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idk / i2p.plugins.tor-updater
Apache License 2.0A Tor package updater and runner as an I2P Plugin. Ship known-good public keys, download a current Tor for the platform in the background, authenticate it, and launch it only if necessary.
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idk / terrarium
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0An I2P-Focused fork of the catbox IRC server, an IRC server focused on simplicity and understandability which supports server-to-server linking. Catbox=>Terrarium because catboxes are usually open, terrariums are closed and may be linked by tunnels.
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I2P Developers / i2psam
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This is an Experimental webextension which introduces a set of new "Private Browsing" modes to Firefox-based browsers(Supporting webextensions) that makes it easier to configure a browser to use I2P securely.
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IRC parts of BRB extracted out to a library so I can avoid bloating apps that don't need things like webview libraries embedded.
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Temporary fork of I2P In Private Browsing which consists of an Android-compatible manifest.json file and release tools only. The remainder of the compatibility changes all live upstream and should be disabled as addon capabilities reach Android.
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Simple Rich Text Editor for working on your eepsite using TinyMCE
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MIT LicenseUpdated -
MIT LicenseUpdated -
STYLIANOS IORDANIS / i2p.plugins.tor-updater
MIT LicenseA Tor package updater and runner as an I2P Plugin. Ship known-good public keys, download a current Tor for the platform in the background, authenticate it, and launch it only if necessary.
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A Tor package updater and runner as an I2P Plugin. Ship known-good public keys, download a current Tor for the platform in the background, authenticate it, and launch it only if necessary.
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Gemini file-server I whipped up in the time it took for the pizza to get here from an example at: https://git.sr.ht/~adnano/go-gemini
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LoveIsGrief / Reseed Tools
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Sets up a Tor bridge over I2P, or connects to a Tor bridge over I2P, using a single hop, via a SAMv3 connection.