API
+Eeproxy access module
 import urllib2
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/pylib/__init__.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/pylib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78cfc08e3c253dd47a742c3ac0a2e7807a59f1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/pylib/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# Hack to import the Python library modules
+# when names conflict in our package.
+# ------------------------------------------------
+import sys
+import socket
+import select
+import BaseHTTPServer
+import SocketServer
+import CGIHTTPServer
+import SimpleHTTPServer
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/router.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/router.py
index b625b0ace09730caf88fc5b73f28a719273674cf..b0d0e20d319285b6e58160c8f8e99ec95bf4a8cd 100644
--- a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/router.py
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/router.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # -------------------------------------------------------------
-# router.py: I2P Project -- Router Control API for Python
+# router.py: Router control module
 # -------------------------------------------------------------
-Router Control API for Python
+Router control module
 import i2p
-import i2p.sam
+import i2p.socket
 import i2p.eep
+from i2p.pylib import socket as pysocket   # Import Python socket
-import socket as pysocket
 import os, sys
 import os.path
 import time
 import threading
 import urllib2
-check_addrlist = [i2p.sam.samaddr, i2p.eep.eepaddr]
+check_addrlist = [i2p.socket.samaddr, i2p.eep.eepaddr]
 router_config = 'router.config'     # Router config filename
@@ -31,19 +31,16 @@ def find(dir=None):
   """Find the absolute path to a locally installed I2P router.
      An I2P installation is located by looking in the
-     environment I2P, then in PATH, then in the dir argument
-     given to the function.  It looks for startRouter.sh or
-     startRouter.bat.  Raises ValueError if an I2P installation
+     the dir argument given to the function, then in the
+     environment I2P, then in PATH.  It looks for startRouter.sh
+     or startRouter.bat.  Raises ValueError if an I2P installation
      could not be located.
-  if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
-    sep = ';'
-  else:
-    sep = ':'
+  sep = os.pathsep        # Path separator
   L = []
-  if 'PATH' in os.environ: L += os.environ['PATH'].split(sep)
-  if 'I2P' in os.environ: L += os.environ['I2P'].split(sep)
   if dir != None and dir != '': L += dir.split(sep)
+  if 'I2P' in os.environ: L += os.environ['I2P'].split(sep)
+  if 'PATH' in os.environ: L += os.environ['PATH'].split(sep)
   for dirname in L:
     filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'startRouter.bat')
     if os.path.exists(filename):
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/samclasses.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/samclasses.py
index db402b8f878bc1852f2c5a3ae3150d8a60cacdd0..f6e043b083d6bf09237f784c22103fe28b1ea6a3 100644
--- a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/samclasses.py
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/samclasses.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -------------------------------------------------------------
-# samclasses.py: Lower-level SAM API, interfaces with SAM Bridge.
+# samclasses.py: Lower-level SAM classes, for internal use.
 # -------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -8,46 +8,45 @@ Lower-level SAM API, interfaces with SAM Bridge.
 For internal use only.
-Use the higher level i2p.sam module for your own programs.
+Use the higher level i2p.socket module for your own programs.
 For details on SAM, see "Simple Anonymous Messaging (SAM) v1.0,"
 as published by jrandom.
 Class Overview:
-  SAMTerminal:     Message sender/reader, talks to SAM Bridge
-                   through a single socket.
-  StringBuffer:    Queue for character data.
-  BaseSession:     SAM session classes are derived from this.
-  StreamSession:   Manipulate a SAM stream session through a
-                   threadsafe, high-level interface.
-  DatagramSession: SAM datagram session, threadsafe, high level.
-  RawSession:      SAM raw session, threadsafe, high level.
+ - SAMTerminal:     Message sender/reader, talks to SAM Bridge.
+ - StringBuffer:    Queue for character data.
+ - BaseSession:     SAM session classes are derived from this.
+ - StreamSession:   SAM stream session class, threadsafe, high level.
+ - DatagramSession: SAM datagram session, threadsafe, high level.
+ - RawSession:      SAM raw session, threadsafe, high level.
 Note that a 'None' timeout is an infinite timeout: it
 blocks forever if necessary.
-  * Error handling is a huge mess.  Neaten it up.
+  - Error handling is a huge mess.  Neaten it up.
     Subclass a ErrorMixin class, then use set_error(e),
     check_error(), get_error().
-  * Streams are a huge mess.  Neaten them up.
-  * This whole interface is a tad confusing.  Neaten it up.
+  - Streams are a huge mess.  Neaten them up.
+  - This whole interface is a tad confusing.  Neaten it up.
 # ---------------------------------------------------------
 # Imports
 # ---------------------------------------------------------
-import socket, thread, threading, time, string
 import Queue, traceback, random, sys, shlex
+import thread, threading, time, string
 # ---------------------------------------------------------
-# Import i2p and i2p.sam (for defaults and errors)
+# Import i2p and i2p.socket (for defaults and errors)
 # ---------------------------------------------------------
 import i2p
-import i2p.sam
+import i2p.socket
+from i2p.pylib import socket as pysocket   # Import Python socket
 # ---------------------------------------------------------
 # Functions
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ import i2p.sam
 def sleep(): time.sleep(0.01)   # Sleep between thread polls
-sam_log = False                 # Logging flag.  Logs to ./log.txt.
+log = False                     # Logging flag.  Logs to ./log.txt.
 # -----------------------------------------------------
 # SAMTerminal
@@ -63,13 +62,13 @@ sam_log = False                 # Logging flag.  Logs to ./log.txt.
 class SAMTerminal:
   """Message-by-message communication with SAM through a single
-     socket.  _on_* messages are dispatched to msgobj."""
+     pysocket.  _on_* messages are dispatched to msgobj."""
   def __init__(self, addr, msgobj):
     try: self.host, self.port = addr.split(':')
     except: raise ValueError('sam port required')
     self.port = int(self.port)
-    self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    self.sock=pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET,pysocket.SOCK_STREAM)
     self.msgobj = msgobj
       self.sock.connect((self.host, self.port))
@@ -88,13 +87,13 @@ class SAMTerminal:
         line = []
         while True:
           try: c = self.sock.recv(1)
-          except socket.error, ex: self.error = self.lost_error
+          except pysocket.error, ex: self.error = self.lost_error
           if c == '': self.error = self.lost_error
           if self.error != None: return
           if c == '\n': break
           if c != '': line += [c]
         line = ''.join(line)
-        if sam_log:
+        if log:
           logf = open('log.txt', 'a')
           logf.write('\n' + line + '\n')
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ class SAMTerminal:
           remain = int(kwargs['SIZE'])
           while True:
             try: s = self.sock.recv(remain)
-            except socket.error, ex: self.error = self.lost_error
+            except pysocket.error, ex: self.error = self.lost_error
             if s == '': self.error = self.lost_error
             if self.error != None: return
             if s != '': data += [s]
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ class SAMTerminal:
   def check_message(self, kwargs):
     """Raises an error if kwargs['RESULT'] != 'OK'."""
     if not kwargs.get('RESULT', '') in ['OK', '']:
-      raise i2p.sam.NetworkError((kwargs['RESULT'],
+      raise i2p.socket.NetworkError((kwargs['RESULT'],
                                   kwargs.get('MESSAGE', '')))
   def on_message(self, msg, kwargs):
@@ -156,12 +155,12 @@ class SAMTerminal:
        automatically added if none is present."""
     if not '\n' in msg: msg = msg + '\n'
-    if sam_log:
+    if log:
       logf = open('log.txt', 'a')
       logf.write('\n' + msg)
     try: self.sock.sendall(msg)
-    except socket.error: self.error = self.lost_error
+    except pysocket.error: self.error = self.lost_error
   def check(self):
@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ class SAMTerminal:
     # immediately, the data will be lost.  Delay 0.01 s to fix this
     # bug (tested Windows, Linux).
-    self.error = i2p.sam.ClosedError()
+    self.error = i2p.socket.ClosedError()
   def queue_get(self, q):
@@ -230,10 +229,12 @@ class StringBuffer(Deque):
      appended to the end, and read from the beginning.
