diff --git a/apps/routerconsole/java/src/net/i2p/router/web/helpers/HomeHelper.java b/apps/routerconsole/java/src/net/i2p/router/web/helpers/HomeHelper.java
index 9edc0bce09c5675d7b41e2a37c7d712722d919a9..bc1aab8f25713a7d4860d9f6f7b025260a6046b9 100644
--- a/apps/routerconsole/java/src/net/i2p/router/web/helpers/HomeHelper.java
+++ b/apps/routerconsole/java/src/net/i2p/router/web/helpers/HomeHelper.java
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class HomeHelper extends HelperBase {
         "anoncoin.i2p" + S + _x("The Anoncoin project") + S + "http://anoncoin.i2p/" + S + I + "anoncoin_32.png" + S +
         _x("I2P Bug Reports") + S + _x("Bug tracker") + S + "http://trac.i2p2.i2p/report/1" + S + I + "bug.png" + S +
         //"colombo-bt.i2p" + S + _x("The Italian Bittorrent Resource") + S + "http://colombo-bt.i2p/" + S + I + "colomboicon.png" + S +
-        _x("Dev Builds") + S + _x("Development builds of I2P") + S + "http://bobthebuilder.i2p/" + S + I + "script_gear.png" + S +
+        //_x("Dev Builds") + S + _x("Development builds of I2P") + S + "http://bobthebuilder.i2p/" + S + I + "script_gear.png" + S +
         _x("Dev Forum") + S + _x("Development forum") + S + "http://zzz.i2p/" + S + I + "group_gear.png" + S +
         //_x("diftracker") + S + _x("Bittorrent tracker") + S + "http://diftracker.i2p/" + S + I + "magnet.png" + S +
         "echelon.i2p" + S + _x("I2P Applications") + S + "http://echelon.i2p/" + S + I + "box_open.png" + S +
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class HomeHelper extends HelperBase {
         _x("Planet I2P") + S + _x("I2P News") + S + "http://planet.i2p/" + S + I + "world.png" + S +
         _x("I2P Plugins") + S + _x("Add-on directory") + S + "http://i2pwiki.i2p/index.php?title=Plugins" + S + I + "info/plugin_link.png" + S +
         //_x("Postman's Tracker") + S + _x("Bittorrent tracker") + S + "http://tracker2.postman.i2p/" + S + I + "magnet.png" + S +
-        _x("PrivateBin") + S + _x("Encrypted I2P Pastebin") + S + "http://paste.crypthost.i2p/" + S + I + "paste_plain.png" + S +
+        //_x("PrivateBin") + S + _x("Encrypted I2P Pastebin") + S + "http://paste.crypthost.i2p/" + S + I + "paste_plain.png" + S +
         _x("Project Website") + S + _x("I2P home page") + S + "http://i2p-projekt.i2p/" + S + I + "info_rhombus.png" + S +
         //_x("lenta news [ru]") + S + _x("Russian News Feed") + S + "http://lenta.i2p/" + S + I + "lenta_main_logo.png" + S +
         //"Salt" + S + "salt.i2p" + S + "http://salt.i2p/" + S + I + "salt_console.png" + S +