diff --git a/apps/sam/python/README-servers.txt b/apps/sam/python/README-servers.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ec88435b66931530ef5b24e048a270e49bb2e08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/sam/python/README-servers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# This package includes the standard Python socket server modules,
-# SocketServer, BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer and CGIHTTPServer,
-# hacked for compatibility with I2P Sam python sockets.
-# To avoid clashing the standard python modules, you should
-# take care when importing the I2P-ised versions so:
-#     'import SocketServer' becomes 'import i2p.SocketServer'
-#     'import BaseHTTPServer' -> 'import i2p.BaseHTTPServer'
-#     'import SimpleHTTPServer' -> 'import i2p.SimpleHTTPServer'
-#     'import CGIHTTPServer' -> 'import i2p.CGIHTTPServer'
-# Enclosed here is a minimally simple yet working httpd, in file
-# 'example_httpd.py'.
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/bugs.txt b/apps/sam/python/bugs.txt
index 93005b13b03037c99a1b37132b2990139dab4e0e..24f9c21bc3fe39ef776c89d73bdc788857e5ee9e 100644
--- a/apps/sam/python/bugs.txt
+++ b/apps/sam/python/bugs.txt
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 Known Bugs:
-  * TunnelServer may crash the I2P router in the following
-    ways when a large file is downloaded:
-    * Out of memory exception (for large files)
-    * Mysterious router death with no errors in the router logs
-      (more recently)
-    * BUG! in SAM proxy
-      See http://oregonstate.edu/~barnesc/temp/sam_crash.txt
-  * A small number of datagram packets sent are lost (even in a local
-    loopback).  This is apparently a bug in I2P.
+  * tunnel.TunnelServer may crash the I2P router when a 20+ MB file
+    is downloaded at 200+ KB/s (only possible with local downloads).
   * Errors raised for sockets are non entirely consistent.
     See todo.txt for how to fix this.
   * A session does not close until a program exits.
     This should be fine once I2P is patched to allow multiple
     programs to use a single session at once.
-  * i2p.router.start() does not work.
\ No newline at end of file
+  * i2p.router.start() does not work.
+Fixed Bugs:
+  * Large downloads are no longer corrupted (fixed by jrandom in I2P
+    core).
+  * Datagram packets are no longer lost, for a local server and
+    client (fixed by jrandom in I2P core).
diff --git a/apps/sam/python/license.txt b/apps/sam/python/license.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index da647f51b604e0594f70d316cc6af641499a57d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/sam/python/license.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Everything in this directory tree is in the public domain,
-# except for the following files:
-#     - src/i2p/SocketServer.py
-#     - src/i2p/BaseHTTPServer.py
-#     - src/i2p/SimpleHTTPServer.py
-#     - src/i2p/CGIHTTPServer.py
-# which are derived almost verbatim, and thus are unavoidably
-# covered by the Python license - visit http://www.python.org for
-# details relating to the Python license.