-       B = StringBuffer('Hello W')
-       B.append('orld!')
-       print B.read(5)        # 'Hello'
-       print B.read()         # 'World!'
+       >>> B = StringBuffer('Hello W')
+       >>> B.append('orld!')
+       >>> B.read(5)
+       'Hello'
+       >>> B.read()
+       'World!'
   def __init__(self, s=''):
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ class BaseSession:
      and RawSession are derived."""
   def __init__(self, addr=''):
-    if addr == '': addr = i2p.sam.samaddr
+    if addr == '': addr = i2p.socket.samaddr
     self.term = SAMTerminal(addr=addr, msgobj=self)
     self.lock = threading.Lock()  # Data lock.
     self.closed = False
@@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ class BaseSession:
   def _hello(self):
     """Internal command, handshake with SAM terminal."""
     self.term.send_message('HELLO VERSION MIN=' +
-                 str(i2p.sam.samver) + ' MAX=' + str(i2p.sam.samver))
+         str(i2p.socket.samver) + ' MAX=' + str(i2p.socket.samver))
   def _on_HELLO_REPLY(self, **kwargs):
@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ class StreamSession(BaseSession):
   """Stream session.  All methods are blocking and threadsafe."""
   def __init__(self, name, addr='', **kwargs):
-    if addr == '': addr = i2p.sam.samaddr
+    if addr == '': addr = i2p.socket.samaddr
     BaseSession.__init__(self, addr)
     self.idmap = {}                # Maps id to Stream object.
     self.qaccept = Queue.Queue()   # Thread messaging, accept.
@@ -443,9 +444,9 @@ class StreamSession(BaseSession):
     # Handle timeout and blocking errors
     if timeout == 0.0:
-      raise i2p.sam.BlockError('command would have blocked')
+      raise i2p.socket.BlockError('command would have blocked')
-      raise i2p.sam.Timeout('timed out')
+      raise i2p.socket.Timeout('timed out')
   def listen(self, backlog):
     """Set maximum number of queued connections."""
@@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ class Stream:
     id = self.id
     if self.closed or id == None:
       if self.err != None: raise self.err
-      raise i2p.sam.ClosedError('stream closed')
+      raise i2p.socket.ClosedError('stream closed')
     if len(s) == 0: return
     nmax = 32768
     for block in [s[i:i+nmax] for i in range(0,len(s),nmax)]:
@@ -584,9 +585,9 @@ class Stream:
     # Handle timeout and blocking error
     if timeout == 0.0:
-      raise i2p.sam.BlockError('command would have blocked')
+      raise i2p.socket.BlockError('command would have blocked')
-      raise i2p.sam.Timeout('timed out')
+      raise i2p.socket.Timeout('timed out')
   def __len__(self):
     """Current length of read buffer."""
@@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ class DatagramSession(BaseSession):
   """Datagram session.  All methods are blocking and threadsafe."""
   def __init__(self, name, addr='', **kwargs):
-    if addr == '': addr = i2p.sam.samaddr
+    if addr == '': addr = i2p.socket.samaddr
     BaseSession.__init__(self, addr)
     self.buf = Deque()                    # FIFO of incoming packets.
     self.name = name
@@ -656,9 +657,9 @@ class DatagramSession(BaseSession):
   def send(self, s, dest):
     """Send packet with contents s to given destination."""
     # Raise error if packet is too large.
-    if len(s) > i2p.sam.MAX_DGRAM:
+    if len(s) > i2p.socket.MAX_DGRAM:
       raise ValueError('packets must have length <= ' +
-                       str(i2p.sam.MAX_DGRAM) + ' bytes')
+                       str(i2p.socket.MAX_DGRAM) + ' bytes')
     self.term.send_message('DATAGRAM SEND DESTINATION=' + dest +
                            ' SIZE=' + str(len(s)) + '\n' + s)
@@ -687,9 +688,9 @@ class DatagramSession(BaseSession):
     # Handle timeout and blocking error
     if timeout == 0.0:
-      raise i2p.sam.BlockError('command would have blocked')
+      raise i2p.socket.BlockError('command would have blocked')
-      raise i2p.sam.Timeout('timed out')
+      raise i2p.socket.Timeout('timed out')
   def __len__(self):
     """Number of packets in read buffer."""
@@ -703,7 +704,7 @@ class RawSession(BaseSession):
   """Raw session.  All methods are blocking and threadsafe."""
   def __init__(self, name, addr='', **kwargs):
-    if addr == '': addr = i2p.sam.samaddr
+    if addr == '': addr = i2p.socket.samaddr
     BaseSession.__init__(self, addr)
     self.buf = Deque()                    # FIFO of incoming packets.
     self.name = name
@@ -727,9 +728,9 @@ class RawSession(BaseSession):
   def send(self, s, dest):
     """Send packet with contents s to given destination."""
     # Raise error if packet is too big
-    if len(s) > i2p.sam.MAX_RAW:
+    if len(s) > i2p.socket.MAX_RAW:
       raise ValueError('packets must have length <= ' +
-                       str(i2p.sam.MAX_RAW) + ' bytes')
+                       str(i2p.socket.MAX_RAW) + ' bytes')
     self.term.send_message('RAW SEND DESTINATION=' + dest +
                            ' SIZE=' + str(len(s)) + '\n' + s)
@@ -755,9 +756,9 @@ class RawSession(BaseSession):
     # Handle timeout and blocking error
     if timeout == 0.0:
-      raise i2p.sam.BlockError('command would have blocked')
+      raise i2p.socket.BlockError('command would have blocked')
-      raise i2p.sam.Timeout('timed out')
+      raise i2p.socket.Timeout('timed out')
   def __len__(self):
     """Number of packets in read buffer."""
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/select.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/select.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e0a0e0f435dcd99a41d0fb68dd0dc6cf2c52019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/select.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# select.py: Emulation of Python select module.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+I2P Python API - Emulation of Python select module.
+import time
+import i2p.socket
+from i2p.pylib import select as pyselect   # Import Python select
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Poll and select
+# --------------------------------------------------
+POLLIN   = 1                    # There is data to read     
+POLLPRI  = 1                    # Same as POLLIN
+POLLOUT  = 4                    # Ready for output
+POLLERR  = 8                    # Wait for error condition
+POLLHUP  = 16                   # Not implemented
+POLLNVAL = 32                   # Not implemented
+class Poll:
+  """Class implementing poll interface.  Works for Python sockets
+     and SAM sockets."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.fds = {}               # Maps _hash() -> (socket, mask)
+  def _hash(self, fd):
+    """Get a unique number for each object."""
+    if isinstance(fd, int):
+      return fd                 # Use the fd itself if integer.
+    else:
+      return id(fd)             # Use object address (no copies!)
+  def register(self, fd, eventmask=POLLIN|POLLOUT|POLLERR):
+    self.fds[self._hash(fd)] = (fd, eventmask)
+  def unregister(self, fd):
+    del self.fds[self._hash(fd)]
+  def poll(self, timeout=None):
+    readlist, writelist, errlist = [], [], []
+    for F, mask in self.fds:
+      if mask & POLLIN:  readlist  += [F]
+      if mask & POLLOUT: writelist += [F]
+      if mask & POLLERR: errlist   += [F]
+    (Rs, Ws, Es) = select(readlist, writelist, errlist,
+                          timeout=timeout)
+    ans = []
+    for R in Rs: ans.append((R, POLLIN))
+    for W in Ws: ans.append((W, POLLOUT))
+    for E in Es: ans.append((E, POLLERR))
+    return ans
+def poll():
+  """Returns a polling object.  Works on SAM sockets and Python
+     sockets.  See select.poll() in the Python library for more
+     information.
