package; import java.util.List; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController; import net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelControllerGroup; public class TunnelEntry { public static final int RUNNING = 1; public static final int STARTING = 2; public static final int NOT_RUNNING = 3; public static final int STANDBY = 4; private final Context mContext; private final TunnelController mController; private final int mId; public static TunnelEntry createNewTunnel( Context ctx, TunnelControllerGroup tcg, TunnelConfig cfg) { int tunnelId = tcg.getControllers().size(); List<String> msgs = TunnelUtil.saveTunnel( ctx, tcg, -1, cfg.getConfig()); // TODO: Do something else with the other messages. Toast.makeText(ctx.getApplicationContext(), msgs.get(0), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); TunnelController cur = TunnelUtil.getController(tcg, tunnelId); return new TunnelEntry(ctx, cur, tunnelId); } public TunnelEntry(Context context, TunnelController controller, int id) { mContext = context; mController = controller; mId = id; } public int getId() { return mId; } public TunnelController getController() { return mController; } /* General tunnel data for any type */ public String getName() { if (mController.getName() != null) return mController.getName(); else return mContext.getResources() .getString(R.string.i2ptunnel_new_tunnel); } public String getInternalType() { return mController.getType(); } public String getType() { return TunnelUtil.getTypeName(mController.getType(), mContext); } public String getDescription() { String rv = mController.getDescription(); if (rv != null) return rv; return ""; } public boolean startAutomatically() { return mController.getStartOnLoad(); } public int getStatus() { if (mController.getIsRunning()) { if (isClient() && mController.getIsStandby()) return STANDBY; else return RUNNING; } else if (mController.getIsStarting()) return STARTING; else return NOT_RUNNING; } public boolean isRunning() { switch (getStatus()) { case STANDBY: case RUNNING: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isClient() { return TunnelUtil.isClient(mController.getType()); } /* Client tunnel data */ public boolean isSharedClient() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(mController.getSharedClient()); } /** * Call this to see if it is okay to linkify getClientLink() * @return true if getClientLink() can be linkified, false otherwise. */ public boolean isClientLinkValid() { return ("ircclient".equals(mController.getType())) && mController.getListenOnInterface() != null && mController.getListenPort() != null; } /** * @return valid host:port only if isClientLinkValid() is true */ public String getClientLink(boolean linkify) { String host = getClientInterface(); String port = getClientPort(); String link = host + ":" + port; if (linkify) { if ("ircclient".equals(mController.getType())) link = "irc://" + link; } return link; } public String getClientInterface() { String rv; if ("streamrclient".equals(mController.getType())) rv = mController.getTargetHost(); else rv = mController.getListenOnInterface(); return rv != null ? rv : ""; } public String getClientPort() { String rv = mController.getListenPort(); return rv != null ? rv : ""; } public String getClientDestination() { String rv; if ("client".equals(getInternalType()) || "ircclient".equals(getInternalType()) || "streamrclient".equals(getInternalType())) rv = mController.getTargetDestination(); else rv = mController.getProxyList(); return rv != null ? rv : ""; } /* Server tunnel data */ /** * Call this to see if it is okay to linkify getServerLink() * @return true if getServerLink() can be linkified, false otherwise. */ public boolean isServerLinkValid() { return ("httpserver".equals(mController.getType()) || "httpbidirserver".equals(mController.getType())) && mController.getTargetHost() != null && mController.getTargetPort() != null; } /** * @return valid host:port only if isServerLinkValid() is true */ public String getServerLink(boolean linkify) { String host; if ("streamrserver".equals(getInternalType())) host = mController.getListenOnInterface(); else host = mController.getTargetHost(); String port = mController.getTargetPort(); if (host == null) host = ""; if (port == null) port = ""; if (host.indexOf(':') >= 0) host = '[' + host + ']'; String link = host + ":" + port; if (linkify) { if ("httpserver".equals(mController.getType()) || "httpbidirserver".equals(mController.getType())) link = "http://" + link; } return link; } public String getDestinationBase64() { String rv = mController.getMyDestination(); if (rv != null) return rv; // if not running, do this the hard way String keyFile = mController.getPrivKeyFile(); if (keyFile != null && keyFile.trim().length() > 0) { PrivateKeyFile pkf = new PrivateKeyFile(keyFile); try { Destination d = pkf.getDestination(); if (d != null) return d.toBase64(); } catch (Exception e) {} } return ""; } public String getDestHashBase32() { String rv = mController.getMyDestHashBase32(); if (rv != null) return rv; return ""; } /* Data for some client and server tunnels */ /* Other output formats */ public boolean isTunnelLinkValid() { if (isClient()) return isClientLinkValid(); else return isServerLinkValid(); } public String getTunnelLink(boolean linkify) { if (isClient()) return getClientLink(linkify); else return getServerLink(linkify); } public Uri getRecommendedAppForTunnel() { int resId = 0; if ("ircclient".equals(mController.getType())) resId = R.string.market_irc; if (resId > 0) return Uri.parse(mContext.getString(resId)); else return null; } public String getDetails() { String details; if (isClient()) details = getClientDestination(); else details = ""; return details; } public Drawable getStatusIcon() { switch (getStatus()) { case STANDBY: return mContext.getResources() .getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_schedule_black_24dp); case STARTING: case RUNNING: case NOT_RUNNING: default: return null; } } public Drawable getStatusBackground() { switch (getStatus()) { case STANDBY: case STARTING: return mContext.getResources() .getDrawable(R.drawable.tunnel_yellow); case RUNNING: return mContext.getResources() .getDrawable(R.drawable.tunnel_green); case NOT_RUNNING: default: return mContext.getResources() .getDrawable(R.drawable.tunnel_red); } } }