+     Polling flags specified in this module:
+     - POLLIN
+     - POLLOUT
+     - POLLERR
+     - POLLHUP
+     - POLLNVAL
+     - POLLPRI
+  return Poll()
+def select(readlist, writelist, errlist, timeout=None):
+  """Performs a select call.  Works on SAM sockets and Python
+     sockets.  See select.select() in the Python library for more
+     information."""
+  Rans = []
+  Wans = []
+  Eans = []
+  if timeout != None: end = time.clock() + timeout
+  while True:
+    # FIXME: Check performance.
+    # Use pyselect.poll for Python sockets, if needed for speed.
+    # Check for read availability.
+    for R in readlist:
+      if isinstance(R, int) or hasattr(R, 'fileno'):
+        # Python socket
+        if len(pyselect.select([R], [], [], 0.0)[0]) > 0:
+          Rans.append(R)
+      else:
+        # SAM Socket
+        if R.type == i2p.socket.SOCK_STREAM:
+          try:
+            R._verify_connected()
+            Rans.append(R)
+          except:
+            pass
+        else:
+          if len(R) > 0: Rans.append(R)
+    # Check for write availability.
+    for W in writelist:
+      if isinstance(W, int) or hasattr(W, 'fileno'):
+        # Python socket
+        if len(pyselect.select([], [W], [], 0.0)[1]) > 0:
+          Wans.append(W)
+      else:
+        # SAM Socket
+        if W.type == i2p.socket.SOCK_STREAM:
+          try:
+            W._verify_connected()
+            Wans.append(W)
+          except:
+            pass
+        else:
+          Wans.append(W)
+    # Check for error conditions.
+    # These can only be stream errors.
+    for E in errlist:
+      if isinstance(E, int) or hasattr(E, 'fileno'):
+        # Python socket
+        if len(pyselect.select([], [], [E], 0.0)[2]) > 0:
+          Eans.append(E)
+      else:
+        if E.type == i2p.socket.SOCK_STREAM:
+          try:
+            # FIXME: Use a ._get_error() function for errors.
+            # Socket can only have an error if it connected.
+            E._verify_connected()
+            if E.sessobj.err != None:
+              Eans.append(E)
+          except:
+            pass
+    if timeout != None and time.clock() >= end: break
+    if len(Rans) != 0 or len(Wans) != 0 or len(Eans) != 0: break
+    time.sleep(0.01)
+  return (Rans, Wans, Eans)
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/socket.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/socket.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd67a21a4a4adb6e54ed607c01b3bdfcd089ee7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/socket.py
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# socket.py: Emulation of Python socket module.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+Emulation of Python socket module using SAM.
+import i2p
+import samclasses, threading, time, copy, Queue, thread
+from i2p.pylib import socket as pysocket   # Import Python socket
+from i2p.pylib import select as pyselect   # Import Python select
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Global variables
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Ports
+samaddr   = ''    # Default port for SAM Bridge
+# Flags for recv, recvfrom.
+MSG_PEEK     = 2                # Peek at incoming message
+MSG_WAITALL  = 64               # Wait for data or error
+MSG_DONTWAIT = 128              # Nonblocking
+# Packet sizes
+MAX_DGRAM     = 31744           # Max size of datagram packet
+MAX_RAW       = 32768           # Max size of raw packet
+# Socket types
+SOCK_STREAM   = 1               # Stream socket
+SOCK_DGRAM    = 2               # Datagram socket
+SOCK_RAW      = 3               # Raw socket
+# Miscellaneous
+samver        = 1.0             # SAM version implemented
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Errors
+# --------------------------------------------------
+class Error(i2p.Error):
+  """Base class for all SAM errors."""
+class NetworkError(Error):
+  """Network error occurred within I2P.
+     The error object is a 2-tuple: (errtag, errdesc).
+     errtag is a SAM error string,
+     errdesc is a human readable error description.
+  """
+class ClosedError(Error):
+  """A command was used on a socket that closed gracefully."""
+class BlockError(Error):
+  """Socket call would have blocked."""
+class Timeout(Error):
+  """Time out occurred for a socket which had timeouts enabled
+     via a prior call to settimeout()."""
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Sockets
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Note: socket(), __make_session() and Socket() should have same args
+def socket(session, type, samaddr=samaddr, **kwargs):
+  r"""Create a new socket.  Argument session should be a session
+     name -- if the name has not yet been used, an I2P
+     Destination will be created for it, otherwise, the
+     existing Destination will be re-used.  An empty session
+     string causes a transient session to be created.  Argument
+     type is one of SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, or SOCK_RAW.
+     I2P configuration keyword arguments:
+       - in_depth  - depth of incoming tunnel (default 2)
+       - out_depth - depth of outgoing tunnel (default 2)
+     A single session may be shared by more than one socket, if
+     the sockets are the same type, and if the sockets are
+     created within the same Python process.  The socket
+     objects are multithread-safe.
+     Examples:
+       >>> a = i2p.socket('Alice', i2p.SOCK_STREAM)
+       >>> b = i2p.socket('Bob',   i2p.SOCK_DGRAM,
+                          in_depth=2, out_depth=5)
+     The created object behaves identically to a socket from
+     module socket, with the following exceptions:
+       - I2P Destinations are used as address arguments [1].
+       - bind is a no-op: sockets are always bound.
+       - send* methods send all data and are non-blocking.
+     A given session name can only be open in a single Python
+     program at a time.  If you need to overcome this
+     limitation, consider patching I2P.
+     [1].
+     Alternatively, a host name can be used as an address.
+     It will be resolved using hosts.txt.
+     For details on how to use socket objects, see
+     http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/socket-objects.html
+     See the examples directory for code examples.
+  """
+  return Socket(session, type, samaddr, **kwargs)
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Socket session objects
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Global list of session objects.
+_sessions = {}
+_session_lock = threading.Lock()
+def _make_session(session, type, samaddr, **kwargs):
+  """Make a session object (eg samclasses.StreamSession).  Same
+     arguments as socket().  Return an existing session object
+     if one has been previously created under the given name.
+  """
+  # Synchronize
+  _session_lock.acquire()
+  try:
+    if   type == SOCK_STREAM: C = samclasses.StreamSession
+    elif type == SOCK_DGRAM:  C = samclasses.DatagramSession
+    elif type == SOCK_RAW:    C = samclasses.RawSession
+    else: raise ValueError('bad socket type')
+    # Get existing session, if available
+    if session != '' and _sessions.has_key(session):
+      if _sessions[session].__class__ != C:
+        raise ValueError('session ' + repr(session) + ' was ' +
+                         'created with a different session type.')
+      return _sessions[session]
+    # Create new session
+    if   type == SOCK_STREAM: ans = C(session, samaddr, **kwargs)
+    elif type == SOCK_DGRAM:  ans = C(session, samaddr, **kwargs)
+    elif type == SOCK_RAW:    ans = C(session, samaddr, **kwargs)
+    if session != '': _sessions[session] = ans
+    return ans
+  finally: _session_lock.release()
+def _wrap_stream(stream, parent_socket):
+  """Wraps a Socket object around a samclasses.Stream object."""
+  s = Socket('', 0, dummy_socket=True)
+  s.sessobj    = stream
+  s.remotedest = stream.remotedest
+  s.dest       = parent_socket.dest
+  s.session    = parent_socket.session
+  s.type       = parent_socket.type
+  s.timeout    = None
+  s.samaddr    = parent_socket.samaddr
+  s.closed     = False
+  return s
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# Socket class
+# --------------------------------------------------
+class Socket:
+  """A socket object."""
+  # Docstrings for pydoc.  These variables will be overwritten.
+  dest    = property(doc='Local I2P Destination of socket')
+  session = property(doc='Session name')
+  type    = property(doc='Socket type: SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM,' +
+                         ' or SOCK_RAW.')
+  # FIXME: Use getsockopt to detect errors.
+  def __init__(self, session, type, samaddr=samaddr, **kwargs):
+    """Equivalent to socket()."""
+    if kwargs.has_key('dummy_socket'): return
+    self.sessobj  = _make_session(session, type, samaddr, **kwargs)
+    self.dest     = self.sessobj.dest
+    self.session  = session
+    self.type     = type
+    self.timeout  = None        # None indicates blocking mode
+    self.samaddr  = samaddr
+    self.closed   = False       # Was current object closed?
+    self.lock     = threading.Lock()
+  def _verify_open(self):
+    """Verify that the socket has not been closed."""
+    if self.closed == True:
+      raise ClosedError('socket closed')
+  def _verify_stream(self):
+    """Raise an error if socket is not a SOCK_STREAM."""
+    if self.type != SOCK_STREAM:
+      raise i2p.Error('operation not supported')
+    # FIXME: Check for errors also.
+  def _verify_connected(self, needs_to_be_connected=True):
+    """Raise an error if socket is not a connected stream socket."""
+    self._verify_stream()
+    if not hasattr(self.sessobj, 'remotedest'):
+      raise i2p.Error('socket is not connected')
+    if needs_to_be_connected and not self.sessobj.didconnect:
+      raise i2p.Error('socket is in the process of connecting')
+    # FIXME: Check for errors also.
+  def _verify_not_connected(self):
+    """Verify that the socket is not currently connected, and is not
+       in the process of connecting."""
+    self._verify_stream()
+    if hasattr(self.sessobj, 'remotedest'):
+      raise i2p.Error('socket is already connected')
+    # FIXME: Check for errors also.
+  def accept(self):
+    """Accept an incoming connection.  The socket must be type
+       SOCK_STREAM, and listen() must be called prior to this
+       command.  The return value is (conn, remotedest), where
+       conn is a new socket object made for the connection, and
+       remotedest is the remote Destination from which the
+       connection was made.
+       Example:
+         >>> from i2p import socket
+         >>> s = socket.socket('Alice', socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+         >>> s.listen(10)
+       This prepares the server.  Now accept an incoming connection:
+         >>> c, remotedest = s.accept()
+         >>> c.send('hello world!')
+       If accept() is called on a socket that is in non-blocking
+       mode or has a timeout, i2p.socket.BlockError or
+       i2p.socket.Timeout may be raised.  This indicates that no
+       incoming connection is currently available."""
+    self._verify_open()
+    self._verify_not_connected()
+    # Raises BlockError or Timeout if not ready.
+    C = _wrap_stream(self.sessobj.accept(self.timeout), self)
+    return (C, C.remotedest)
+  def bind(self, address):
+    """Does nothing.  Provided for compatibility with the Python
+       socket command bind(), which binds a server to a port."""
+    self._verify_open()
+    self._verify_not_connected()
+  def close(self):
+    """Closes the socket.  It is an error to call any method
+       other than recv() or recvfrom() on a closed socket.
+       For streams, the receive methods return data that was
+       received prior to the closing of the socket.  For
+       datagram and raw sockets, the receive methods cannot
+       be used on a closed socket."""
+    try:
+      self._verify_connected()
+      connected = True
+    except i2p.Error:
+      connected = False
+    if connected:
+      # Close the Stream object.
+      self.sessobj.close()
+    else:
+      # Never close a session object.
+      pass
+    self.closed = True
+  def connect(self, address):
+    """
+    Connect to a remote dest, identified in local SAM bridge's hosts
+    file as host 'address'.
+    For example:
+      >>> s.connect('duck.i2p')
+    Alternatively, you can use a full base64 Destination:
+    Example:
+      >>> s.connect('238797sdfh2k34kjh....AAAA')
+    If connect() is called on a socket that is in non-blocking
+    mode or has a timeout, i2p.socket.BlockError or
+    i2p.socket.Timeout may be raised.  This indicates that the
+    connection is still being initiated.  Use i2p.select.select()
+    to determine when the connection is ready.
+    """
+    # Synchronized.  Lock prevents two connects from occurring at the
+    # same time in different threads.
+    self.lock.acquire()
+    try:
+      self._verify_open()
+      if self.type == SOCK_DGRAM or self.type == SOCK_RAW:
+        self.packet_dest = address
+        return
+      self._verify_not_connected()
+      address = resolve(address, self.samaddr)
+      timeout = self.timeout
+      unwrap = self.sessobj.connect(address, timeout=timeout)
+      w = _wrap_stream(unwrap, self)
+      self.sessobj    = w.sessobj
+      self.remotedest = w.remotedest
+      if self.sessobj.err != None:
+        raise self.sessobj.err
+      # Raise error if not yet connected
+      if not self.sessobj.didconnect:
+        if timeout == 0.0:
+          raise BlockError('command would have blocked.  use ' +
+              'i2p.select.select() to find when socket is connected')
+        else: raise Timeout('timed out.  use i2p.select.select()' +
+                            ' to find when socket is connected')
+    finally: self.lock.release()
+  def connect_ex(self, address):
+    """Like connect(), but return any error that is raised.
+       Returns None if no error is raised."""
+    try: self.connect(address)
+    except i2p.Error, e: return e
+  # Don't implement fileno(), as we don't have a real file handle.
+  def getpeername(self):
+    """Get the remote Destination associated with the socket.
+       This is equivalent to s.remotedest, and is provided for
+       compatibility with the Python socket module."""
+    self._verify_connected()
+    return self.remotedest
+  def getsockname(self):
+    """Get the local Destination associated with the socket.
+       This is equivalent to s.dest, and is provided for
+       compatibility with the Python socket module."""
+    return self.dest
+  def listen(self, backlog):
+    """Listen for connections made to the socket.
+       This method must be called before accept().
+       The backlog argument specifies the maximum number of
+       queued incoming connections."""
+    self._verify_open()
+    self._verify_not_connected()
+    self.sessobj.listen(backlog)
+  def makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
+    """Return a file object for the socket.
+       See socket.makefile() in the Python documentation for
+       more information."""
+    self._verify_open()
+    self._verify_connected()
+    return pysocket._fileobject(self, mode, bufsize)
+  def recv(self, bufsize, flags=0):
+    """Receive string data from the socket.
+       The maximum amount of data to be received is given by
+       bufsize.  If bufsize is zero, this function returns
+       an empty string immediately.  If bufsize is nonzero,
+       this function blocks until at least one character is
+       available for reading.  If the socket has been closed,
+       an empty string is returned as an end of file indicator.
+       If recv() is called on a socket that is in non-blocking
+       mode or has a timeout, i2p.socket.BlockError or
+       i2p.socket.Timeout will be raised if data is not available
+       within the given timeframe.
+       For a datagram or raw socket, the first bufsize characters
+       of the packet are read, and the remainder of the packet is
+       discarded.  To read the entire packet, use bufsize = -1.
+       For datagram and raw sockets, the packet may originate from
+       any Destination.  Use recvfrom() with datagrams to determine
+       the Destination from which the packet was received.
+       The flags argument can be a bitwise OR of MSG_PEEK,
+       MSG_WAITALL, and/or MSG_DONTWAIT.  MSG_PEEK indicates that
+       any data read should not be removed from the socket's
+       incoming buffer.  MSG_WAITALL indicates to wait for exactly
+       bufsize characters or an error.  MSG_DONTWAIT indicates
+       that the recv() command should not block execution.
+       """
+    # FIXME: What about recv'ing if connected in asynchronous mode?
+    # It is acceptable to call recv() after a stream has closed
+    # gracefully.  It is an error to call recv() after a stream has
+    # closed due to an I2P network error.
+    timeout = self.timeout
+    (peek, waitall, dontwait) = \
+      (flags & MSG_PEEK, flags & MSG_WAITALL, flags & MSG_DONTWAIT)
+    if dontwait: timeout = 0.0
+    if self.type == SOCK_STREAM:
+      self._verify_connected()
+      return self.sessobj.recv(bufsize, timeout, peek, waitall)
+    else:
+      return self.recvfrom(bufsize, flags)[0]
+  def recvfrom(self, bufsize, flags=0):
+    """Like recv(), but returns a tuple (data, remoteaddr), where
+       data is the string data received, and remoteaddr is the
+       remote Destination."""
+    timeout = self.timeout
+    (peek, waitall, dontwait) = \
+      (flags & MSG_PEEK, flags & MSG_WAITALL, flags & MSG_DONTWAIT)
+    if dontwait: timeout = 0.0
+    if self.type == SOCK_STREAM:
+      self._verify_connected()
+      if bufsize < 0: raise ValueError('bufsize must be >= 0')
+      return (self.sessobj.recv(bufsize, timeout, peek, waitall), \
+              self.remotedest)
+    else:
+      return self.sessobj.recv(timeout, peek)[:bufsize]
+  def send(self, string, flags=0):
+    """Sends string data to a remote Destination.
+       For a stream, connect() must be called prior to send().
+       Once close() is called, no further data can be sent, and
+       the stream cannot be re-opened.
+       For datagram and raw sockets, connect() only specifies
+       a Destination to which packets are sent to.  send() will
+       then send a packet to the given Destination.  connect()
+       can be used multiple times.
+       The send() command never blocks execution.  The flags
+       argument is ignored.
+    """
+    self._verify_open()
+    if self.type == SOCK_DGRAM or self.type == SOCK_RAW:
+      if not hasattr(self, 'packet_dest'):
+        raise i2p.Error('use connect or sendto to specify a ' +
+                        'Destination')
+      self.sendto(string, flags, self.packet_dest)
+      return
+    self._verify_connected()
+    if self.closed:
+      raise i2p.Error('send operation on closed socket')
+    # FIXME: What about send'ing if connected in asynchronous mode?
+    self.sessobj.send(string)
+  def sendall(self, string, flags=0):
+    """Identical to send()."""
+    self.send(string)
+  def sendto(self, string, flags, address):
+    """Send a packet to the given Destination.
+       Only valid for datagram and raw sockets.  The address
+       argument should be either a name from the hosts file,
+       or a base64 Destination.
+       The sendto() command never blocks execution.  The flags
+       argument is ignored.
+    """
+    self._verify_open()
+    if not self.type in [SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW]:
+      raise i2p.Error('operation not supported')
+    if self.closed:
+      raise i2p.Error('sendto operation on closed socket')
+    address = resolve(address, self.samaddr)
+    self.sessobj.send(string, address)
+  def setblocking(self, flag):
+    """Set blocking or non-blocking mode for the socket.
+       If flag is True, any method called on the socket will
+       hang until the method has completed.  If flag is False,
+       all methods will raise i2p.socket.BlockError() if they
+       cannot complete instantly.
+       s.setblocking(False) is equivalent to s.settimeout(0);
+       s.setblocking(True) is equivalent to s.settimeout(None).
+    """
+    if flag: self.timeout = None
+    else: self.timeout = 0.0
+  def settimeout(self, value):
+    """Set a timeout for the socket.
+       The value argument should be a timeout value in seconds,
+       or None.  None is equivalent to an infinite timeout.
+       A socket operation will raise a i2p.socket.Timeout if
+       the operation cannot complete within in the specified
+       time limit.
+    """
+    self.timeout = value
+  def gettimeout(self):
+    """Get the timeout value."""
+    return self.timeout
+  def __copy__(self):
+    """Returns the original object."""
+    return self
+  def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+    """Returns the original object."""
+    return self
+def resolve(host, samaddr=samaddr):
+  """Resolve I2P host name --> I2P Destination.
+     Returns the same string if host is already a Destination."""
+  if host.find('http://') == 0: host = host[len('http://'):]
+  host = host.rstrip('/')
+  if len(host) >= 256: return host
+  S = samclasses.BaseSession(samaddr)
+  ans = S._namelookup(host)
+  S.close()
+  return ans
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# End of File
+# --------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_eep.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_eep.py
index 34b11f07838c884f2d40c05000a2c88a1a726006..030becc8e03c9a051650a9fbd8e46173b68bc366 100644
--- a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_eep.py
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_eep.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import sys; sys.path += ['../../']
 import traceback, sys
-from i2p import eep, sam, samclasses
+from i2p import eep
 def verify_html(s):
   """Raise an error if s does not end with </html>"""
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_samclasses.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_samclasses.py
index 7609dd3810f5d8bec5d6750ac6b75858105788b2..fb4245aee9080bfe3fc3b194a59ca06bbd233ad3 100644
--- a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_samclasses.py
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_samclasses.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import sys; sys.path += ['../../']
 import traceback, time, thread, threading, random
-from i2p import eep, sam, samclasses
+from i2p import eep, socket, samclasses
 def test_passed(s, msg='OK'):
   """Notify user that the given unit test passed."""
@@ -17,18 +17,6 @@ def verify_html(s):
   """Raise an error if s does not end with </html>"""
   assert s.strip().lower()[-7:] == '</html>'
-def resolve_test(name='duck.i2p'):
-  """Unit test for resolve."""
-  try:
-    rname = sam.resolve(name)
-  except:
-    print 'Unit test failed for sam.resolve'
-    traceback.print_exc(); sys.exit()
-  test_passed('sam.resolve', 'See below')
-  print '  Use hosts.txt to verify that ' + name + '=' +   \
-        rname[:15] + '...'
 def raw_test1():
   """Unit test for samclasses.RawSession."""
@@ -103,7 +91,7 @@ def stream_test1():
   """Unit test for samclasses.StreamSession.connect."""
-    dest = sam.resolve('duck.i2p')
+    dest = socket.resolve('duck.i2p')
     S = samclasses.StreamSession('Bob')
     verify_html(stream_http_get(S, dest))
     verify_html(stream_http_get(S, dest))
@@ -225,7 +213,7 @@ def multithread_packet_test(raw=True):
         # Read any available packets.
         try: (p, fromaddr) = C.recv(timeout=0.0)
-        except sam.BlockError: p = None
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
         if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == D.dest 
@@ -233,7 +221,7 @@ def multithread_packet_test(raw=True):
         try: (p, fromaddr) = D.recv(timeout=0.0)
-        except sam.BlockError: p = None
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
         if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == C.dest 
@@ -256,13 +244,13 @@ def multithread_packet_test(raw=True):
     while time.clock() < end_time:
       # Read any available packets.
       try: (p, fromaddr) = C.recv(timeout=0.0)
-      except sam.BlockError: p = None
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
       if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == D.dest 
       if p != None: C_got += [p]
       try: (p, fromaddr) = D.recv(timeout=0.0)
-      except sam.BlockError: p = None
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
       if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == C.dest 
       if p != None: D_got += [p]
@@ -357,13 +345,13 @@ def multithread_stream_test():
         try: p = Cin.recv(100000, timeout=0.0)
-        except sam.BlockError: p = None
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
         if p != None: C_got += [p]
         try: p = Din.recv(100000, timeout=0.0)
-        except sam.BlockError: p = None
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
         if p != None: D_got += [p]
@@ -383,11 +371,11 @@ def multithread_stream_test():
     while time.clock() < end_time:
       # Read any available string data, non-blocking.
       try: p = Cin.recv(100000, timeout=0.0)
-      except sam.BlockError: p = None
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
       if p != None: C_got += [p]
       try: p = Din.recv(100000, timeout=0.0)
-      except sam.BlockError: p = None
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
       if p != None: D_got += [p]
       if len(''.join(C_got)) == len(''.join(C_recv)) and \
@@ -428,7 +416,6 @@ def test():
   print 'Testing:'
-  resolve_test()
@@ -437,7 +424,7 @@ def test():
  # Note: The datagram unit test fails, but it's apparently I2P's
- # fault (the code is the same as for raw packets, and the sam
+ # fault (the code is the same as for raw packets, and the SAM
  # bridge is sent all the relevant data).
  # Code: multithread_packet_test(raw=False)
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_socket.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_socket.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..987e5ec21452f935685b2dfe43b6fffec109b156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_socket.py
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# test_socket.py: Unit tests for socket, select.
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# Make sure we can import i2p
+import sys; sys.path += ['../../']
+import traceback, time, thread, threading, random, copy
+from i2p import socket, select
+def test_passed(s, msg='OK'):
+  """Notify user that the given unit test passed."""
+  print '  ' + (s + ':').ljust(50) + msg
+def verify_html(s):
+  """Raise an error if s does not end with </html>"""
+  assert s.strip().lower()[-7:] == '</html>'
+def resolve_test(name='duck.i2p'):
+  """Unit test for resolve."""
+  try:
+    rname = socket.resolve(name)
+  except:
+    print 'Unit test failed for socket.resolve'
+    traceback.print_exc(); sys.exit()
+  test_passed('socket.resolve', 'See below')
+  print '  Use hosts.txt to verify that ' + name + '=' +   \
+        rname[:15] + '...'
+def stream_client(dest):
+  """Sub-unit test for socket.socket in SOCK_STREAM mode."""
+  S = socket.socket('Alice', socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+  S.connect(dest)
+  S.send('GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n')          # Send request
+  f = S.makefile()                          # File object
+  while True:                               # Read header
+    line = f.readline().strip()             # Read a line
+    if line == '': break                    # Content begins
+  s = f.read()                              # Get content
+  f.close()
+  S.close()
+def stream_client_test():
+  """Unit test for socket.socket in SOCK_STREAM mode."""
+  url = 'duck.i2p'
+  stream_client('http://' + url + '/')
+  stream_client(url)
+  stream_client(url + '/')
+  stream_client('http://' + url)
+  stream_client(socket.resolve('http://' + url + '/'))
+  test_passed('socket.socket stream client')
+def packet_test(raw=True):
+  """Unit test for socket.socket in SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_RAW modes."""
+  try:
+    multithread_wait_time = 500.0
+    may_need_increase = False
+    kwargs = {'in_depth': 0, 'out_depth': 0}
+    if raw:
+      C = socket.socket('Carola', socket.SOCK_RAW, **kwargs)
+      D = socket.socket('Davey', socket.SOCK_RAW, **kwargs)
+    else:
+      C = socket.socket('Carol', socket.SOCK_DGRAM, **kwargs)
+      D = socket.socket('Dave', socket.SOCK_DGRAM, **kwargs)
+    global C_recv, D_recv, C_got, D_got, __lock
+    C_recv = []          # Packets C *should* receive
+    D_recv = []          # Packets D *should* receive
+    C_got  = []          # Packets C actually got
+    D_got  = []          # Packets D actually got
+    n = 50               # Create n threads
+    m = 40               # Each thread sends m packets
+    global __done_count
+    __done_count = 0
+    __lock = threading.Lock()
+    # Use C and D to send and read in many different threads.
+    def f():
+      # This code is run in each separate thread
+      global C_recv, D_recv, C_got, D_got, __lock, __done_count
+      for i in range(m):
+        # Random binary string of length 2-80.
+        index_list = range(random.randrange(2, 80))
+        s = ''.join([chr(random.randrange(256)) for j in index_list])
+        if random.randrange(2) == 0:
+          # Send packet from C to D, and log it.
+          C.sendto(s, 0, D.dest)
+          __lock.acquire()
+          D_recv += [s]
+          __lock.release()
+        else:
+          # Send packet from D to C, and log it.
+          D.sendto(s, 0, C.dest)
+          __lock.acquire()
+          C_recv += [s]
+          __lock.release()
+        time.sleep(0.01*random.uniform(0.0,1.0))
+        # Read any available packets.
+        try: (p, fromaddr) = C.recvfrom(1000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
+        if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == D.dest 
+        __lock.acquire()
+        if p != None: C_got += [p]
+        __lock.release()
+        try: (p, fromaddr) = D.recvfrom(1000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
+        if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == C.dest 
+        __lock.acquire()
+        if p != None: D_got += [p]
+        __lock.release()
+      __lock.acquire()
+      __done_count += 1
+      __lock.release()
+    # Create n threads.
+    for i in range(n):
+      threading.Thread(target=f).start()
+    # Wait for them to finish.
+    while __done_count < n: time.sleep(0.01)
+    # Read any left-over received packets.
+    end_time = time.clock() + multithread_wait_time
+    while time.clock() < end_time:
+      # Read any available packets.
+      try: (p, fromaddr) = C.recvfrom(1000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
+      if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == D.dest 
+      if p != None: C_got += [p]
+      try: (p, fromaddr) = D.recvfrom(1000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
+      if p != None and not raw: assert fromaddr == C.dest 
+      if p != None: D_got += [p]
+      if len(C_got) == len(C_recv) and len(D_got) == len(D_recv):
+        break
+    if time.clock() >= end_time:
+      may_need_increase = True
+    C_got.sort()
+    D_got.sort()
+    C_recv.sort()
+    D_recv.sort()
+    assert C_got == C_recv
+    assert D_got == D_recv
+    C.close()
+    D.close()
+  except:
+    if raw:
+      print 'Unit test failed for socket.socket (SOCK_RAW).'
+      print 'Raw packets are not reliable.'
+    else:
+      print 'Unit test failed for socket.socket (SOCK_DGRAM).'
+      print 'Datagram packets are not reliable.'
+    if may_need_increase:
+      print 'Try increasing multithread_wait_time.'
+    traceback.print_exc(); sys.exit()
+  if raw:
+    test_passed('socket.socket (SOCK_RAW)')
+  else:
+    test_passed('socket.socket (SOCK_DGRAM)')
+def stream_test():
+  """Multithreaded unit test for socket.socket (SOCK_STREAM)."""
+  try:
+    multithread_wait_time = 200.0
+    may_need_increase = False
+    kwargs = {'in_depth':0, 'out_depth':0}
+    C = socket.socket('Carolic', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kwargs)
+    D = socket.socket('David', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kwargs)
+    Cout = socket.socket('Carolic', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kwargs)
+    Dout = socket.socket('David', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kwargs)
+    assert C.dest == Cout.dest
+    assert D.dest == Dout.dest
+    C.listen(5)
+    D.listen(5)
+    Cout.connect(D.dest)
+    Dout.connect(C.dest)
+    (Cin, ignoredest) = C.accept()
+    (Din, ignoredest) = D.accept()
+    global C_recv, D_recv, C_got, D_got, __lock
+    C_recv = []          # String data C *should* receive
+    D_recv = []          # String data D *should* receive
+    C_got  = []          # String data C actually got
+    D_got  = []          # String data D actually got
+    n = 50               # Create n threads
+    m = 40               # Each thread sends m strings
+    global __done_count
+    __done_count = 0
+    __lock = threading.Lock()
+    # Use C and D to send and read in many different threads.
+    def f():
+      # This code is run in each separate thread
+      global C_recv, D_recv, C_got, D_got, __lock, __done_count
+      for i in range(m):
+        # Random binary string of length 2-80.
+        index_list = range(random.randrange(2, 80))
+        s = ''.join([chr(random.randrange(256)) for j in index_list])
+        if random.randrange(2) == 0:
+          # Send packet from C to D, and log it.
+          __lock.acquire()
+          Cout.send(s)
+          D_recv += [s]
+          __lock.release()
+        else:
+          # Send packet from D to C, and log it.
+          __lock.acquire()
+          Dout.send(s)
+          C_recv += [s]
+          __lock.release()
+        time.sleep(0.01*random.uniform(0.0,1.0))
+        # Read any available string data, non-blocking.
+        __lock.acquire()
+        try: p = Cin.recv(100000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
+        if p != None: C_got += [p]
+        __lock.release()
+        __lock.acquire()
+        try: p = Din.recv(100000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+        except socket.BlockError: p = None
+        if p != None: D_got += [p]
+        __lock.release()
+      __lock.acquire()
+      __done_count += 1
+      __lock.release()
+    # Create n threads.
+    for i in range(n):
+      threading.Thread(target=f).start()
+    # Wait for them to finish.
+    while __done_count < n: time.sleep(0.01)
+    # Read any left-over received string data.
+    end_time = time.clock() + multithread_wait_time
+    while time.clock() < end_time:
+      # Read any available string data, non-blocking.
+      try: p = Cin.recv(100000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
+      if p != None: C_got += [p]
+      try: p = Din.recv(100000, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+      except socket.BlockError: p = None
+      if p != None: D_got += [p]
+      if len(''.join(C_got)) == len(''.join(C_recv)) and \
+         len(''.join(D_got)) == len(''.join(D_recv)):
+        break
+    if time.clock() >= end_time:
+      may_need_increase = True
+    C_got = ''.join(C_got)
+    D_got = ''.join(D_got)
+    C_recv = ''.join(C_recv)
+    D_recv = ''.join(D_recv)
+    assert C_got == C_recv
+    assert D_got == D_recv
+    Cin.close()
+    Din.close()
+    Cout.close()
+    Dout.close()
+    C.close()
+    D.close()
+  except:
+    print 'Unit test failed for socket.socket ' + \
+          '(SOCK_STREAM, multithreaded).'
+    if may_need_increase:
+      print 'Try increasing multithread_wait_time.'
+    traceback.print_exc(); sys.exit()
+  test_passed('socket.socket (SOCK_STREAM, multithreaded)')
+def noblock_stream_test():
+  """Unit test for non-blocking stream commands and listen."""
+  kwargs = {'in_depth': 0, 'out_depth': 0}
+  serv = socket.socket('Allison',socket.SOCK_STREAM,**kwargs)
+  serv.setblocking(False)
+  serv.listen(100)
+  assert serv.gettimeout() == 0.0
+  msg_to_client = 'Hi, client!!!!'
+  msg_to_server = 'Hi, server!'
+  nconnects = 5
+  global server_done, client_count, client_lock
+  server_done = False
+  client_count = 0
+  client_lock = threading.Lock()
+  def serv_func(n = nconnects):
+    while True:
+      try:
+        (C, ignoredest) = serv.accept()
+        C.send(msg_to_client)
+        rmsg = C.recv(len(msg_to_server), socket.MSG_WAITALL)
+        if rmsg != msg_to_server:
+          raise ValueError('message should have been: ' +
+            repr(msg_to_server) + ' was: ' + repr(rmsg))
+        C.close()
+        n -= 1
+        if n == 0: break
+      except socket.BlockError:
+        pass
+      time.sleep(0.01)
+    global server_done
+    server_done = True
+  def client_func():
+    # FIXME: i2p.socket.NetworkError('TIMEOUT', '') errors are produced
+    # for our streams if we use '' for all clients.  Why?
+    C = socket.socket('Bobb', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kwargs)
+    C.setblocking(False)
+    try:
+      C.connect(serv.dest)
+    except socket.BlockError:
+      # One could also use timeout=0.1 and loop
+      (Rlist, Wlist, Elist) = select.select([C], [C], [C])
+      if len(Elist) > 0:
+        assert Elist[0] == C
+        raise Elist[0].sessobj.err
+    C.send(msg_to_server)
+    C.setblocking(True)
+    rmsg = C.recv(len(msg_to_client), socket.MSG_WAITALL)
+    if rmsg != msg_to_client:
+      raise ValueError('message should have been: ' +
+        repr(msg_to_client) + ' was: ' + repr(rmsg))
+    C.close()
+    global client_count, client_lock
+    # Synchronized
+    client_lock.acquire()
+    try: client_count += 1
+    finally: client_lock.release()
+  thread.start_new_thread(serv_func, ())
+  for i in range(nconnects):
+    thread.start_new_thread(client_func, ())
+  while True:
+    if server_done and client_count == nconnects: break
+    time.sleep(0.01)
+  test_passed('socket.listen (SOCK_STREAM), and non-blocking IO')
+def multi_stream_test(n):
+  """See if we can have n streams open at once."""
+  server = None
+  client = [None] * n
+  kwargs = {'in_depth': 0, 'out_depth': 0}
+  server = socket.socket('Aligi',socket.SOCK_STREAM,**kwargs)
+  server.listen(n)
+  for i in range(n):
+    client[i] = socket.socket('Bobo', socket.SOCK_STREAM, \
+                           in_depth=0, out_depth=0)
+  for i in range(n):
+    client[i].connect(server.dest)
+    client[i].send('Hi')
+  for i in range(n):
+    client[i].close()
+  server.close()
+  test_passed(str(n) + ' streams open at once')
+# Todo:
+# select, poll
+# More nonblocking unit tests
+def test():
+  print 'Testing:'
+  print "Comment and uncomment tests manually, if they don't finish."
+  resolve_test()
+  noblock_stream_test()
+  stream_client_test()
+  packet_test(raw=True)
+  packet_test(raw=False)
+  stream_test()
+  multi_stream_test(200)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  test()
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_tunnel.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_tunnel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e218ecb2fda478083b20a2bb8dc8481ef644178e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/test/test_tunnel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# test_tunnel.py: Demos for tunnel (unit tests needed).
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# Make sure we can import i2p
+import sys; sys.path += ['../../']
+import time
+from i2p import tunnel
+def tunnel_server_demo():
+  """Demo for tunnel.TunnelServer."""
+  T = tunnel.TunnelServer('Alisick', 8080, in_depth=0, out_depth=0)
+  print 'Server ready at:'
+  print T.dest
+  while True:
+    time.sleep(0.01)
+def tunnel_client_demo():
+  """Demo for tunnel.TunnelClient."""
+  T = tunnel.TunnelClient('Alliaha', 8001, 'duck.i2p', \
+                       in_depth=0, out_depth=0)
+  print 'Serving up duck.i2p at'
+  while True:
+    time.sleep(0.01)
+def test():
+  print 'Demo:'
+# Demos:
+#  tunnel_server_demo()
+  tunnel_client_demo()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  test()
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/tunnel.py b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/tunnel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..438c4de8369fccec66f953828f67d5e812021917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sam/python/src/i2p/tunnel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# tunnel.py: Python SAM Tunnel classes
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+"""Exchange data between I2P and regular TCP sockets."""
+import time, threading, sys
+import i2p
+import i2p.socket
+import i2p.select
+from i2p.pylib import socket as pysocket   # Import Python socket
+def _exchange_data(A, B):
+  """Exchanges data A <-> B between open stream sockets A and B."""
+  # FIXME: There's recv errors that we should be shutting
+  #        down sockets for, but this seems to work OK.
+  err = None
+  try:
+    # Send data from A -> B while available.
+    while True:
+      # A -> B.
+      A.setblocking(False)
+      try: s = A.recv(1024)
+      except Exception, e: s = None
+      if s == '': raise i2p.socket.ClosedError
+      if s == None:
+        # No data available.  Stop sending A -> B.
+        break
+      else:
+        B.setblocking(True)
+        B.sendall(s)
+  except Exception, e:
+    err = e
+  try:
+    # Send data from B -> A while available.
+    while True:
+      # B -> A.
+      B.setblocking(False)
+      try: s = B.recv(1024)
+      except Exception, e: s = None
+      if s == '': raise i2p.socket.ClosedError
+      if s == None:
+        # No data available.  Stop sending B -> A.
+        break
+      else:
+        A.setblocking(True)
+        A.sendall(s)
+  except Exception, e:
+    err = e
+  # Re-raise error after finishing communications both ways.
+  if err != None: raise err
+def _test_connected(B):
+  """Raises an error if socket B is not yet connected."""
+  [Rlist, Wlist, Elist] = i2p.select.select([B], [B], [B], 0.0)
+  if len(Wlist) == 0:
+    raise ValueError('socket not yet connected')
+class Tunnel:
+  def __init__(self, receive, make_send, nconnect=-1, timeout=60.0):
+    """A Tunnel relays connections from a 'receive' socket to one
+       or more 'send' sockets.  The receive socket must be bound
+       and listening.  For each incoming connection, a new send
+       socket is created by calling make_send().  Data is then
+       exchanged between the created streams until one socket is
+       closed.  nconnect is the maximum number of simultaneous
+       connections (-1 for infinite), and timeout is the time that
+       a single connection can last for (None allows a connection
+       to last forever).
+       Sockets must accept stream traffic and support the Python
+       socket interface.  A separate daemonic thread is created to
+       manage the tunnel.  For high performance, make_send() should
+       make a socket and connect in non-blocking mode (you should
+       catch and discard the i2p.socket.BlockError or socket.error
+       due to executing connect on a non-blocking socket).
+       Security Note:
+       A firewall is needed to maintain the end user's anonymity.
+       An attacker could keep a tunnel socket open by pinging it
+       regularly.  The accepted sockets from 'receive' must prevent
+       this by closing down eventually.
+       Socket errors do not cause the Tunnel to shut down.
+    """
+    self.receive = receive
+    self.make_send = make_send
+    self.receive.setblocking(False)
+    self.alive = True
+    self.nconnect = nconnect
+    self.timeout = timeout
+    T = threading.Thread(target=self._run, args=())
+    T.setDaemon(True)
+    T.start()
+  def _run(self):
+    """Manage the tunnel in a separate thread."""
+    tunnels = []
+    while True:
+      # Look for a new connection
+      if self.nconnect < 0 or len(tunnels) < self.nconnect:
+        (A, B) = (None, None)
+        try:
+          (A, ignoredest) = self.receive.accept()
+          A.setblocking(False)
+          B = self.make_send()
+          B.setblocking(False)
+          if self.timeout != None: t = time.time() + self.timeout
+          else: t = None
+          tunnels.append((A, B, t))
+        except Exception, e:
+          try:
+            if A != None:
+              A.setblocking(False); A.close()
+          except Exception, e: pass
+          try: 
+            if B != None:
+              B.setblocking(False); B.close()
+          except Exception, e: pass
+      # Send data between existing connections
+      new_tunnels = []
+      for (A, B, t) in tunnels:
+        # For each connection pair, send data.
+        try:
+          if t != None: assert time.time() <= t
+          # Test whether B is successfully connected
+          _test_connected(B)
+          # Send A <-> B.
+          _exchange_data(A, B)
+          if self.timeout != None: t = time.time() + self.timeout
+          else: t = None
+          new_tunnels.append((A, B, t))
+        except Exception, e:
+          # Catch errors.  Kill the connection if it's been at
+          # least timeout seconds since last non-erroneous call
+          # to _exchange_data, or if stream was closed.  This
+          # allows stream-not-finished-connecting errors to be
+          # dropped within the timeout.
+          time_ok = True
+          if self.timeout != None:
+            if time.time() > t: time_ok = False
+          if time_ok and not isinstance(e, i2p.socket.ClosedError):
+            # Don't kill connection yet
+            new_tunnels.append((A, B, t))
+          else:
+            # We've only gotten errors for 'timeout' s.
+            # Drop the connection.
+            try: A.setblocking(False); A.close()
+            except Exception, e: pass
+            try: B.setblocking(False); B.close()
+            except Exception, e: pass
+      tunnels = new_tunnels
+      time.sleep(0.01)
+      # Shut down all connections if self.close() was called.
+      if not self.alive:
+        for (A, B, t) in tunnels:
+          try: A.setblocking(False); A.close()
+          except: pass
+          try: B.setblocking(False); B.close()
+          except: pass
+        break
+  def close(self):
+    """Close all connections made for this tunnel."""
+    self.alive = False
+class TunnelServer(Tunnel):
+  dest = property(doc='I2P Destination of server.')
+  session = property(doc='Session name for server.')
+  def __init__(self, session, port, samaddr=i2p.socket.samaddr,
+               nconnect=-1, timeout=None, **kwargs):
+    """Tunnels incoming SAM streams --> localhost:port.
+       nconnect and timeout are the maximum number of connections
+       and maximum time per connection.  All other arguments are
+       passed to i2p.socket.socket().  This call blocks until the
+       tunnel is ready."""
+    S = i2p.socket.socket(session, i2p.socket.SOCK_STREAM, samaddr,
+                          **kwargs)
+    S.listen(64)
+    self.session = session
+    self.dest = S.dest
+    def make_send():
+      C = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_STREAM)
+      C.setblocking(False)
+      try: C.connect(('', port))
+      except: pass   # Ignore 'would have blocked' error
+      return C
+    Tunnel.__init__(self, S, make_send, nconnect, timeout)
+class TunnelClient(Tunnel):
+  remotedest = property(doc='Remote Destination.')
+  dest = property('Local Destination used for routing.')
+  session = property('Session name for local Destination.')
+  def __init__(self, session, port, dest, samaddr=i2p.socket.samaddr,
+               nconnect=-1, timeout=None, **kwargs):
+    """Tunnels localhost:port --> I2P Destination dest.
+       A session named 'session' is created locally, for purposes
+       of routing to 'dest'.  nconnect and timeout are the maximum
+       number of connections and maximum time per connection.  All
+       other arguments are passed to i2p.socket.socket().  This call
+       blocks until the tunnel is ready."""
+    S = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    S.bind(('', port))
+    S.listen(4)
+    obj = i2p.socket.socket(session, i2p.socket.SOCK_STREAM, samaddr,
+                            **kwargs)
+    self.session = session
+    self.dest = obj.dest
+    def make_send():
+      C = i2p.socket.socket(session, i2p.socket.SOCK_STREAM, samaddr,
+                            **kwargs)
+      C.setblocking(False)
+      try: C.connect(dest)
+      except: pass   # Ignore 'would have blocked' error
+      return C
+    Tunnel.__init__(self, S, make_send, nconnect, timeout)